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I own a PS3 and i must say this gen is average so far, GTA4 was the biggest let down ever. I could of never imagined a worse GTA4 game. FF13 won't be here until sometime next gen, and the same could be said for GT5. I was a big Hot shots Golf fan and the PS3 version was a total yet down, its as bare bones as you could get for a game.

I was never a big FPS fan, but thats changed for this gen and i must say i have had so much fun playing CoD4 and RFoM this gen and looking forward to R2 and KZ2 and CoD6 very much. Ratchet on the PS3 was my first Ratchet game and it was one of the best games i have ever played, i went out and bought the PS2 ones the game so good.

But there are just so many great PS2 games i have never played and owning a 60gb PS3 is allowing me to pick up last gen games pretty cheap and they have all been pretty good so far.

I've played hundreds of hours on the 360 this gen and i must say have done okay so far this gen, Oblivion and Bioshock were great games. Halo3 was a major letdown, i tried to get into LO and mass Effect but they had so many slowdowns and glitches it kinda wrecked it, and LO was also very boring. But their market place is very nice, so many demo's and arcades games to try.