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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 & Xbox 360 - Are They Living Up To Expectations?

I am satisfied with 360. To me, it has met expectations. If RRoD didn't happen it would have exceeded them. But that is a black mark on the console. The Live outage last year was a bit of a downer. The good news is I had two RRoDs at the same time, I sent both consoles back and MS accidently returned me 3 consoles making up for the inconvenience and giving me another backup just in case it happens again. Finally, quality exclusive 1st and 3rd party games of all type keep coming in droves.

PS3. Mandatory hard drive installs are a cover up for a fundamental design flaw somewhere. The promise of a whack of 1080p games has yet to see daylight. Quality 3rd party exclusives are almost non-existent. Delays for games are standard procedure. Six Axxis is a complete flop, with a lack of rumble being a joke. I spent $100 more for each console then I had to just to play Resistance because that was the only really quality exclusive until after the price drops. I have had 4 deaths of PS3 consoles (Yes, more then RRoDs). PSN is "you-get-what-you-pay-for" because the 2.40 bricked two of my consoles permanently, and I had to argue with customer support to get them fixed. And Blu-ray is nothing to write home about other then capacity. The good news is that I don't think it can get any worse.

If I didn't own a 360 and only bought a PS3 I would have really regretted waiting for the PS3 to come out a year later with no real benefit over 360...

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NeoRatt said:
I am satisfied with 360. To me, it has met expectations. If RRoD didn't happen it would have exceeded them. But that is a black mark on the console. The Live outage last year was a bit of a downer. The good news is I had two RRoDs at the same time, I sent both consoles back and MS accidently returned me 3 consoles making up for the inconvenience and giving me another backup just in case it happens again. Finally, quality exclusive 1st and 3rd party games of all type keep coming in droves.

PS3. Mandatory hard drive installs are a cover up for a fundamental design flaw somewhere. The prom ise of a whack of 1080p games has yet to see daylight. Quality 3rd party exclusives are almost non-existent. Delays for games are standard procedure. Six Axxis is a complete flop, with a lack of rumble being a joke. I spent $100 more for each console then I had to just to play Resistance because that was the only really quality exclusive until after the price drops. I have had 4 deaths of PS3 consoles (Yes, more then RRoDs). PSN is "you-get-what-you-pay-for" because the 2.40 bricked two of my consoles permanently, and I had to argue with customer support to get them fixed. And Blu-ray is nothing to write home about other then capacity. The good news is that I don't think it can get any worse.

If I didn't own a 360 and only bought a PS3 I would have really regretted waiting for the PS3 to come out a year later with no real benefit over 360...

Do you realize how rare the 2.40 crash was, and what the chances are that you owned 2 consoles that both did it?

I thought you were being honest until I hit that part.  I thought "its the developer's choice to make an install mandatory.. it has nothing to do with the PS3 itself", but I understood the gripe.  Now I wonder if you even have ever owned a PS3.  I think not.  The chances of your having 4 PS3s that went belly up are astronomically low --  unless you are, for example... unintelligent enough to pull the plug while the system update is running.

Its cool that you like your 360, but don't make up crap about consoles you don't own to bash them.  Even the chance of 4 original Xenon 360s going RRoD is almost too low to be believed, outside of serious user abuse.


Groucho said:
NeoRatt said:
I am satisfied with 360. To me, it has met expectations. If RRoD didn't happen it would have exceeded them. But that is a black mark on the console. The Live outage last year was a bit of a downer. The good news is I had two RRoDs at the same time, I sent both consoles back and MS accidently returned me 3 consoles making up for the inconvenience and giving me another backup just in case it happens again. Finally, quality exclusive 1st and 3rd party games of all type keep coming in droves.

PS3. Mandatory hard drive installs are a cover up for a fundamental design flaw somewhere. The prom ise of a whack of 1080p games has yet to see daylight. Quality 3rd party exclusives are almost non-existent. Delays for games are standard procedure. Six Axxis is a complete flop, with a lack of rumble being a joke. I spent $100 more for each console then I had to just to play Resistance because that was the only really quality exclusive until after the price drops. I have had 4 deaths of PS3 consoles (Yes, more then RRoDs). PSN is "you-get-what-you-pay-for" because the 2.40 bricked two of my consoles permanently, and I had to argue with customer support to get them fixed. And Blu-ray is nothing to write home about other then capacity. The good news is that I don't think it can get any worse.

If I didn't own a 360 and only bought a PS3 I would have really regretted waiting for the PS3 to come out a year later with no real benefit over 360...

Do you realize how rare the 2.40 crash was, and what the chances are that you owned 2 consoles that both did it?

I thought you were being honest until I hit that part.  I thought "its the developer's choice to make an install mandatory.. it has nothing to do with the PS3 itself", but I understood the gripe.  Now I wonder if you even have ever owned a PS3.  I think not.  The chances of your having 4 PS3s that went belly up are astronomically low --  unless you are, for example... unintelligent enough to pull the plug while the system update is running.

Its cool that you like your 360, but don't make up crap about consoles you don't own to bash them.  Even the chance of 4 original Xenon 360s going RRoD is almost too low to be believed, outside of serious user abuse.


I own two PS3's... One 80 and one 40...  Both of my PS3's bricked twice...  You don't have to believe it and I don't care what the odds were, it happened (without unplugging the power cord)...

Added two pictures to my Profile album showing two of my gaming setups.  One by my 360 library and one on my main floor showing the Wii, 360, and PS3 in my shelving unit... 


Both met expectations, same old shit, shiny new graphics.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

honestly the 360 exceeded my expectations even though i have been redringed before and if it happens again in 2009 after ive played gears 2 thoroughly i probably will sell the system.. but this is coming from a guy who never owned an xbox and only played sony and nintendo consoles in the past..

i payed 600 dollars for my ps3 so for that reason alone as of right now it hasnt met my expectations..
mgs4 was great and warhawk was okay but got boring
and gt5 prolougue was well a prolougue
resistance 2 socom and LBP and white knight story should change how i feel though and where the hells my tekken? they need to make a tekken tag 2 while theyre at it!!



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