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@ Leo-J & Bleu-Ocelot

I was expecting this to sell at least as good as GTAIV on the PS3 if not more considering this is not only an exclusive but bundled with the console.

This was the most hyped MGS game ever! It was bundled with a console for one hell of a bargain deal! It was a console exclusive! It was the fucking reason to own a PS3! The PS3 has been outselling the 360 week after week! And this is all it could do? What more does a AAA game seriously need?

I don't know why people were expecting this to do less than one million its first day much ales its first week, but its about just as damn pathetic that people on the otherside of the fence are trying to spin the fact it did manage to pull off such a marginal achievement not only as something worth celebrating but new fuel to the fire for ambitions of Sony domination.

My condolences to you and your Game of the Year that never was. MGS4 is not a flop, it is not a failure, but it sure as hell isn't a victory either.