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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Rumor/Leak for specific RAM and storage capacity of the Switch sucessor (Centro Leak)

Pemalite said:

7,600MT/s is 486.4Gb/s.
486.4Gb/s X2 (Two chips) = 972.8Gb/s.
972.8Gb/s /8 (8 bits in a byte) = 121.6GB/s.

It's not 7,600, it's 7,500 MT/s, which does give a nice even 120 GB/s. Amusingly you did type the whole calculation here with the incorrect value but then used the correct one in the next quote.

To be fair there is a DDR5 standard at 7600, it's just not a *LPDDR5* one, so maybe that's what you had in mind.






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"Nintendo's OS tends to be memory hungry and will likely steal 2-4GB of that 12GB leaving 8-10GB for developers"

Are you serious saying that ? We are speaking of the same Nintendo that's basically using less memory for its current OS (0.7GB) than they did with the freaking WiiU(1GB) ?

Most likely they're gonna go for a similar tactic to achieve a sleek/clean uncluttered OS. I don't see them using more than 2GB for they what they would try to achieve.

That would leave more memory left than even the Series S.

Anyway, all that is just in the rein of speculation for now, so aside from the perceived lack of storage memory you've given, the specs as of now will most likely serve Nintendo games output more than enough.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

Pemalite said:

7,600MT/s is 486.4Gb/s.
486.4Gb/s X2 (Two chips) = 972.8Gb/s.
972.8Gb/s /8 (8 bits in a byte) = 121.6GB/s.

For comparison sake...

Playstation 4: 176GB/s.
Playstation 4 Pro: 217.6GB/s.
Xbox One: 68.3GB/s
Xbox Series X: 326GB/s.
Xbox Series S: 224GB/s.

So it definitely beats the Xbox One, but falls short of the Playstation 4.

HOWEVER... There are a ton of caveats to this which the raw numbers which everyone clings to doesn't tell us.

Things like Delta Colour Compression, Mesh Shading, Improved Culling and compression and even things like Tiled-based rasterization that the Playstation 4 and Xbox One didn't have... Means that it has more bandwidth to play with than the 121.6GB/s of memory bandwidth implies.

The real disappointment is the 12GB memory buffer, it's not enough.

But like all things... This is all rumor and not fact at this point.

Not really. It depends how wide you want to take it... Because you can implement LPDDR2 in such a way that it offers more bandwidth than LPDDR5X.

LPDDR5X also does go higher than the rumored 7500MT/s. - 8533MT/s, 9600MT/s, 10700MT/s exist for example, so Nintendo wouldn't be using the latest and greatest in DRAM.
10700MT/s would put the bandwidth at 171.2GB/s which is in spitting distance of the PS4 and more in line with an RTX3050 which would be preferable.

I would have rather liked to have seen 16GB of memory at the very least... The current layout ensures we will have a 96bit or 192bit memory bus, likely 96bit to keep costs down or a silly clam-shell memory layout.

And 12GB is not a lot of memory in 2024, let alone in 2025 and beyond.
16GB is considered the minimum these days... And we need to also keep in mind that Nintendo's OS tends to be memory hungry and will likely steal 2-4GB of that 12GB leaving 8-10GB for developers, which is a pittance.
Remember the Series S is very memory starved and that has over 8GB for developers out of 10GB.

Things like DLSS, Ray Tracing and more want more Ram.

Comparing it to iPad's and Phones is doing the device a disservice, they are utilitarian devices, not purely gaming devices. Ram and GPU is the priority in a gaming device which reinforces the need for different priorities in hardware.

Nintendos OS isn't memory hungry though. Switch OS uses 1GB. PS4 was 3.5GB for reference, and I believe PS5 is the same. Nintendo could easily keep the memory allotment the same as the OG Switch while still beefing up the OS (making it snappier, added features) since the bandwidth is almost 5x faster. Multitasking would really be the only Achilles heel here. 

In addition, 12GB may not be great in comparison to stationary console gaming, but we aren't dealing with that. The texture resolution for the majority of the games is going to be reduced in comparison to what is found on Series X/PS5, and it will still look great on the small screen. It won't look as great on the large screen, but that's the compromise you get when you are limited to mobile specification.

12 gb, with 2 gb for OS. Leaves 10 gb at 120 gb/s, that will be limiting compared to consoles. But comparing to consoles has always been unfair. For a portable it will be a good jump.

Pretty much what I was expecting out of the S2. Basically a modern "ps4." Has some jumps over the ps4, but also limitations (memory bandwidth and heat dissipation).

$400 and great 1st party games, will buy the second I can get one.

Sounds good to me.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

I can't wait to see what Monolith Soft can do on it. Hopefully Platinum with Astral Chain 2 and Bayo 4 and a Bayo 3 port that runs at 1080P 60FPS.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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These specs are great.

Remember it's still a hybrid platform where people's first interest will be 1st party titles. Nintendo will be delivering some of the best looking games of the respective year on this platform. 

Most AA/indie titles will be able to target the system with relative ease provided people are comfortable with 30fps modes.

Big AAA titles will need some hefty dedicated port time but developers will actually be able to offer a comparable experience if they care to.

I will say 12 gb isn't near enough. One of the reasons I upgraded from the 4070 is because 12 gb gets filled very quickly. Don't misunderstand me, for a portable it is great.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

12GB is still likely a healthy amount more than the XBox Series S which really only has 8GB total for games (2GB is slower separate RAM for their OS). And Series S basically plays all the current gen games, so the amount of RAM doesn't seem to be stopping it from getting hundreds of next-gen titles. Even GTA VI ... confirmed for the XBox Series S, so 8GB of RAM is apparently enough to run the most expensive game ever made, and quite frankly that looks far and away better than just about anything else on a PS5/XSX.

We're probably looking at 10GB for games here, so a healthy 20% more available RAM for developers over the Series S.

I would rather have more bandwidth, the bandwidth is crucial for performance, it also indicates likely a fairly beefy GPU performance, Nintendo wouldn't splurge on more expensive RAM that mostly as of now is only used in higher end devices if they didn't have the GPU that needed that much bandwidth, they'd have saved a few bucks but they didn't. LPDDR5X @ 120GB/sec is more than what most people were expecting, this likely indicates a GPU in the 4 TFLOP range (100GB/sec reserved for the GPU would be a good bet).

12GB @120GB/sec LPDDR5X versus older 16GB @80GB/sec LPDDR5 ... I think if that was the likely two options, Nintendo made the better choice. I don't see any indications that the Series S is being locked out of a major next gen games and it has even less RAM (8GB). More overall RAM than the Series S + more bandwidth than the Steam Deck + ROG Ally is a very good middle ground. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 10 May 2024

Soundwave said:

12GB is still likely a healthy amount more than the XBox Series S which really only has 8GB total for games (2GB is slower separate RAM for their OS). And Series S basically plays all the current gen games, so the amount of RAM doesn't seem to be stopping it from getting hundreds of next-gen titles. Even GTA VI ... confirmed for the XBox Series S, so 8GB of RAM is apparently enough to run the most expensive game ever made, and quite frankly that looks far and away better than just about anything else on a PS5/XSX.

We're probably looking at 10GB for games here, so a healthy 20% more available RAM for developers over the Series S.

I would rather have more bandwidth, the bandwidth is crucial for performance, it also indicates likely a fairly beefy GPU performance, Nintendo wouldn't splurge on more expensive RAM that mostly as of now is only used in higher end devices if they didn't have the GPU that needed that much bandwidth, they'd have saved a few bucks but they didn't. LPDDR5X @ 120GB/sec is more than what most people were expecting, this likely indicates a GPU in the 4 TFLOP range (100GB/sec reserved for the GPU would be a good bet).

8 gb at 2x the memory bandwidth of a 10 gb....  I'm pretty sure the 8 gb at 2x the bandwidth wins.

There is way more to it than just ram.  Data has to be moved on and off the ram.  The S2 has more ram than the Series S but it is half the speed.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Chrkeller said:
Soundwave said:

12GB is still likely a healthy amount more than the XBox Series S which really only has 8GB total for games (2GB is slower separate RAM for their OS). And Series S basically plays all the current gen games, so the amount of RAM doesn't seem to be stopping it from getting hundreds of next-gen titles. Even GTA VI ... confirmed for the XBox Series S, so 8GB of RAM is apparently enough to run the most expensive game ever made, and quite frankly that looks far and away better than just about anything else on a PS5/XSX.

We're probably looking at 10GB for games here, so a healthy 20% more available RAM for developers over the Series S.

I would rather have more bandwidth, the bandwidth is crucial for performance, it also indicates likely a fairly beefy GPU performance, Nintendo wouldn't splurge on more expensive RAM that mostly as of now is only used in higher end devices if they didn't have the GPU that needed that much bandwidth, they'd have saved a few bucks but they didn't. LPDDR5X @ 120GB/sec is more than what most people were expecting, this likely indicates a GPU in the 4 TFLOP range (100GB/sec reserved for the GPU would be a good bet).

8 gb at 2x the memory bandwidth of a 10 gb....  I'm pretty sure the 8 gb at 2x the bandwidth wins.

There is way more to it than just ram.  Data has to be moved on and off the ram.  The S2 has more ram than the Series S but it is half the speed.  

You're moving the goal posts now, we're talking about whether 12GB is enough size, it is for most modern games, the Series S is already proof of that, GTA VI will run on it at 8GB so does virtually every next gen game to date. 

Given the available choices, Nintendo actually went with higher bandwidth performance (LPDDR5X instead of LPDDR5). If they went with LPDDR5 like Steam Deck and ROG Ally you're likely talking about only 80-88GB/sec bandwidth, this will be a healthy amount more than that. 

LPDDR5X is about the best you can get right now for a device that has to be portable, this is RAM generally reserved for $1000 phones and tablets at the moment, and there's more of it than the Series S. This is terrific news and bodes well for a GPU that is quite powerful as well.