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Both have disappointed me. 360 with its penchant for breaking down really pissed me off. My broken 360 I haven't even bothered to get it fixed mainly to serve as a reminder to never buy another MS product. PS3 I was expecting great graphics. Great graphics...... hmmm everyone points to uncharted and MGS4 as great shining examples of great graphics...... ummmm call me blind if you want but I thought the graphics were good but not great, maybe my expectations were too high.

But other then that I only really bought PS3 for Singstar and I gotta say its a bit of a letdown how you can't either rip your previous singstars and store them on the HDD or at least get to D/L all of the content of previous singstars you already bought for free so changing songs would be seemless and easy. But I digress 360 was without a doubt the biggest letdown for me.