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Forums - Sony Discussion - Would you have tried out the canceled God Of War Live service game? (Poll)


I would have given the Gaas God Of War game...

A fair chance 1 10.00%
A day one purchase, no questions 0 0%
No heed at all, get it away from me 9 90.00%
No opinion one way or the other 0 0%
G2ThaUNiT said:

Ooooof that’s 9 games……

Well technically Concord came out....and got delisted less than a month lol

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Norion said:

I wonder what'll happen with the Horizon one

Oh that one is definitely coming out Horizon is Hulsts baby through and through.

Beans are disgusting, Only in Chilli. Outside of that they are fucking gross.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

vidyaguy said:
Norion said:

I wonder what'll happen with the Horizon one

Oh that one is definitely coming out Horizon is Hulsts baby through and through.

Perhaps. It makes sense they'd wanna release at least one of the spin-offs to see how it performs and they're not gonna fully pull back from pursuing the live service model. Though the Lego Horizon game seemingly flopping could make them reconsider since Aloy doesn't seem to have much pull if it's not a main game.

Last edited by Norion - on 17 January 2025

On the one had, good riddance, fuck live service games.

On the other, tying up so many of their studios for years working on this crap was a monumentally awful decision, and may seriously reduce the number of big exclusives Sony are able to make this generation, as even if they start another game right away, these big projects take like 5-6 years to make nowadays, by which time PS6 will be out.

What a mess.

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Good for them

*Sigh* Welp at least they might have learned something from this whole ordeal. Though, I also see this as being only part of their fiscal restructuring and terminating the projects that seemed less ideal in their development so far.

I mean, Marathon the game by Bungie is still coming + another new IP from a smaller team that was created from the staff "exchange" last year.

Man ... The PS5 appart from some of the good 3rd party games is proving itself to have one the worst 1st party lineup in Sony's overall history

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

Concord freaked Sony the fuck out lol

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Mar1217 said:

*Sigh* Welp at least they might have learned something from this whole ordeal. Though, I also see this as being only part of their fiscal restructuring and terminating the projects that seemed less ideal in their development so far.

I mean, Marathon the game by Bungie is still coming + another new IP from a smaller team that was created from the staff "exchange" last year.

Man ... The PS5 appart from some of the good 3rd party games is proving itself to have one the worst 1st party lineup in Sony's overall history

Sony's first 2 full years lineup on PS5 is quite good actually, much better than PS4 if we ignore that they weren't full exclusives. But PS4 arguably caught up later.

Bend was irrelevant from PS2 and until Days Gone (which was alright I guess). Bluepoint released a PS5 launch title and their best game to date. Concord was from a new studio that never released anything, so not much is lost.

They could have done a better job but overall the lineup isn't weak. Returnal, Helldivers 2 and Astro Bot are more fresh than anything they released on PS4 (VR aside).

Naughty Dog has been a joke though, and the lack of exclusivity is kinda turning the console into a "less optional Xbox". I would also love to see them return to smaller projects, like the countless games they published prior to PS4. I'll love Concord forever if the trauma causes them to return to smaller games.

We are not getting less single player games, just also gaas in adition. No worries. Right Jim? Right sony?