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The PS3 is actually the only console this generation that I'm really happy with. I like BluRay, I like the HDD, and I like the exclusives, but dangit I want more. Its not the PS3 I'm disappointed with, but rather its game selection thusfar -- that can still change.

The 360, on the other hand, I am reasonably happy with, as far as game selection goes. However, I consider the 360 itself a waste of my money -- I refuse to use it as a DVD player, even though it has upscaling hardware, and I won't play the thing on hot days or for long periods (and risk RRoD... I have an older one). The HDD is tiny, and heck if I'm going to shell out the ridiculous cash for a new, bigger one from MS. The only reason I actually enjoy the 360 game library is the RPGs -- and I know deep down that I wish I could dump the 360 and play those games on my PS3. I bought the 360 for the games alone. I kinda dislike it otherwise.  If MS had made it reliable, or if I had waited to buy one until the Jaspers actually hit the shelves, it might very well be my favorite.

My Wii is "okay". Luckily I already owned every good GC game ever made, and was happy to give my old GC to my nephew when I bought the Wii. I actually like using it, because I had a lot of good, unfinished GC games. I love VC, and I'm always happy to have access to the latest Nintendo games too (seems like a minor perk at this point though). I like my Wii mainly because the GC was my fav of the last generation, and it lives on through my Wii.  Doesn't say much for the hardware... its near useless to me outside of BC, and a couple good 1st-party games.

If I got stuck on a desert island though... I'd bring my PS3. Primarily due to my vast PS2 RPG library -- which seems kinda an unfair comparison, since I own a rare 60GB PS3, and most don't.