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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Would you buy GTA6 at 100 dollars/Euros? (Poll)


GTA goes for 100 price point.

I'd still buy 8 9.09%
No purchase for me 22 25.00%
I'd wait for a sale 30 34.09%
I'd buy it and then give up new games totally 1 1.14%
I have no interest in GTA6 27 30.68%

It's too much above the general price of games at the moment, so no. That's assuming I'm very interested in GTA VI, of course, which I'm not. I might get it one day, but that day is probably years away.

In general, I'm begrudgingly in favour of raising game prices to offset developement cost and lift some of the pressure to release DLC of poor value. I just think a bump to $100 would probably be too much at this time.

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I'll be buying it on a Black Friday sale a year or two after it comes out. Who needs to play any game when it first comes out. Hell, so many games coming out these days are glitchy to begin with and need patches.

I've had almost no GTA experience and I'm hesitant to buy V for $20. I wouldn't buy VI for really any more than that. Not even $70, $100 is fantasy.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 40 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million. then 48 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

Wman1996 said:

I've had almost no GTA experience and I'm hesitant to buy V for $20. I wouldn't buy VI for really any more than that. Not even $70, $100 is fantasy.

I would recommend the game for $20. I don't care for the online portion but the story is well worth a playthrough. 

Topic: Charging more than $70 for any base game is ridiculous. Especially for a game like GTA which makes billions from microtransactions and sells as much as it does. 

I didn't even buy GTA V when it was free

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sc94597 said:

I am not too interested in GTA6. Usually get GTA games much later after their prices have dropped significantly. But would be fine paying $100 per high-budget (AAA) game, if and only if micro-transactions are heavily limited/non-existent and expansion packs/DLC are free unless it is a major enough expansion to be a game in its own right (think Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna The Golden Country) and said expansion is sold at a proportional price based on content vs. main game.

A lot of the bad trends in the gaming industry are exacerbated by the fact that game prices have been somewhat declining over the last few decades when accounting for inflation. 

$60 in January 2020 is about $73.40 in December 2024. The end of that year we saw AAA game prices jump to $70. So games are slightly cheaper now than in the beginning of 2020. 

$100 would put us about where games cost in the early 90's. 

$80 seems more realistic of a price than $100 given that cartridges were more expensive than discs/downloads, but I wouldn't mind $90 or $100 if the conditions earlier in my post were met. 

Graph isn't fully accurate, they don't have to pay for manufacturing and distribution anymore with Discs or carts, plus they are way cheaper if they do mostly and the majority is digital, that offsets a lot and social media marketing is so much cheaper now. They could raise physical prices but raising digital prices would be heinous. 

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 21 January 2025

KLXVER said:

No. I already think 70 bucks is too much.

Same, I think 50 euro is a decent price. I have to wait just a few months now to get in or around that price and I'm in. I've bought a total of 7 full price games in five years and some of them were drunken impulse buys. 

Darwinianevolution said:

No. I can buy dozens of games, literally dozens of games, with 100€. Even if I buy physical, I can get good deals for 2-3 games for that amount. No way GTA VI is going to give me that much value, especially when it will eventually go down (and I have a massive backlog already, so I'm not in a hurry). Hell, I haven't played GTA V, so that's that.

You should try GTA5. The campaign is soooo good, still in current year. Goes on sale for like 10 euro often too. 

Wman1996 said:

I've had almost no GTA experience and I'm hesitant to buy V for $20. I wouldn't buy VI for really any more than that. Not even $70, $100 is fantasy.

Pay for a month of PS+, play through the campaign and drop the service. That's lile 12 euro. 

I dont buy games until they are $20 or $30 with DLC/Complete Edition/GOTY edition.

Only exceptions are Nintendo games but only do that when I can buy them for $40 or $45.

Also through Costco's eshop cards.

I dont buy games physical anymore so the NSO vouchers have been great.

I've gotten GTA5 for $20 so I can wait for it.