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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 & Xbox 360 - Are They Living Up To Expectations?

Sardauk said:
The Fury said:
What i expected of the PS3 is pretty much as I desired from the one I have. so yes. Wii and 360 never did offer me what I desired.


Which is ?


The biggest problem I have with PS3 fanboys is the lack of verified facts.

It is always : "I think, I feel, I say ...". They never come up with a good story.

Anyone who doesn't own a 360, and is a fanboy, probably is gonna try to claim it didn't live up to their expectations. Anyone who does own a 360, knows better.

If their anti-360 argument doesn't involve hardware failure, it probably shouldn't be taken seriously. To claim that the 360 hasn't lived up to software expectations and the PS3 has, is ludcrious.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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Having owned all 3 systems (I still have a 360 and a PS3, traded in the wii to get a 2nd hand elite and could still get a couple of games with the change). I feel that gaming is about par on the 360 and the PS3, if pushed I'd probably the 360 has the better library but not for long imo. However I can watch blu-ray (and yes there is a big difference too me as I have an 1080 HD tv), surf the net (I'm posting this thread from my ps3 with a usb keyboard), play all the PS1 and PS2 games I want on my PS3 (yes I shelled out for BC), take the memory stick out of my camera, recording desk, most digital devices and plug it straight into my PS3 and replace the HD when full for considerably less than on my 360. In short maybe my gaming experience is better by a negligble margin on the 360 (probably not if you shelled out for BC), but in every other aspect my PS3 is way better for me. Don't get me wrong, I love both of these systems because only the gamer benefits by the competion. Anyone who thinks that either MS or Sony would be giving gamers the pricing and quality of games without the market forcing them too is an idiiot. I have been gaming since the days of ZX Spectrum 48k and feel that gaming today is the best it's ever been and that is due to both the 360 and the PS3. That's why I hope that they remain neck and neck all the way. For me the PS3 is the better machine ito quality of build , value for money, functionality, longevity. That doesn't mean it's the right machine for someone else. Gamers are getting the best out of the PS3/360 pair-off so don't knock the other system or your fellow gamers choice in system. I personally think that both systems have delivered way beyond my expectations.

Gaming wise, the 360's been a wonder. I couldn't be happier. Multiplatforms run equally or better, exclusives a plenty + the fountain of awesomeness that is XBLA.

I do wish the damn thing was quieter tho.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Reasonable said:
Depends on your expectations.

If you wanted Wii to sell a lot and be fun its met expectations. If you also wanted it to have higher specs it hasn't fully.

If you wanted 360 to outperform Xbox and deliver decent graphics (compared to PCs at the time) and a strong online experience it's delivered. If you also wanted it to be quiet and reliable it missed those expectations.

If you wanted PS3 to deliver decent graphics (compared to PCs at the time), decent online and HD media capabilities like BR then its delivered. If you wanted it to outsell 360/Wii and cost a lot less then it hasn't delivered.

Given I had pretty neutral expectations all around I'd say each console has delivered very well for what they are and the games they have, but each has some flaws from my perspective (only the 360s and PS3s have hurt their sales though):

360 - too unreliable, paid for online, too damn hot and noisy and the ugliest powerbrick I've ever seen (although improvements have been made over time)

PS3 - too few games for too long, lack of full BC in a consistent manner, too slow to mature online capabilities (although getting their now)

Wii - not enough power... what can I say, I come from PC gaming background and I only think 360/PS3 graphics are acceptable and laughed at PS1/PS2 graphics (for the most part, although some games did amaze me what they got out of the console) so the Wii, while I like the art direction, etc. in many games like SMG, etc. just doesn't look good enough for my tastes (nor does it sit well with the fact I'm replacing all my TVs with HD TVs

I could not have put it better myself. The Wii issue to me is the biggest one.

If PS3 exceeded my expectations (which it did) by a mile, then the 360 did so by 100. Why? To me, an amazing console is expected from Sony, while Microsoft is like the noob in the console business. The original Xbox was a huge letdown and the 360 to me is like what the first one should have been. It really paves the way for Microsoft to stay close in the console game.

The PS3 has met all my expectations ,its exactly what I wanted as a machine.Only gripe,the lack of JRPG until now.

The 360 dont know ....I had a Xbox and I find the 360 to be pretty much the same adding some more japanese support and the Achievements.Not enough to enter a online fees model of business.

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badgenome said:

I'm completely happy with the 360. The improvement over last gen has been massive in terms of game selection. I couldn't have cared less about the Xbox, but they've made a fan out of me this generation. XBLA is just the shit.

I feel I'd be lying by omission if I didn't say I kick myself sometimes for having shelled out $500 on the PS3. Especially when I look at the slew of 360-only/multiplatform games coming out in the next several months. I've gotten to spend woefully little time with it so far. On the other hand, PS2 backwards compatibility is a must have for me, and looking down the road to LittleBigPlanet, Valkyria Chronicles, inFamous, Heavy Rain, etc., I know I won't be ignoring it for much longer.

For all the ridiculous fanboyism it's brought out in people, the competition between the two has so far been nothing but a boon. I don't think I'd be nearly as happy a gamer if these two hubristic, assholish companies weren't constantly trying to one-up each other. I think the only area in which they haven't lived up to expectations has been sales.

That pretty much sums it up


PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

I would agree with the theme of the thread. I never owned a xbox but did buy the 360 and the games library is impressive and the online is amazing and XBLA is really good. Reliability was the one glaring issue, as well as lack of forward thinking (blue ray HD DVD) though that may have been smart in hindsight

The PS3 was the system I was waiting for and to date have still not bought. There are some good games coming but I couldnt dish out $500.00, and in my mind its not worth $400.00 when my 360 can do anything it can do. The inconsistent BC is an issue for me cause I have 50 plus ps2 games and would like not to have to invest in another ps2 mine is six years old and about to go.

Didnt need BC on the 360 as stated did not have an xbox but the BC of the 360 is actually better than the PS3, I find that ironic

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

The Xbox 360 surpassed my expectations in the fact that I bought one even though I swore through the Xbox years and the first year of the 360 that I would never get one. Once I saw the jRPG line-up, I decided to get one. I don't care for Halo one bit at all, and Gears is ok and most games end up on PC. So I have it for the jRPGs and Team Ninja games. On the first Xbox, I only cared for the Team Ninja games as others I cared for were on PS2/GC/PC. The original Xbox was really damn ugly IMO. The 360 doesn't look as nice as the PS3 and Wii, but it's passable.

The PS3 is VERY SLOWLY making my expectations. So far, the PS3 has had the games that have really grabbed me this generation, even if they get delayed alot. Uncharted and MGS4 both made an impression that I will probably remember after the gen is done. I'm getting the same feel from LBP, WKC, and FF13V. I absolutely love Blu-ray as well and I think it's finally where Home Video should be.  If only Sony put a bit more work into their 1st/2nd party jRPG line-up, it would probably be my favorite console ever.  Oh yeah, thanks Sony for making it region-free because I will be moving to Japan for six months starting tomorrow.

The Wii of course surpassed my expectations on popularity and sales. But it really under-delivered to me as a gaming device. As a former Nintendo fanboy, I was really excited about the Wii until about 2 weeks in. For me the motion controls are more frustrating than fun, and the graphics should have least been somewhat comparable to the other two systems this gen. While gameplay is important, the audio/visual aspect shouldn't be totally ignored. So Wii Fit and Wii Music will outsell anything on PS360, but I don't need to be any part of it.

"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."  --Hermann Goering, leading Nazi party member, at the Nuremberg War Crime Trials 


Conservatives:  Pushing for a small enough government to be a guest in your living room, or even better - your uterus.


xman said:
I would agree with the theme of the thread. I never owned a xbox but did buy the 360 and the games library is impressive and the online is amazing and XBLA is really good. Reliability was the one glaring issue, as well as lack of forward thinking (blue ray HD DVD) though that may have been smart in hindsight

The PS3 was the system I was waiting for and to date have still not bought. There are some good games coming but I couldnt dish out $500.00, and in my mind its not worth $400.00 when my 360 can do anything it can do. The inconsistent BC is an issue for me cause I have 50 plus ps2 games and would like not to have to invest in another ps2 mine is six years old and about to go.

Didnt need BC on the 360 as stated did not have an xbox but the BC of the 360 is actually better than the PS3, I find that ironic

People who wine about Backwards Compatibility make me laugh. The Nintendo 64 wasnt backwards compatible. The first playstation wasnt.

We buy a new console to play new games. If you wanna play your PS2 games, but a PS2!


I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

The PS3 is actually the only console this generation that I'm really happy with. I like BluRay, I like the HDD, and I like the exclusives, but dangit I want more. Its not the PS3 I'm disappointed with, but rather its game selection thusfar -- that can still change.

The 360, on the other hand, I am reasonably happy with, as far as game selection goes. However, I consider the 360 itself a waste of my money -- I refuse to use it as a DVD player, even though it has upscaling hardware, and I won't play the thing on hot days or for long periods (and risk RRoD... I have an older one). The HDD is tiny, and heck if I'm going to shell out the ridiculous cash for a new, bigger one from MS. The only reason I actually enjoy the 360 game library is the RPGs -- and I know deep down that I wish I could dump the 360 and play those games on my PS3. I bought the 360 for the games alone. I kinda dislike it otherwise.  If MS had made it reliable, or if I had waited to buy one until the Jaspers actually hit the shelves, it might very well be my favorite.

My Wii is "okay". Luckily I already owned every good GC game ever made, and was happy to give my old GC to my nephew when I bought the Wii. I actually like using it, because I had a lot of good, unfinished GC games. I love VC, and I'm always happy to have access to the latest Nintendo games too (seems like a minor perk at this point though). I like my Wii mainly because the GC was my fav of the last generation, and it lives on through my Wii.  Doesn't say much for the hardware... its near useless to me outside of BC, and a couple good 1st-party games.

If I got stuck on a desert island though... I'd bring my PS3. Primarily due to my vast PS2 RPG library -- which seems kinda an unfair comparison, since I own a rare 60GB PS3, and most don't.