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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 & Xbox 360 - Are They Living Up To Expectations?

ZenfoldorVGI said:
Sardauk said:
The Fury said:
What i expected of the PS3 is pretty much as I desired from the one I have. so yes. Wii and 360 never did offer me what I desired.


Which is ?


The biggest problem I have with PS3 fanboys is the lack of verified facts.

It is always : "I think, I feel, I say ...". They never come up with a good story.

Anyone who doesn't own a 360, and is a fanboy, probably is gonna try to claim it didn't live up to their expectations. Anyone who does own a 360, knows better.

If their anti-360 argument doesn't involve hardware failure, it probably shouldn't be taken seriously. To claim that the 360 hasn't lived up to software expectations and the PS3 has, is ludcrious.

Well said


PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

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Im very happy with the ps3, and now that it has in game xmb its living up to my expectations, but not graphicly yet.

Until I get killzone 2 on my ps3, ps3 to me looks the same if not very slightly better than the 360 graphicly.

Thats about it, oh and the psn is much better than what people say.


Groucho said:
The PS3 is actually the only console this generation that I'm really happy with. I like BluRay, I like the HDD, and I like the exclusives, but dangit I want more. Its not the PS3 I'm disappointed with, but rather its game selection thusfar -- that can still change.

The 360, on the other hand, I am reasonably happy with, as far as game selection goes. However, I consider the 360 itself a waste of my money -- I refuse to use it as a DVD player, even though it has upscaling hardware, and I won't play the thing on hot days or for long periods (and risk RRoD... I have an older one). The HDD is tiny, and heck if I'm going to shell out the ridiculous cash for a new, bigger one form MS. The only reason I actually enjoy the 360 game library is the RPGs -- and I know deep down that I wish I could dump the 360 and play those games on my PS3. I bought the 360 for the games alone. I kinda dislike it otherwise.

My Wii is "okay". Luckily I already owned every good GC game ever made, and was happy to give my old GC to my nephew when I bought the Wii. I actually like using it, because I had a lot of good, unfinished GC games. I love VC, and I'm always happy to have access to the latest Nintendo games too (seems like a minor perk at this point though). I like my Wii mainly the GC was my fav of the last generation, and it lives on through my Wii.

If I got stuck on a desert island though... I'd bring my PS3. Primarily due to my vast PS2 RPG library -- which seems kinda an unfair comparison, since I own a rare 60GB PS3, and most don't.

Yeah if the PS3 had Backwards compat still I think this would be a different argument.  I use the DVD player in my Xbox all the time works great,


As for RROD play it all day every day so you get it and get a new xbox free, got to give MS props on that one


PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

Don´t know about the PS3 yet but the xbox has lived up to what I expected. Both consoles failed miserably in what they promised for this gen though.

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colonelstubbs said:
xman said:
I would agree with the theme of the thread. I never owned a xbox but did buy the 360 and the games library is impressive and the online is amazing and XBLA is really good. Reliability was the one glaring issue, as well as lack of forward thinking (blue ray HD DVD) though that may have been smart in hindsight

The PS3 was the system I was waiting for and to date have still not bought. There are some good games coming but I couldnt dish out $500.00, and in my mind its not worth $400.00 when my 360 can do anything it can do. The inconsistent BC is an issue for me cause I have 50 plus ps2 games and would like not to have to invest in another ps2 mine is six years old and about to go.

Didnt need BC on the 360 as stated did not have an xbox but the BC of the 360 is actually better than the PS3, I find that ironic

People who wine about Backwards Compatibility make me laugh. The Nintendo 64 wasnt backwards compatible. The first playstation wasnt.

We buy a new console to play new games. If you wanna play your PS2 games, but a PS2!


Interesting when 360 was getting BASHED for lack of BC (Backward Compatiable) to xbox everyone seemed to be more than happy to point out the PS3 was.  Now the 360 is more BC and not PS3 and who cares dosent matter.

As to your point PS wasnt backwards comapatible to what it was the first sony system?

Sony made a fan and consumer out of me when the PS2 was BC and lost me when PS3 wasnt s promised, will I buy one yes but proce needs to drop below $300.00



PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

Around the Network
Diomedes1976 said:
The PS3 has met all my expectations ,its exactly what I wanted as a machine.Only gripe,the lack of JRPG until now.

The 360 dont know ....I had a Xbox and I find the 360 to be pretty much the same adding some more japanese support and the Achievements.Not enough to enter a online fees model of business.


Its less than $4.00 a month for those fees

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

PS3 didn't live upto my expectations in it first year.....little did I know June 12 would change has now lived up to my expectations.....lets see if it surpasses them

Wii has been a bitter....bitter games to play is the problem

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

xman said:
Diomedes1976 said:
The PS3 has met all my expectations ,its exactly what I wanted as a machine.Only gripe,the lack of JRPG until now.

The 360 dont know ....I had a Xbox and I find the 360 to be pretty much the same adding some more japanese support and the Achievements.Not enough to enter a online fees model of business.


Its less than $4.00 a month for those fees


 Here in Europe its 6 euros monthly ..or 5 euros if you buy the whole year(including the holydays and other months you wont play a lot)-That makes for 9 dollars monthly or 7.5 dollars if you buy all the year.So some 90 dollars yearly.The smart guy adds these sums for the years to a generation its about 450 or 540 dollars.For about the same functionality of the PSN.

No way.

CGI-Quality said:
xman said:
I would agree with the theme of the thread. I never owned a xbox but did buy the 360 and the games library is impressive and the online is amazing and XBLA is really good. Reliability was the one glaring issue, as well as lack of forward thinking (blue ray HD DVD) though that may have been smart in hindsight

The PS3 was the system I was waiting for and to date have still not bought. There are some good games coming but I couldnt dish out $500.00, and in my mind its not worth $400.00 when my 360 can do anything it can do. The inconsistent BC is an issue for me cause I have 50 plus ps2 games and would like not to have to invest in another ps2 mine is six years old and about to go.

Didnt need BC on the 360 as stated did not have an xbox but the BC of the 360 is actually better than the PS3, I find that ironic


360 BC better than PS3s uuh no. Second the 360 CANNOT do anything the PS3 can do and since you say that then will you please elaborate, even though I still will disagree

Obvsiouly you have never had a 360 they have emulation software (the idea sony is know using) to be able to play Xbox games on the 360.  About 80-85% of the old library can be played on the 360 if you have a online connection.  The PS3 on some models has 0 backwards compataiblty on others its going to usees software emulation and currenlty not a large portion of the libary has the software.  Provided a link so you can see the models and BC.  You can disagree all you want wont change the facts


PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

Diomedes1976 said:
xman said:
Diomedes1976 said:
The PS3 has met all my expectations ,its exactly what I wanted as a machine.Only gripe,the lack of JRPG until now.

The 360 dont know ....I had a Xbox and I find the 360 to be pretty much the same adding some more japanese support and the Achievements.Not enough to enter a online fees model of business.


Its less than $4.00 a month for those fees


 Here in Europe its 6 euros monthly ..or 5 euros if you buy the whole year(including the holydays and other months you wont play a lot)-That makes for 9 dollars monthly or 7.5 dollars if you buy all the year.So some 90 dollars yearly.The smart guy adds these sums for the years to a generation its about 450 or 540 dollars.For about the same functionality of the PSN.

No way.

If you dont play Multiplayer I agree, if you play lightly I agree, if you play a lot of MP then its worth it.  I have played on both the PS3 and 360 and there is no comparison live is much bigger and better.  Also you dont have to sighn up for Gold membership you can have silver for free and yes I know you cant play MP with silver


PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks