#44 Golden Sun
The second RPG game I bought for my first system. Golden Sun sparked colorful and detailed graphics, hidden helpful magic creatures, puzzles using magic abilities and more text than i could ever like to read. Seriously, this game have lot of text, I mean really really lot. It is a miracle I ever got through all the text. Just the beginning of the game with a storm before the real adventure starts take over an hour of reading text. In a modern world with voice acting this feels very out of time.
Combining the first game with the second gives the full experience. Both are excellent games with a lot of text. I played many different JRPGs back then but nothing topped Golden Sun for me and nothing have pulled me back into the genre that I pretty much stopped play them. But who knows, I might get the urge to read a lot of text again in a few years.
Last edited by Pajderman - 4 days ago