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Forums - Sales Discussion - Can the wii hit 50 million by the end of 2008?

FishyJoe said:

Sound familiar? From March 28, 2008:

leo-j said:

Ive seen some of your guys signatures, like neos and more users stating the wii will be almost at 50 million by this year's end, I dont understand why you guys beleive this, though what do you think will happen for the wii to reach that numbers since I think its impossible, what do you think that makes it possible?

The price? Increase in demand? Nintendo creating more wii's? What?

Why I expect the wii to end up with as much as 33 million consoles by the end of 2008:

I do not expect the wii to be something that every person in the world wants and it will no longer sell out sometime in mid 08, demand should be met at that point and sales should drop to around 360 levels.

Notice: I can be wrong, Im not a fortune teller than can tell the future like some people that have posted on this forum stating the wii "WILL" sell more than 40 million, meaning they already know what will happen in the future since they can predic it after all.


Thank You Fishy Joe!

I was looking all over for that thread.

Around the Network

the question is wether ps3 will hit 50 million.

just kidding, I think the wii will end up 40 million by 2008, but if they drop the price to say $200 and have enough stock then anything is possible.

super_etecoon said:
Xen said:
LOL @ 50 million and even more LOL @ 60 million.

How big do you think the holiday season is, people???

erm...who are you talking to?  No one has predicted 50 million in this thread.


Those "some users at VGC" and John Lucas :)


No way will they hit 50 million by the end of 2008. They won't even be able to make that many Wiis, much less sell them. But they should get past the 40 million mark.

Complexity is not depth. Machismo is not maturity. Obsession is not dedication. Tedium is not challenge. Support gaming: support the Wii.

Be the ultimate ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today! Poisson Village welcomes new players.

What do I hate about modern gaming? I hate tedium replacing challenge, complexity replacing depth, and domination replacing entertainment. I hate the outsourcing of mechanics to physics textbooks, art direction to photocopiers, and story to cheap Hollywood screenwriters. I hate the confusion of obsession with dedication, style with substance, new with gimmicky, old with obsolete, new with evolutionary, and old with time-tested.
There is much to hate about modern gaming. That is why I support the Wii.

ermmm... supply constraints?


Around the Network

if they are supplied - yes
if they are not - no

my guess is that there won't be another 20mil supply of wii hitting stores by the end of the year.. so no.. it won't reach 50 mil

18 million more wiis before the end of the year hell no

let's be fair, JL also predicted Wii's LT sales to be 500 million units sold... so 60 million prediction isn't as too nutty for him.

I'm going with 45 million. I see no reason why it would be higher than that, outside of it selling for $199

Soriku (Feb 10/08): In 5 years the PS3/360 will be dead.

KH3 bet: "If KH3 comes to Wii exclusive, I will take a 1 month of sig/avatar by otheres open a thread apologize and praise you guys' brilliance."
Original cast: Badonkadonkhr, sc94597 allaboutthegames885, kingofwale, Soriku, ctk495, skeezer, RDBRaptor, Mirson,

Episode 1: OOPSY!
: Too Human I even expect 3-4 mill entire life and 500,000 first day. GoW2 ( expect 7 - 9 million entire life and over 2 mill first day), Fable 2 (expect 5-6 million entire life and 1.5 mill fist day) BK3 (expect 4 - 5 mill sales entire life and 1 mill first day).. Tales/IU/TLR should get to 2 or 3 million! post id: 868878
Episode 2:
Letsdance: FFXIII (PS3+360) first week in NA = 286K
According to pre-order rate in week 13 (post id: 2902544)

Really it depends when you mean by 09. Are you going by calender dates or fiscal year? Nintendos prediction 49,000,000 by April 1st which is technically a start of Q1 2009 from the companies standpoint. Also keeping in mind up to date Nintendo has been reserved with the predictions I think 50,000,000 is possible barring any lack of supply. by 1/01/09 calender date I don't think it's possible, maybe 45,000,000 though.

I will admit to being one of those that predicted 50 million by the end of 2008. Back at the begining of December 2007 I made some estimated gusses as to when and how much Nintendo would raise production. My estimate have been pretty must spot on, but I didn't expect that there would be so few consoles in Jan and Feb. My original estimates were 48.5 mill by the end of 2008, 20mill by the end of 2007 and 28.5 mil during 2008. So I rounded up the 28.5 to 30 because I am an optimst.

All that said, I won't be right with my original prediction. I can see now that Nintendo won't produce enough. I still expect 45-47 million by the end of 2008.