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It won't be powerfull enough. Period. We already know that. However, like Switch, it will be highly successful and will get most of the current/near future top games in one way or another. At least for the first couple of years.

Nintendo knows its game, it plays alone, not directly completing with Sony, MS or PCs. It cares more to build a safe house for its own franchises than having a great version (even a no version at all 🤣) of games like Black Myth etc. They know how to build a cash machine, they focus on mobility, they will keep their monopoly, they will charge high enough and noone will blame them for it. Why risk it 😂

All in all, we know how the story unfolds. Just like the Switch did before, I bet we will see a similar story with what Switch did vs PS4/5, XBONE/XBSX or PC. We will get a Switch for mobility and exclusives. And then another platform for the rest. One platform was never enough...