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This is a shame that a certain group can dictate to others what can be allowed. Clearly in this case the Music was out there for years before it was used in LBP so I can't see Sony doing this unless they feared it could have been used by some Radicals within that offended group to cause chaos and death.

Resistance never got recalled for shooting in a Church no matter how much it was protested. This also is a Islamic law they are bending to. If we all bent to Religious Law Chritianity wouldn't even exist. Point being the Law is there for Muslims to follow not the rest of the world... I wouldn't expect a Muslim to adhere to a Jewish law.

Just sad that we will not know if this is done as a true jesture of religous integrety on the part of Sony and Media Molecule, or the fear of a violent outburst. That is what would trouble me Most if I was an Islamic leader...not 2 verses of the Qu'ran being used in a song.