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I am happy with my PS3 but this is probably due to the fact that I waited for a decent software library to be available to buy one.

I might have felt differently if I had bought a PS3 on day one as the game library the first year was very underwhelming.

Now things are looking good and I am actually spending more time on the PS3 weekly than I ever did on my PS2 and find myself buying/playing more games than I was doing with my PS2 too.

I started playing online too and I am having fun doing it whereas in the past my only online activities were MMORPG on the PC.

Trophies patch has greatly enhanced my love for the PS3 and my big regret is that it did not happen earlier and that so many of my games do not support trophies, luckily this is slowly changing and it looks like 80% of the game coming these holydays will support trophies and that number will probably change to 100% in 2009......


I was a casual gamer on PS2 and I have actually become a lot hardcore on the PS3 ( probably due to the fact that now that I am in a end game raiding guild in Wow my agenda is actually more free to play console games, in the past most of my gaming time was spent playing MMORPGs..)

I do have a few regrets concerning a few games not coming out on PS3 ( Mass Effect, NG2, Lost Odyssey to name a few) but there are enough good games being released soon that anyway I would not have been able to play everything on my wish list so it just means the choice of which to buy was made for me....


PS : I probably would not have gotten into HD-TV or Blue Ray so early without the PS3 and I have to say this is one area I am very happy with. I'm in love with my 1080p LCD Bravia and watching it is really a pleasure ( the fact that you get less light reflection on a LCD than on a traditionnal TV just rocks when you have a window in your back when watching TV, even with the shutters closed..)


PS2 : my PS3 has been turned on since the day I bought it, 10 months ago so I am very happy with its reliability...I can't imagine how mad I would be if I had to send for a replacement and was without it for a more than a day, right now I play it DAILY.

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !