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Forums - Sony Discussion - It's official. Worldwide LBP delay. :'(

9 days is not bad, plus its getting more press which is a good thing

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and Oh yeah It really sucks this game is being delayed

this is good for me.... i was expecting my gamestop to be crowded since im going to by NBA 2K9 for the PC 10/21 which is the same day LBp comes out :D sorry for you guys though

Fuck, who cares if it contains phrases from the Quoran? I DON'T. Just release the bloody game already!
Seriously, why does it matter!?!?!?!?!?!

PSN ID: TheSimkin

GamerTag: TheSimkin

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After hearing the song, I find it extremely stupid that they remove the song... If anything this song is a good way for people to be introduced to a style that we aren't used to hear. They probably included this song to show that they are open-minded. I think it's extremely close-minded to ask to remove such a song.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


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axumblade said:
Tbone said:
Guys in case u havent been informed the game got delayed 1 week only,

I know but now it directly effects my motorstorm week. e.e


 Ohh well u got it 1 week earlier her in Europe it releases november 7th.


iclim4 said:
Staude said:

dude. It was a guy who wrote a letter to sony. He said he found it offensive.

Can't be arsed to explain.. read this:

They were very polite people from what I read:

"Certain Arabic hardcore gaming forums are already discussing this, so we decided to take action by emailing you before this spreads to mainstream attention.
We Muslims consider the mixing of music and words from our Holy Quran deeply offending. We hope you would remove that track from the game immediately via an online update, and make sure that all future shipments of the game disk do not contain it."

"We hope you act immediately to avoid any confusion and unnecessary controversy, and we thank you for making such an amazing game."

They even asked it to be removed through an online update.
I do not see anyone "going nuts" over this, nor would I call them crazy.

Oh, and thanks for the link.

I don't know who called them crasy, but there are several factors as to why the other thread exploded.

1. Alot of people were expecting 2-4 weeks delay which is a lot. Especially because of a point i'll make below.

2. People are really looking forward to the game and with (expected) almost a months ekstra wait, i can understand why some people get frustrated.

3. A lot of people are tired of complaining that directly or indirectly has an effect on them. They are tired of minor things being blown way out of proportions and probably also tired of the way the world governments are currently headed.

What we saw in the other thread was a combination of the three points above.

I too am pissed.. not so much now that i know how small the delay is, but that i can't enjoy the game at the time of it's release because someone found 2 small sentences offensive. Atleast here in my country we don't find many things offensively, but when we are affected by other people who get offended over (what we concider) nothing, then we have a tendency to get pissed :p I guess it's natural, the world might have gotten smaller, but the cultural differences are still huge.



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xman said:
9 days is not bad, plus its getting more press which is a good thing


While I agree that more press is a good thing, I think it's very hard to argue that this won't have a negative effect on week 1 sales.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


They should just have given us a Jesus Muhamed and Moses outfit in LBP and it would have been covered launch day intact......I kid...I kid :P (im gonna get banned ain't I)

People before u post read the first post the first page.