Let's see here...
Always online requirement.
Various other forms of DRM.
"partial controller support" (also no options for rebinds and M+K controls being arse and non rebind-able either).
Multiple account systems needed.
Launcher within a launcher.
Game split up into hundreds of DLC's.
Any modern game that does not support any other resolution past 1080p (I play at 1440p, c'mon guys it's 2025, there's no excuse to lack higher res monitor support now).
Live Service (If it's not adopting DRG's model I don't care, I will block the rest on Steam).
Battle Royale.
Wiki games (Yes Wiki games, ones like Minecraft, Starbound, Terraria, Stardew and more have become far more reliant on external game knowledge rather than putting all that into their games for you to access and know at any given time).
Improper labelling tags (When I think of an RTS I think of C&C/Starcraft, not a game that's neither of those and is abusing tag additions for more views/wishlists, and yes I am getting super sick of browsing the RTS tag on Steam and finding non RTS games showing up there).
Paid Season/battle pass (DRG's own version is completely free and also allows me to freely go back and forth between each pass).
Now these can seem rather small to just about anyone, but to me, it's a combination of the list above that can either put me off or just outright annoy me to hell with gaming. Trend chasing mixed in with companies trying to kill plug n' play is what really puts me off most of the time (DRM/online checks and account systems act as stop gaps and barriers to how plug n' play is supposed to work).
Last edited by Chazore - on 23 January 2025