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Forums - Sales Discussion - Metal Gear spikes PS3 sales - good sign or bad?

Sales will maintain their momentum. Of that, I am certain.

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Onimusha12 said:
I think we'll see a big drop off in the long run, with a game like this you're exhausting alot of on-the-fence gamers who were waiting for a reason to buy one.

The fact they needed a bundle to pull this off too is kind of worrisome as well. Most new games aren't given a wheelchair to help them out into the market. All that remains now is to see if this actually allows Sony to usurp Nintendo for just one week, because if this game can't do it, then that's just a sad sign for the PS3.

GTAIV - checked off the list

MGS4 - getting the sharpe marker ready for the check

FFXIII - next on the list

Dude give it a rest, you all expected MGS4 to sell less than 1 million on its first week, then were completely quiet when it sold 1.3 million on its FIRST DAY.

Not to mention that the PS3 sales in japan are passed 60k and the week isnt over.


Onimusha12 said:
I think we'll see a big drop off in the long run, with a game like this you're exhausting alot of on-the-fence gamers who were waiting for a reason to buy one.

The fact they needed a bundle to pull this off too is kind of worrisome as well. Most new games aren't given a wheelchair to help them out into the market. All that remains now is to see if this actually allows Sony to usurp Nintendo for just one week, because if this game can't do it, then that's just a sad sign for the PS3.

GTAIV - checked off the list

MGS4 - getting the sharpe marker ready for the check

FFXIII - next on the list

"QFR"(Quoted for Retardation).Troll! MGS4 sold 1.3 million copies,and how many bundles? 70k.You do the math.

Obviously it can only be good. You can analyze whatever you want around what the numbers mean for 80GB vs 40GB (and I might even agree with you) but many additional consoles were sold and will likely mean additional future SW sales and will help reduce the large 360 lead in US vs average sales without the bundle/game.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

@ Leo-J & Bleu-Ocelot

I was expecting this to sell at least as good as GTAIV on the PS3 if not more considering this is not only an exclusive but bundled with the console.

This was the most hyped MGS game ever! It was bundled with a console for one hell of a bargain deal! It was a console exclusive! It was the fucking reason to own a PS3! The PS3 has been outselling the 360 week after week! And this is all it could do? What more does a AAA game seriously need?

I don't know why people were expecting this to do less than one million its first day much ales its first week, but its about just as damn pathetic that people on the otherside of the fence are trying to spin the fact it did manage to pull off such a marginal achievement not only as something worth celebrating but new fuel to the fire for ambitions of Sony domination.

My condolences to you and your Game of the Year that never was. MGS4 is not a flop, it is not a failure, but it sure as hell isn't a victory either.

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Any spike in hardware sales is always a good thing.

Proud Owner of all 3 current-gen systems

Currently Playing:
SSBB, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, MKWii, GTA IV (360), MGS4, DQIV, Jeanne d'Arc, FFVII: Crisis Core, Chrono Trigger (PSX)

Mario Kart FC: 4897-6731-4375
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PSN: PhatLaosBoi

"Sony domination"..? Lol that ship has sailed. :p

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


Onimusha12 said:

@ Leo-J & Bleu-Ocelot

I was expecting this to sell at least as good as GTAIV on the PS3 if not more considering this is not only an exclusive but bundled with the console.

This was the most hyped MGS game ever! It was bundled with a console for one hell of a bargain deal! It was a console exclusive! It was the fucking reason to own a PS3! The PS3 has been outselling the 360 week after week! And this is all it could do? What more does a AAA game seriously need?

I don't know why people were expecting this to do less than one million its first day much ales its first week, but its about just as damn pathetic that people on the otherside of the fence are trying to spin the fact it did manage to pull off such a marginal achievement not only as something worth celebrating but new fuel to the fire for ambitions of Sony domination.

My condolences to you and your Game of the Year that never was. MGS4 is not a flop, it is not a failure, but it sure as hell isn't a victory either.

I dont feel like arguing with you,  Keep trolling.


Onimusha12 said:

@ Leo-J & Bleu-Ocelot

I was expecting this to sell at least as good as GTAIV on the PS3 if not more considering this is not only an exclusive but bundled with the console.

This was the most hyped MGS game ever! It was bundled with a console for one hell of a bargain deal! It was a console exclusive! It was the fucking reason to own a PS3! The PS3 has been outselling the 360 week after week! And this is all it could do? What more does a AAA game seriously need?

I don't know why people were expecting this to do less than one million its first day much ales its first week, but its about just as damn pathetic that people on the otherside of the fence are trying to spin the fact it did manage to pull off such a marginal achievement not only as something worth celebrating but new fuel to the fire for ambitions of Sony domination.

My condolences to you and your Game of the Year that never was. MGS4 is not a flop, it is not a failure, but it sure as hell isn't a victory either.

what was your MGS4 prediction again?

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

i think i heard that the bundle sold out,maybe people will be waiting for the bundle to restock

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"