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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 & Xbox 360 - Are They Living Up To Expectations?

Both have disappointed me. 360 with its penchant for breaking down really pissed me off. My broken 360 I haven't even bothered to get it fixed mainly to serve as a reminder to never buy another MS product. PS3 I was expecting great graphics. Great graphics...... hmmm everyone points to uncharted and MGS4 as great shining examples of great graphics...... ummmm call me blind if you want but I thought the graphics were good but not great, maybe my expectations were too high.

But other then that I only really bought PS3 for Singstar and I gotta say its a bit of a letdown how you can't either rip your previous singstars and store them on the HDD or at least get to D/L all of the content of previous singstars you already bought for free so changing songs would be seemless and easy. But I digress 360 was without a doubt the biggest letdown for me.

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The PS3 is maturing as I expected, but I seem to have been more reserved with regard to short term expectations than most by stating things like that it would take several years until we see the PS3's potential fully realized well before launch when I knew about the technical specifications.

With regard to sales I anticipated a slow start due to high entry pricing and the costs involved for Sony (impossible to sustain PS2/Wii like sales figures for the short term, at least until there's enough of an install base to compensate for investments through PS3 software sales).

Biggest disappointments:
- Playstation Home's release took longer than anticipated, but seems well polished and well worth the wait.
- Near no games support the PSP remote play feature so far.

Biggest surprises:
- The thing I criticized the PS3 the most for was that despite its hardware specifications there was no DVR functionality. Well PlayTV pretty much goes beyond this.
- LittleBigPlanet, I didn't expect this sort of game for the PS3 until the release of a slimline PS3.

The 360 is IMO a big disappointment overall mostly due to absurd levels of hardware related issues and hardware limitations showing much earlier in its lifespan and being more severe than I originally anticipated, this of course before digging deeper into the console's specifications and bottlenecks.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

all systems was what i expected.

X360 to have games in HD till PS3 started getting games

PS3 to be the master system with blu-ray, games and other features

Wii to show off to my wife. (she plays every now and then)

Everything important this generation! Sorry Iphone you will always be a disappointment compared to other handhelds.

Xbox360 - Well above my expectation and turned me from a xbox hater to xbox lover.

Ps3 - Currently disappointed, but with Blazblue and other Non-Final Fantasy RPGs that might change.

Wii - Lived up to expectation, but hasn't gone over yet. (Tales of Symphonia and Arc Rise Fantasia should change this)

DS - Possibly my favorite thing this generation, well above my expectation and the handheld reminds me of a awesome SNES/N64 that I loved.

PSP - Currently don''t own one, don't have huge expectation.


As a piece of hardware the ps3 has exceded my expectations since day one.  The first 10 months or so were a bit bleak in regards to games, but it has been great since then.

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The 360 was doing well during its first couple of years but has slipped off a bit over the last eleven months with key games turning out to be disappointing in their quality. The PS3 is starting to take off. It is beginning to meet expectations and I believe that by Holiday 2010 it will blow away a lot of people's expectations of where they think it will be.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

I can't really speak for the 360 cos I don't own one but I have to say it looks like its getting way more support than the original xbox. I bought my xbox for ninja gaiden and hardly bought much else.

As for the ps3, saleswise, it can NEVER live up to its predecessors. Gamewise, I'm dissappointed that it doesn't have any JRPGs (my fav genre) and has lost exclusives but thats really sony's problem not mine. I'm happy with it for these reasons:

1. It introduced me to FPS games (not the xbox...strange)
2. Online has greatly improved over PS2
3. Loving the media server and blu-ray capabilities
4. Love the games I've purchased for it.
5. Strangely enough, due to online gaming, I actually play my ps3 more than I played my ps2
6. MGS4

Overall I would say the ps3 has been bad for sony so far but I'm very happy as a consumer which is what really matters.

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"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

"it can NEVER live up to its predecessors."

I see people say things like this, but then I never see them say why it can't live up to its predecessors. It has already increased sales 77% from this time last year and another comparable increase by this time next year is going to put it selling at Wii numbers or above especially if the Wii can't do something about its rather mediocre game library by comparison. (And I know some of you might think that's a trolling comment but if you go look at the number of games that have review scores of 8.0 to 10.0 over at Game Rankings and Metacritic the PS3 has 50 titles in this range at Game Rankings while the Wii only has 18, and at Metacritic the PS3 has 91 titles in the 75 to 100 range while the Wii only has 47.

The PS3 is just now starting to take off while the Wii isn't going to receive any significant pops until the next Mario and Zelda games are released at some distant point in the future. The PS3 may not ever equal the sales of the PS1 and PS2, yet I feel it still has a better chance of reaching 100 million consoles sold than any other current gen console.  You might hear Microsoft throwing in the towel on trying to finish first this gen, but you certainly don't have that kind of talk coming from Sony.  The Wii might still win in the end, but they're in for a much harder fight of it than any PS3 doubter can even fathom at this point in time.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

TheRealMafoo said:
starcraft said:
PS3: Hasn't, and almost certainly never will, come anywhere NEAR the expectations.

Xbox 360: In almost every respect (sales, game numbers, game quality, profitability) it has exceeded expectations, with the glaringly obvious exception of hardware reliability.

Now I know you work for Microsoft, as no one else would ever care about those things with respect to a new console coming out. Well, I guess the extreme fanboy would. Are you an extreme fanboy?

OT: Yes both of them have, with the exception of my 360 breaking, and games being delayed on the PS3. between waiting a few months or shelling out another $300 (I got a good deal on an elite), I would rather wait a few months.

You don't care if your system has a lot of games?  You don't care about the number of consoles your preferred machine shifts, despite the direct influence such a figure has on the availability of large numbers of high quality games in the future?


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

360 is doing great and it has the biggest lineup of games.

PS3 is not doing very well atm.

the wii... well its just the wii

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)