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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Will the Switch 2 finally be powerful enough and popular enough to get Nintendo all the top games?

No, if Srries S is crating timed exclusives for Sony already then no.

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Mar1217 said:
Chrkeller said:

No doubt that will be true for 1st party games.  But for third party games?  I don't see third party building games specifically for the S2.  Games will be built for Xbox, ps5 and PC.  

I can't fathom Capcom making Wilds, SF7 and RE9 based on S2 specifications.  

That's exactly why there were no 3rd party exclusives or timed exclusives on the Switch ... 

Oh wait. There is. A good amount in fact. MH Rise, Square Enix HD 2D games in general, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, SMT V, etc ... We're all made with the Switch platform as the starting point to which other eventual versions were based on. 

Mentioning that, you best bet Capcom 2nd MH team is working on the next timed exclusive MH game for the Switch successor most likely. And whatnot other deals Nintendo might have done with other publishers in the meantime. 

I'm not sure a dozen ports, out of a hundred plus multi-plats is a "good amount."  For every 3rd party title the switch received I can name a dozen+ it didn't.  

My understanding is MH is doing very well on PC, so I don't see MH going exclusive anytime soon.

More to the point, most third party games are going to be ports, not customized specifically for the hardware as another poster suggested.  

If people think major titles are going to buit for the switch 2 in mind, sorry I have to laugh.  The overwhelming majority of titles are going to be built with ps5, Xbox and PC in mind.

The switch 2 being the focal point for 3rd party is just wishful thinking.  


To be clear I'm not questioning if the switch 2 will receive 3rd party support, I think it will get a fair amount, maybe even large. 

I'm simply questioning the view that 3rd party will customize specifically for the switch 2.  Outside a few games, I just do not see that happening.

I say that because Steam has 130,000,000 monthly active users, Epic is 75,000,000, the ps5 has 60,000,000 install base and the Xbox has 30,000,000.  Just shy of 300,000,000....  it will be the focal point for the vast majority of 3rd party titles.  

Last edited by Chrkeller - on 30 August 2024


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

It won't be powerfull enough. Period. We already know that. However, like Switch, it will be highly successful and will get most of the current/near future top games in one way or another. At least for the first couple of years.

Nintendo knows its game, it plays alone, not directly completing with Sony, MS or PCs. It cares more to build a safe house for its own franchises than having a great version (even a no version at all 🤣) of games like Black Myth etc. They know how to build a cash machine, they focus on mobility, they will keep their monopoly, they will charge high enough and noone will blame them for it. Why risk it 😂

All in all, we know how the story unfolds. Just like the Switch did before, I bet we will see a similar story with what Switch did vs PS4/5, XBONE/XBSX or PC. We will get a Switch for mobility and exclusives. And then another platform for the rest. One platform was never enough...

Chrkeller said:
Mar1217 said:

That's exactly why there were no 3rd party exclusives or timed exclusives on the Switch ... 

Oh wait. There is. A good amount in fact. MH Rise, Square Enix HD 2D games in general, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, SMT V, etc ... We're all made with the Switch platform as the starting point to which other eventual versions were based on. 

Mentioning that, you best bet Capcom 2nd MH team is working on the next timed exclusive MH game for the Switch successor most likely. And whatnot other deals Nintendo might have done with other publishers in the meantime. 

I'm not sure a dozen ports, out of a hundred plus multi-plats is a "good amount."  For every 3rd party title the switch received I can name a dozen+ it didn't.  

My understanding is MH is doing very well on PC, so I don't see MH going exclusive anytime soon.

More to the point, most third party games are going to be ports, not customized specifically for the hardware as another poster suggested.  

If people think major titles are going to buit for the switch 2 in mind, sorry I have to laugh.  The overwhelming majority of titles are going to be built with ps5, Xbox and PC in mind.

The switch 2 being the focal point for 3rd party is just wishful thinking.  


To be clear I'm not questioning if the switch 2 will receive 3rd party support, I think it will get a fair amount, maybe even large. 

I'm simply questioning the view that 3rd party will customize specifically for the switch 2.  Outside a few games, I just do not see that happening.

I say that because Steam has 130,000,000 monthly active users, Epic is 75,000,000, the ps5 has 60,000,000 install base and the Xbox has 30,000,000.  Just shy of 300,000,000....  it will be the focal point for the vast majority of 3rd party titles.  

I think what people miss about third parties on Nintendo Switch is that third parties have treated the system like a Nintendo handheld. Which is important considering the Switch is a hybrid. If you compare third party support on Switch to something like the Game Boy Advance or Nintendo DS, then the Switch isn't actually that different from those systems (it's also better in some areas as well). And the GBA and DS didn't get every single game or franchise that PS and Xbox consoles got either. So if you don't care about portability, then it's easy to see the Switch as just another Nintendo box. But if you regularly use it like a handheld, then it arguably has the best support a Nintendo has ever gotten, and Switch 2 will probably be even better in that regard.

Chrkeller said:
Pemalite said:

Memory bandwidth is always a limitation.

Agreed.  Which is why I brought it up.  

But it's also irrelevant as developers always make do with what they have or leverage hardware features.

HoloDust said:

I suspect 10th Gen PS/XB will have hardware that will be very Ray Tracing oriented, and that there might be no non-RT versions of games by that time - we're talking several years into 10th Gen, after all cross-gen titles are released and games are only made for 10th Gen. That is something I can see being very hard to port to Switch 2, but by that time (I'm thinking 2030-31), we'll probably have Switch 3.

Ray Tracing and A.I is the future.

In regards to the Switch 3.0... Nintendo will be releasing the Switch 2.0 in the 5th year of the Xbox Series/Playstation 5, if Nintendo has another long console life cycle, the Switch 3.0 may be near the Xbox 6 and Playstation 7 launch windows anyway... Which was the WiiU predicament going up against the Xbox One and Playstation 4 just a year later.

It can work out for Nintendo if they have the right hardware strategy that appeals.. Some (Not all!) developers would build games all generation long with the Switch 3.0 in mind from the very start.

curl-6 said:

Where there's a will, there's a way; even beyond ports like Hogwarts Legacy on the current Switch, there's a long history of games being crammed into hardware far weaker than they were designed for if the publisher decides to make the effort; Doom on SNES, the 7th gen COD games on Wii, Doom 3 and Half-Life 2 on original Xbox, etc.

More than hardware power, it comes down to how much effort and resources the publisher is willing to invest to make it happen; after the enormous success of the Switch, third parties will likely be approaching the successor with a lot more enthusiasm than they initially did the Switch.

Morrowind was probably a more impressive achievement than Half Life 2/Doom 3.

The open world, advanced pixel shaders and more was a huge achievement for a 6th gen console... And Bethesda only achieved that by hard resetting the console to clear RAM.

HoloDust said:
Chrkeller said:

I hope you are right, because real RT is crazy impressive.  It looks just mind blowing.  I just don't use it often because I drop from 120 fps locked to 40-60 fps real quick.  But you are right, it will get better with newer cards.  

I don't really bother with Ray Tracing, too much hit on performance for what are often minuscule visual improvements over only rasterized game, but Path Tracing, done properly, can really change how the game looks.

Path Tracing is Ray Tracing... Any game that uses light bounce is using Ray Tracing, Ray Tracing is group of algorithms/techniques and not really specific to anything.

Even Shrek on the original Xbox console back in 2001 used a single light bounce, which is Ray Tracing... As did Conker.

On PC - Ray tracing is definitely more impressive as PC has better Ray Tracing capabilities... Consoles got shafted by having AMD's version of hardware RT sadly.

Last edited by Pemalite - on 30 August 2024

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

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Pemalite said:
Chrkeller said:

Agreed.  Which is why I brought it up.  

But it's also irrelevant as developers always make do with what they have or leverage hardware features.

HoloDust said:

I suspect 10th Gen PS/XB will have hardware that will be very Ray Tracing oriented, and that there might be no non-RT versions of games by that time - we're talking several years into 10th Gen, after all cross-gen titles are released and games are only made for 10th Gen. That is something I can see being very hard to port to Switch 2, but by that time (I'm thinking 2030-31), we'll probably have Switch 3.

Ray Tracing and A.I is the future.

In regards to the Switch 3.0... Nintendo will be releasing the Switch 2.0 in the 5th year of the Xbox Series/Playstation 5, if Nintendo has another long console life cycle, the Switch 3.0 may be near the Xbox 6 and Playstation 7 launch windows anyway... Which was the WiiU predicament going up against the Xbox One and Playstation 4 just a year later.

It can work out for Nintendo if they have the right hardware strategy that appeals.. Some (Not all!) developers would build games all generation long with the Switch 3.0 in mind from the very start.

curl-6 said:

Where there's a will, there's a way; even beyond ports like Hogwarts Legacy on the current Switch, there's a long history of games being crammed into hardware far weaker than they were designed for if the publisher decides to make the effort; Doom on SNES, the 7th gen COD games on Wii, Doom 3 and Half-Life 2 on original Xbox, etc.

More than hardware power, it comes down to how much effort and resources the publisher is willing to invest to make it happen; after the enormous success of the Switch, third parties will likely be approaching the successor with a lot more enthusiasm than they initially did the Switch.

Morrowind was probably a more impressive achievement than Half Life 2/Doom 3.

The open world, advanced pixel shaders and more was a huge achievement for a 6th gen console... And Bethesda only achieved that by hard resetting the console to clear RAM.

HoloDust said:

I don't really bother with Ray Tracing, too much hit on performance for what are often minuscule visual improvements over only rasterized game, but Path Tracing, done properly, can really change how the game looks.

Path Tracing is Ray Tracing... Any game that uses light bounce is using Ray Tracing, Ray Tracing is group of algorithms/techniques and not really specific to anything.

Even Shrek on the original Xbox console back in 2001 used a single light bounce, which is Ray Tracing... As did Conker.

On PC - Ray tracing is definitely more impressive as PC has better Ray Tracing capabilities... Consoles got shafted by having AMD's version of hardware RT sadly.

Um, no.  The literal point of this thread is to discuss how many 3rd party AAA titles will the Switch 2 receive.  Ease versus difficulty in porting will dictate the answer to the very question being asked.  So no, it isn't irrelevant but flatly essential to the discussion.  

"get the same games the other system get?"

If we were being asked to discuss original content, yeah I would agree.  But we aren't.  We are discussing specifically how many ports the switch 2 will get.  Again, the easier porting is, the more ports it will get.  

Last edited by Chrkeller - on 30 August 2024


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Sales will make a bigger difference than power overall.

The Wii U missed out on many PS3/360 games it could have handled because the sales weren't there, whereas the Switch got many ports across a much, much bigger power gap cos the sales justified it.

curl-6 said:

Sales will make a bigger difference than power overall.

The Wii U missed out on many PS3/360 games it could have handled because the sales weren't there, whereas the Switch got many ports across a much, much bigger power gap cos the sales justified it.

Nah, the Xbox isn't exactly killing sales but gets 99% the same 3rd party support as the ps5...  because porting from one to the other is super easy. 

I get your point that sales matter, which is fair.  But so is ease of porting.  The Xbox will continue getting games like RE9 because porting is super easy.

The switch 2's hardware absolutely will be a major factor in how many games it gets from 3rd party.  

The easier porting is. The more games it will get.  Companies, outside Square, don't pass up on easy money.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Chrkeller said:
curl-6 said:

Sales will make a bigger difference than power overall.

The Wii U missed out on many PS3/360 games it could have handled because the sales weren't there, whereas the Switch got many ports across a much, much bigger power gap cos the sales justified it.

Sure, but the Xbox isn't exactly killing sales nut gets 99% the same 3rd party support as the ps5...  because porting from one to the other is super easy. 

I get your point that sales matter, which is fair.  But so is ease of porting.  The Xbox will continue getting games like RE9 because porting is super easy.

The switch 2's hardware absolutely will be a major factor in how many games it gets from 3rd party.  

Power is certainly a significant factor, sales potential is just a bigger one in my view. In terms of power specs, there's no way in hell Hogwarts Legacy should be on Switch, but the sales potential was there, so the devs crammed an elephant into a hatchback to make it happen.

Meanwhile, quite a few Japanese games that could have run on Xbox One and Xbox Series skipped those systems because they didn't think the audience was there.

I have a lot of games on Switch esp and a few on PS4/5 not on XBO/SX. It's more than 1 percent not on Xbox. It's getting most western support sure but don't think SE/Capcom make up for most Japanese games. It also helps when MS bought Bethesda and Activision.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!