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Onimusha12 said:
I think we'll see a big drop off in the long run, with a game like this you're exhausting alot of on-the-fence gamers who were waiting for a reason to buy one.

The fact they needed a bundle to pull this off too is kind of worrisome as well. Most new games aren't given a wheelchair to help them out into the market. All that remains now is to see if this actually allows Sony to usurp Nintendo for just one week, because if this game can't do it, then that's just a sad sign for the PS3.

GTAIV - checked off the list

MGS4 - getting the sharpe marker ready for the check

FFXIII - next on the list

"QFR"(Quoted for Retardation).Troll! MGS4 sold 1.3 million copies,and how many bundles? 70k.You do the math.