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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do You Plan on Buying a Switch 2?


Do You Plan on Buying a Switch 2?

Definitely, day one 266 43.89%
Yes, but not right away 166 27.39%
Maybe, I'm currently undecided 55 9.08%
Probably not, but there's a chance 52 8.58%
Definitely not 67 11.06%
super_etecoon said:

Day one for sure for me, just as I have with the Wii, the WiiU and the Switch. That is, assuming I can get one. I’ve always waited in line, but maybe I’ll try the preorder method for the Switch 2. I just hate the idea that my preorder could be stuck in transit or get delayed.

What is everyone’s experience with preordering consoles?

None lol, I just waited the day MK8DX released to go to my EB Games and buy one ... It was easy. So everyone who spoke of the scarcity early on made me estranged during these discussions ...

I do intend to get a pre-order at my local store this time though. Don't know how people around where I live are gonna react to this but I hope there not too pressed for a pre-order as I haha

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

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Yes. Day One.

Assuming I can pre-order it in time.

Day one, just like my Wii, Wii U, and Switch.

I was hoping to play Xenoblade X on the Switch 2, but I don’t think I can wait.

The Switch 2 will definitely have some big first-party titles in its first year. I hope I’m lucky enough to snag a pre-order!

Last edited by eddy7eddy - on 23 January 2025

Possibly at some point down the line, but I'm in no rush. I don't see any reason to ever buy any console at launch, and I doubt Switch 2 is going to give me any reason to think otherwise.

Will I buy Switch 2 on day 1?  Very unlikely.
Will I buy Switch 2 ever?  Maybe, but it also won't take much to turn that "maybe" into a "yes".  Backwards compatibility helps a lot.

The only systems I've ever bought on day 1 are the SNES and Switch.  I bought the SNES, because Nintendo Power said it would have the next Zelda on it (i.e. Link to the Past).  I bought the Switch for Breath of the Wild.  Basically for me to buy any system on day 1, it better have a Zelda game that I really want on it, and my standards are really high for Zelda games.  I still haven't played TotK nor do I plan to.

I need to see what kind of software Switch 2 will have before I know if I will ever buy it, but chances are high that it will eventually have enough games that I want.  I've owned every Nintendo handheld since the GBA, since they eventually all get a very good library of games.  Mario Kart 9 is not enough for me on its own though.

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Hell yeah.

Didn't day1 the Switch... and won't with the Switch 2 either.
Need to see it build up a bit of a catalog first.

I do not know enough about the system to be certain. I usually buy Nintendo's latest console. But my backlog of games for my current systems are so large that it is very hard for me to convince my self that I need a new system. And "only" more power is not enough for me to buy it.

Day one for me. The Switch is the only gaming device that I use on a daily basis. So getting the successor really ia a no-brainer.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

Day one. Me and my brother share a Switch and just take it in cycles in terms of who keeps it at theirs. By the time I decided I was willing to invest in my own, it was late enough in the consoles life for to wait for the successor, so I'll pick one up even if there are no games on it lol. Will just finish off Pikmin 4 and Kirby.