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I have a 60 GB PS3 and so far I'm a little underwhelmed with the PS3 game library (though the PS2 game library has been amazing so far). The hardware is spot on though. Near perfect PS1/PS2 backwards compatibility. Excellent Bluray player. Relatively quiet operation. And I've had relatively few problems (had maybe 2 freezes, not sure if they were game-related). And after having used the SIXAXIS controller for a while, I actually like it better than the XBox 360 controller (a little less comfortable, but overall better).

I just wish the game library was a little more fleshed out. And that the early multiplatform ports weren't so crappy (Orange Box, older sports titles, etc.). But this holiday/next year looks to have a ton of games to look forward to. I just hope there aren't too many delays (which the PS3 seems to be extremely prone to).

The XBox360 I have mixed feelings about. On one hand, I think it so close to being one of the best consoles ever. On the other hand, the things that bug me about the console REALLY bug me. Paying for a wifi adapter, something that's included on the Nintendo DS. Charging for XBox Live Gold, when everyone else offers free online play. The basically non-functional d-pad. Seriously, hook up your XBox360 controller to your PC and try playing Mortal Kombat or The Legend of Zelda. And all the proprietary, way overpriced peripherals (the wireless headset and the HDD).