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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread -HAPPY NEW YEAR- The 15th Annual Greatest Games Event

#45 The Lion King

There was a time where licensed games was not equal to a worse gaming experience. And even if Aladdin might have been the more popular gaming title I always preferred The Lion King. We borrowed the discs from our cousin and did not have the booklet needed to get the code one needed to write in order to play the game. But we knew that 5 - 5 was "music" so we just had to restart the game until that was the code needed.

This game is the first game I was better at than my brothers. I true first. I was never that good at playing games but I could beat the most difficult parts of this bad boy. Something I feel was quite a feat since I revisited the game recently, had a blast but got game over on the first few levels, multiple times.  

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Mnementh said:

#47: Get as much of the liquid to the goal as possible with Wii motion controls.

World of Goo?

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2024 OpenCritic Prediction Leagues:

Nintendo | PlayStation | Multiplat

#44 Golden Sun

The second RPG game I bought for my first system. Golden Sun sparked colorful and detailed graphics, hidden helpful magic creatures, puzzles using magic abilities and more text than i could ever like to read. Seriously, this game have lot of text, I mean really really lot. It is a miracle I ever got through all the text. Just the beginning of the game with a storm before the real adventure starts take over an hour of reading text. In a modern world with voice acting this feels very out of time.

Combining the first game with the second gives the full experience. Both are excellent games with a lot of text. I played many different JRPGs back then but nothing topped Golden Sun for me and nothing have pulled me back into the genre that I pretty much stopped play them. But who knows, I might get the urge to read a lot of text again in a few years. 

Last edited by Pajderman - on 19 November 2024

#43 Diablo 3

Do I like this game? I do not know. Few games make me as conflicted as the third instalment in the Action RPG series Diablo. Bringing a lighter tone than the its predecessors and incorporating a strange economic system the game was not received well by fans initially. But slowly after a few updates and expansions it grew to something many people enjoyed. 

Me, I miss the time when hanging out in the auction house was part of the game. Yea, really. I liked gathering gold to try and get enough funds to snatch the last piece of a set. I want that experience again. But it is gone forever. What is left is a game I played for years with friends doing run after run against bosses in hopes of something to drop that is a little better than what i already had. And when Playing the latest installment, i long for cheeky comments about elites, larger flashier damage numbers and a massacre counter visible. Does days are gone, and so is the dumpster fire auction house - that I enjoyed, a lot for some strange reason.

Last edited by Pajderman - on 19 November 2024

UnderwaterFunktown said:
Mnementh said:

#47: Get as much of the liquid to the goal as possible with Wii motion controls.

World of Goo?

Good thinking, but no.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

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Change YoY: -4   My Rating: 9.1 / 10

So, what exactly is there left for me to say about Super Mario Bros. 3 that just about everyone else hasn't already repeated ad nauseam over the last 30+ years? One of the most legendary and beloved video games of all time, often still considered by many to be among the very best 2D platformers ever created, and a game whose influence can still be seen and felt in the genre to this day. Yeah, I suppose it's an all right little game. I also think this Mario character might have some potential.

I do still remember when I got Super Mario Bros. 3 somewhere around 1993 or 94, a few years after its original release in the PAL regions. My cousin was no longer into video games that much, and he was getting rid of his NES games, so obviously I took all of them off his hands. Though there were quite a few very good games among them, like Kirby's Adventure, for example, it was SMB3 that remains my favourite of the entire NES library. Even by today's standards it remains a near flawless game in a lot of ways. The platforming is precise, the colourful graphics are some of the best on the console, and most importantly, it's simply just fun to play. If I was ranking this game based on pure gameplay, Super Mario Bros. 3 would probably be quite a bit higher on the list. As it stands, it's one of the few games on my list that are there almost entirely on the merits of its gameplay, and one that's still worth playing today.

45) The controversial mission in this game would probably be even more controversial today

44) The Demon Lord is suprisingly chill until he meets the elves which he calls tree-shaggers

43) The Last Wish, Sword of Destiny, Blood of Elves, Time of Contempt, Baptism of Fire, The Tower of the Swallow, The Lady of the Lake

42) GTA Online before GTA Online

41) As predicted last year the adaptation did indeed turn out bad

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2024 OpenCritic Prediction Leagues:

Nintendo | PlayStation | Multiplat

UnderwaterFunktown said:

45) The controversial mission in this game would probably be even more controversial today

44) The Demon Lord is suprisingly chill until he meets the elves which he calls tree-shaggers

43) The Last Wish, Sword of Destiny, Blood of Elves, Time of Contempt, Baptism of Fire, The Tower of the Swallow, The Lady of the Lake

42) GTA Online before GTA Online

41) As predicted last year the adaptation did indeed turn out bad

45: Modern Warfare 2?

43: Great series of books. Anyway, The Witcher III?

Darashiva said:
UnderwaterFunktown said:

45) The controversial mission in this game would probably be even more controversial today

44) The Demon Lord is suprisingly chill until he meets the elves which he calls tree-shaggers

43) The Last Wish, Sword of Destiny, Blood of Elves, Time of Contempt, Baptism of Fire, The Tower of the Swallow, The Lady of the Lake

42) GTA Online before GTA Online

41) As predicted last year the adaptation did indeed turn out bad

45: Modern Warfare 2?

43: Great series of books. Anyway, The Witcher III?

45) Correct!

43) No but right series. Doesn't leave many options though

Try out my free game on Steam

2024 OpenCritic Prediction Leagues:

Nintendo | PlayStation | Multiplat

UnderwaterFunktown said:
Darashiva said:

45: Modern Warfare 2?

43: Great series of books. Anyway, The Witcher III?

45) Correct!

43) No but right series. Doesn't leave many options though

Yeah, well Witcher II then?