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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 & Xbox 360 - Are They Living Up To Expectations?

CGI-Quality said:
xman said:
CGI-Quality said:
xman said:
I would agree with the theme of the thread. I never owned a xbox but did buy the 360 and the games library is impressive and the online is amazing and XBLA is really good. Reliability was the one glaring issue, as well as lack of forward thinking (blue ray HD DVD) though that may have been smart in hindsight

The PS3 was the system I was waiting for and to date have still not bought. There are some good games coming but I couldnt dish out $500.00, and in my mind its not worth $400.00 when my 360 can do anything it can do. The inconsistent BC is an issue for me cause I have 50 plus ps2 games and would like not to have to invest in another ps2 mine is six years old and about to go.

Didnt need BC on the 360 as stated did not have an xbox but the BC of the 360 is actually better than the PS3, I find that ironic


360 BC better than PS3s uuh no. Second the 360 CANNOT do anything the PS3 can do and since you say that then will you please elaborate, even though I still will disagree

Obvsiouly you have never had a 360 they have emulation software (the idea sony is know using) to be able to play Xbox games on the 360.  About 80-85% of the old library can be played on the 360 if you have a online connection.  The PS3 on some models has 0 backwards compataiblty on others its going to usees software emulation and currenlty not a large portion of the libary has the software.  Provided a link so you can see the models and BC.  You can disagree all you want wont change the facts


As a matter of fact I have TWO 360's - Halo edition and Elite (and got my first 360 in Dec 2005 before it failed) and TWO BC PS3s that both EXCEED 85%  the MGS4 80GB PS3 and launch 60GB PS3 so I think I would know what I'm talking about. And as a former Gamestop employee I would know what systems are BC and which are not Thank you. And as for the PS3 BC the models that are BC don't require an online connection like the 360 does so as I said 360 BC > PS3 BC uuumm. NO.



1) You are the one that asked me to elaborate there you got short term memory loss whichi I did wiht a fact based response.

2) congrats on havin 4 systems seems a tad exsessiuve but to each his own

3) Everything I stated in my post is correct, the PS3 needs software emulation and has it cuyrrenlty on less games than the 360m and 2 models currenly on sale have 0 BC as stated.  So not sure how you are calling that a victory.  My biggest issue is the Ps3 as you know was 100% BC as you own the model and its no longer available whats with that.  When the PS3 launched all I heard is the PS3 is 100% BC and xbox isnt my post is saying thats no longer true and why I dont currently own one

Yeah and we all know and trust gamestop employees

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

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CGI-Quality said:
xman said:
CGI-Quality said:
xman said:
I would agree with the theme of the thread. I never owned a xbox but did buy the 360 and the games library is impressive and the online is amazing and XBLA is really good. Reliability was the one glaring issue, as well as lack of forward thinking (blue ray HD DVD) though that may have been smart in hindsight

The PS3 was the system I was waiting for and to date have still not bought. There are some good games coming but I couldnt dish out $500.00, and in my mind its not worth $400.00 when my 360 can do anything it can do. The inconsistent BC is an issue for me cause I have 50 plus ps2 games and would like not to have to invest in another ps2 mine is six years old and about to go.

Didnt need BC on the 360 as stated did not have an xbox but the BC of the 360 is actually better than the PS3, I find that ironic


360 BC better than PS3s uuh no. Second the 360 CANNOT do anything the PS3 can do and since you say that then will you please elaborate, even though I still will disagree

Obvsiouly you have never had a 360 they have emulation software (the idea sony is know using) to be able to play Xbox games on the 360.  About 80-85% of the old library can be played on the 360 if you have a online connection.  The PS3 on some models has 0 backwards compataiblty on others its going to usees software emulation and currenlty not a large portion of the libary has the software.  Provided a link so you can see the models and BC.  You can disagree all you want wont change the facts


As a matter of fact I have TWO 360's - Halo edition and Elite (and got my first 360 in Dec 2005 before it failed) and TWO BC PS3s that both EXCEED 85%  the MGS4 80GB PS3 and launch 60GB PS3 so I think I would know what I'm talking about. And as a former Gamestop employee I would know what systems are BC and which are not Thank you. And as for the PS3 BC the models that are BC don't require an online connection like the 360 does so as I said 360 BC > PS3 BC uuumm. NO.


I find it interesting your signature says Playstation all the way but you own 2 360's


PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

I am happy with my PS3 but this is probably due to the fact that I waited for a decent software library to be available to buy one.

I might have felt differently if I had bought a PS3 on day one as the game library the first year was very underwhelming.

Now things are looking good and I am actually spending more time on the PS3 weekly than I ever did on my PS2 and find myself buying/playing more games than I was doing with my PS2 too.

I started playing online too and I am having fun doing it whereas in the past my only online activities were MMORPG on the PC.

Trophies patch has greatly enhanced my love for the PS3 and my big regret is that it did not happen earlier and that so many of my games do not support trophies, luckily this is slowly changing and it looks like 80% of the game coming these holydays will support trophies and that number will probably change to 100% in 2009......


I was a casual gamer on PS2 and I have actually become a lot hardcore on the PS3 ( probably due to the fact that now that I am in a end game raiding guild in Wow my agenda is actually more free to play console games, in the past most of my gaming time was spent playing MMORPGs..)

I do have a few regrets concerning a few games not coming out on PS3 ( Mass Effect, NG2, Lost Odyssey to name a few) but there are enough good games being released soon that anyway I would not have been able to play everything on my wish list so it just means the choice of which to buy was made for me....


PS : I probably would not have gotten into HD-TV or Blue Ray so early without the PS3 and I have to say this is one area I am very happy with. I'm in love with my 1080p LCD Bravia and watching it is really a pleasure ( the fact that you get less light reflection on a LCD than on a traditionnal TV just rocks when you have a window in your back when watching TV, even with the shutters closed..)


PS2 : my PS3 has been turned on since the day I bought it, 10 months ago so I am very happy with its reliability...I can't imagine how mad I would be if I had to send for a replacement and was without it for a more than a day, right now I play it DAILY.

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

360 has lived up to my expectations.

Funny thing is games have not.

Don't get me wrong they look good and play great.

My gripe is they are getting too easy.

Reason been if your'e not into mp there are too many savepoints too make them challeging.

I still pine after the days when you were down to your last bar of health.

Frantically looking everywhere for a health pack.

Also if you turned off your console half way through a mission it was back to start next time.

A lot of that seems to be gone this gen.





reask said:
360 has lived up to my expectations.

Funny thing is games have not.

Don't get me wrong they look good and play great.

My gripe is they are getting too easy.

Reason been if your'e not into mp there are too many savepoints too make them challeging.

I still pine after the days when you were down to your last bar of health.

Frantically looking everywhere for a health pack.

Also if you turned off your console half way through a mission it was back to start next time.

A lot of that seems to be gone this gen.


I'm glad that's gone this generation.  I absolutely hate leaving on my console, a complete waste of energy.  And I hate having to replay sections of a game I've already played through.  When I had summer vacations where I could spend hours straight playing a game, it was fine.  But I think most adults will agree that having frequent checkpoints or the ability to save anywhere is a godsend.

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bobobologna said:
reask said:
360 has lived up to my expectations.

Funny thing is games have not.

Don't get me wrong they look good and play great.

My gripe is they are getting too easy.

Reason been if your'e not into mp there are too many savepoints too make them challeging.

I still pine after the days when you were down to your last bar of health.

Frantically looking everywhere for a health pack.

Also if you turned off your console half way through a mission it was back to start next time.

A lot of that seems to be gone this gen.


I'm glad that's gone this generation.  I absolutely hate leaving on my console, a complete waste of energy.  And I hate having to replay sections of a game I've already played through.  When I had summer vacations where I could spend hours straight playing a game, it was fine.  But I think most adults will agree that having frequent checkpoints or the ability to save anywhere is a godsend.

Well fair enough I just feel it takes some of the challenge out of it.






I have a 60 GB PS3 and so far I'm a little underwhelmed with the PS3 game library (though the PS2 game library has been amazing so far). The hardware is spot on though. Near perfect PS1/PS2 backwards compatibility. Excellent Bluray player. Relatively quiet operation. And I've had relatively few problems (had maybe 2 freezes, not sure if they were game-related). And after having used the SIXAXIS controller for a while, I actually like it better than the XBox 360 controller (a little less comfortable, but overall better).

I just wish the game library was a little more fleshed out. And that the early multiplatform ports weren't so crappy (Orange Box, older sports titles, etc.). But this holiday/next year looks to have a ton of games to look forward to. I just hope there aren't too many delays (which the PS3 seems to be extremely prone to).

The XBox360 I have mixed feelings about. On one hand, I think it so close to being one of the best consoles ever. On the other hand, the things that bug me about the console REALLY bug me. Paying for a wifi adapter, something that's included on the Nintendo DS. Charging for XBox Live Gold, when everyone else offers free online play. The basically non-functional d-pad. Seriously, hook up your XBox360 controller to your PC and try playing Mortal Kombat or The Legend of Zelda. And all the proprietary, way overpriced peripherals (the wireless headset and the HDD).

I own a PS3 and i must say this gen is average so far, GTA4 was the biggest let down ever. I could of never imagined a worse GTA4 game. FF13 won't be here until sometime next gen, and the same could be said for GT5. I was a big Hot shots Golf fan and the PS3 version was a total yet down, its as bare bones as you could get for a game.

I was never a big FPS fan, but thats changed for this gen and i must say i have had so much fun playing CoD4 and RFoM this gen and looking forward to R2 and KZ2 and CoD6 very much. Ratchet on the PS3 was my first Ratchet game and it was one of the best games i have ever played, i went out and bought the PS2 ones the game so good.

But there are just so many great PS2 games i have never played and owning a 60gb PS3 is allowing me to pick up last gen games pretty cheap and they have all been pretty good so far.

I've played hundreds of hours on the 360 this gen and i must say have done okay so far this gen, Oblivion and Bioshock were great games. Halo3 was a major letdown, i tried to get into LO and mass Effect but they had so many slowdowns and glitches it kinda wrecked it, and LO was also very boring. But their market place is very nice, so many demo's and arcades games to try.

Well every analyst in the industry expected the PS3 to be first, followed by the 360, with the Wii being niche at best. The Wii is first, the 360 is second, and the PS3 is third. So the Wii has exceeded its expectations, the 360 is where it was expected to be, and the PS3 is far below expectations.

Il put it this way

In the 8bit generation i owned a NES and had great fun with it (zelda was awesome lol )
16 bit i owned a genesis had my best days of gaming with it
32 64 bit i owned a saturn and a N64 both didn't have many games but the ones they did were really good, so had some great times in that generation
128 bit era i owned all consoles, dreamcast amazing games in such a short life time, ps2 well we all no this had lots of great games, xbox,was starting to pick up steam and microsoft decided to kill it ,gamecube, apart from wind waker and metroid was a disappointing console

this gen i dont own any consoles all 3 are really disappointing every time i touch them

wii i just dont like the motion controls they seem to limit the games to much and only 2 games on its library really grab my attention zelda and mario so i wont buy a console for 2 games

ps360 its like playing a ps2 or xbox with prettier graphics and so far from these consoles i just havent found a single game i want to play

im getting old lol and the time to play just is getting smaller and smaller, to many other fun things to do besides gaming