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Il put it this way

In the 8bit generation i owned a NES and had great fun with it (zelda was awesome lol )
16 bit i owned a genesis had my best days of gaming with it
32 64 bit i owned a saturn and a N64 both didn't have many games but the ones they did were really good, so had some great times in that generation
128 bit era i owned all consoles, dreamcast amazing games in such a short life time, ps2 well we all no this had lots of great games, xbox,was starting to pick up steam and microsoft decided to kill it ,gamecube, apart from wind waker and metroid was a disappointing console

this gen i dont own any consoles all 3 are really disappointing every time i touch them

wii i just dont like the motion controls they seem to limit the games to much and only 2 games on its library really grab my attention zelda and mario so i wont buy a console for 2 games

ps360 its like playing a ps2 or xbox with prettier graphics and so far from these consoles i just havent found a single game i want to play

im getting old lol and the time to play just is getting smaller and smaller, to many other fun things to do besides gaming