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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 & Xbox 360 - Are They Living Up To Expectations?

hatmoza 2.0 said:
2 weeks ago i would have said only the 360 lived up to the hype
but i just purchased heroes season 2 on blu ray and im loving it

Im glad you like Heroes, but what do you think of the PS3?



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Honestly the console not to live up to expectations the most would have to be
Wii. I remember telling everyone how Wii would change gaming and it would be the real experience right before it came out. Then I bought one and realized that aside from first party's the Wii was severly lacking. After trying to some other games and seeing how Wii-mote controls were just shitty and tacked on I decided to return it. I wanted fun good third party titles and for the love of god 1 to 1 tracking but so far it's just been useless wiggling with gamecube graphics. I've been a nintendo fan my whole life since NES but(and I know Wii fanboys will hate this) controls are perfectly fine on a controller and most Wii-mote controls are cumbersome.

You know what I guess too the fact that the ps3 doesn't have many jrpgs really disappoints me. I Love rpgs and I assumed the ps3 would have them, the only saving grace is i got a BC ps3 so I get to play all the RPGs I want really.

For the 360 I would just say the hardware and userbase plus paying for online. I will not pay for online I as a PC gamer too think it is just unacceptable. Plus most xbox fanboys I know treat it like it's the ps2 of this generation.

And you know what..Fuck PC developers that program for only the zenith of gaming computers, COD4 is a prime example of the opposite of that, I saw that game run very well on a 6600 geforce with a gig of ram at good fps.

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Squilliam said:
hatmoza 2.0 said:
2 weeks ago i would have said only the 360 lived up to the hype
but i just purchased heroes season 2 on blu ray and im loving it

Im glad you like Heroes, but what do you think of the PS3?

Pretty sure it means that as a electronic media device the PS3 is good....not very hard to get what he infers.

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Think more context would have made it a better question. Judging by the responses people seem to forget the important thing in answer thing question, context :)

Personally I didn't have much in terms of specific expectations apart from wanting a next-gen gaming system which could also play Blu-Ray movies. So in that context, yes my PS3 did live up to expectations.

What i expected of the PS3 is pretty much as I desired from the one I have. so yes. Wii and 360 never did offer me what I desired.

Hmm, pie.

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The 360 did exceed my expectations.. I expected good online service, but Live is awesome and worth every penny. The games library is great and i dont think anyone believed when it released that FFXIII or DMC would arrive on Xbox, and the price is quite nice now.
I also did not expect RROD plague, since first Xbox was well made piece of hardware.

The PS3 well i expected more (i was even considering buying it), especially in terms of games first two years PS3's library lacked any great titles, now with MGS4 and Uncharted it is getting better, but we still need to wait for the library to improve. The price, well it's still to expensive for me and untill it goes to 199 pounds i wont even think about buying it.

The Wii was a dissapointment only because the controls weren't 1:1 as I was led to believe. Also, the improvement in graphics was minimal. I'm not a graphics whore, but a significant jump in graphic ability is pretty much expected with each new gen. Nintendo's games were top notch, but those guys can re-release the SNES, and produce GOTY candidates. The console could've been better.

The PS3 let me down because I expected it to totally destroy the 360 graphically. Last gen, the difference between the PS2 and the Xbox was obvious. Not so with the 360 and Playstation 3. So far, the two are neck and neck in terms of performance. I bought well over 100 PS1 games and nearly 100 PS2 games. I just realised this gen that Sony's first party games were not what made me a Playstation fan. Hopefully in the coming months, my mind will be changed. So far, only Infamous and Heavy Rain have my full attention.

The 360 surpassed my expectations. I thought it'd just be a slightly improved Xbox (the original Xbox didn't appeal to me at all). Looking at the launch games, it was. By the time I got one, the library was pretty strong. The hardware should've been better, though. The horsepower is fine. The reliability is not.

If there's somebody I didn't offend, let me add that the current Pope is a step down, too. No Blu-ray player? No bigger, fancier hat? WTF!?

haven't owned one yet, i thought the ps3 will show different games but as it seems it's the same xbox360 games
i expected more from the ps3 that's why it didn't meet my expectations and i'm completely fine with it and buying one real soooooon
xbox360 turned out to be a success -i expected it to fail hard- but it didn't :D

The PS3 has shown a glimmer of what its capable of, and we know it can only get better.

The 360 so far has more than held its own, despite its reliability issues....

Its just people arent bothered about graphics this gen, they just want to play games as fun as they are on the wii

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

xbox360 is certainly exceeding the expectations. remember it is the underdog b4 this gen started.
as for ps3, it hasnt but it is slowly reaching there. the main issue is always the games, however the game library has slowly improving from unsatistied==> satisfied, and looking at the upcoming games list (resistance 2 LBP final fantasy versus 13 white knight story bioshock killzone 2 grand turismo final fantasy 13) im sure it will reach our expectations