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"it can NEVER live up to its predecessors."

I see people say things like this, but then I never see them say why it can't live up to its predecessors. It has already increased sales 77% from this time last year and another comparable increase by this time next year is going to put it selling at Wii numbers or above especially if the Wii can't do something about its rather mediocre game library by comparison. (And I know some of you might think that's a trolling comment but if you go look at the number of games that have review scores of 8.0 to 10.0 over at Game Rankings and Metacritic the PS3 has 50 titles in this range at Game Rankings while the Wii only has 18, and at Metacritic the PS3 has 91 titles in the 75 to 100 range while the Wii only has 47.

The PS3 is just now starting to take off while the Wii isn't going to receive any significant pops until the next Mario and Zelda games are released at some distant point in the future. The PS3 may not ever equal the sales of the PS1 and PS2, yet I feel it still has a better chance of reaching 100 million consoles sold than any other current gen console.  You might hear Microsoft throwing in the towel on trying to finish first this gen, but you certainly don't have that kind of talk coming from Sony.  The Wii might still win in the end, but they're in for a much harder fight of it than any PS3 doubter can even fathom at this point in time.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.