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Forums - Sony Discussion -"gamers should be eternally grateful that MGS4 exist"

Rock_on_2008 said:
Keep up the good work SpartanFX. Woohoo another 10/10 for MGS 4. Go MGS 4 Go.


Lmao, win.


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Q_A_X said:
starcraft said:


Jealous MS fanboys are jealous.

I'll be enjoying the best game ever, exclusive to the PS3 thank you very much. Keep your Halo 3, it pales in comparison.

MGS4 > God.


It's comments like that that make some Sony fans hard to take seriously.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

well we should be grateful so we can play another awesome game

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

starcraft said:
Q_A_X said:
starcraft said:


Jealous MS fanboys are jealous.

I'll be enjoying the best game ever, exclusive to the PS3 thank you very much. Keep your Halo 3, it pales in comparison.

MGS4 > God.


It's comments like that that make some Sony fans hard to take seriously.

 How is it hard to take seriously?

You haven't even played the game. You can't comment on it. So now please leave.

 I have played the game. It is by far the best game I have ever played. I know what I'm talking about, you don't.

End of.


^its a superb game but i wouldnt say its >god

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Around the Network
starcraft said:
Can you put these all in one thread Spartan?
Not a single 360 or Wii owner does this for their consoles games.

FishyJoe did it everytime Wii Fit sold out somewhere.  Just saying.


maybe he isn't religious...don't force religion onto him.,.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

DMeisterJ said:
starcraft said:
Can you put these all in one thread Spartan?
Not a single 360 or Wii owner does this for their consoles games.

FishyJoe did it everytime Wii Fit sold out somewhere. Just saying.

I wasn't aware of that and he shouldn't have done it.  Believe me you don't want people thinking this stuff is ok.

If it comes to Fable 2 time and I'm under the impression its cool to make different threads for every review, I'll crash the site.



starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

dude, SMG is a platformer, if it wouldn't be jumping and running around it wouldn't be a platformer anymore, so of course the different mario's look alike in many ways; that's the whole point of it..


darthdevidem01 said:

maybe he isn't religious...don't force religion onto him.,.


Oh I'm not religious. Therefore God (even though it doesn't exsit) isn't very high on my list of good things.

 What I said was for the more religious of users on this site to say just how good a game this is.