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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Game Awards Thread (2023)

Speaking of Elden Ring.

I need to buy it lol

I bought it for two friends at full price before it was released as a gift for them but never bought the game for myself.

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Spike0503 said:

Fun show! I'm glad FF XVI won the best soundtrack category. That OST is AMAZING!

Sorry for double post but this, glad it won.

Still pissed off that FFXV lost during its release year, it was robbed.

(No bias because I'm a FF fan :p)

Leynos said:
Xxain said:

For us the real title is Jet GRIND Radio, Just like its RESIDENT EVIL not Biohazard. If you want to use its Japanese name fine, but nothing wrong with calling it Jet Grind radio. Also, I didn't care much for the Art direction for SOR 4 or Wonder Boy remake. 

Dude the new trailer says Jet Set Radio and the sequel in the US  was Jet Set Radio Future. It just IS the name of the series now and then.

For the love of fuck Leynos, WHO CARES!!!!. When the game series first came out; When "I" first played it, it was Jet GRIND Radio. I didn't play the sequel because I never owned an XBOX. Grind or Set who gives a shit. 

Xxain said:
Leynos said:

Dude the new trailer says Jet Set Radio and the sequel in the US  was Jet Set Radio Future. It just IS the name of the series now and then.

For the love of fuck Leynos, WHO CARES!!!!. When the game series first came out; When "I" first played it, it was Jet GRIND Radio. I didn't play the sequel because I never owned an XBOX. Grind or Set who gives a shit. 

One is the name. The other is not. Simple as that.If someone is named Dave. Not going to call them John.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Leynos said:
Xxain said:

For the love of fuck Leynos, WHO CARES!!!!. When the game series first came out; When "I" first played it, it was Jet GRIND Radio. I didn't play the sequel because I never owned an XBOX. Grind or Set who gives a shit. 

One is the name. The other is not. Simple as that.If someone is named Dave. Not going to call them John.

Call it what you want,just don't come in and demand other people follow your lead, Xxain played John not he uses the title he is familiar with,and whatever  he cares to call it in his post is none of our business, since it's not like he's was demanding we call it John. 

Last edited by mjk45 - on 10 December 2023

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

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axumblade said:
Dulfite said:

The issue with it just being awards, or even mostly, is that isn't what people want anymore. Maybe back in the day, but viewer numbers for award shows have dropped in parallel to an increased politicizing of the platform by winners or other speakers. The less these people have time to speak, the less political they can get, and the less viewers will get offended.

There are others where the politics don't impact them, but they just don't want to watch it. Having dozens of world premiers is probably why 90% of the people watch this. It's just good business sense, even if award show purists don't like it.

I’ve seen a lot of people commenting about the award show not having enough focus. There has got to be a better balance than what they put on for this year’s presentation. The fact that they were spit balling constant awards, instead of actually presenting them to the people that get them takes away from those developers. If anything, they should do what some other awards shows and if a game won another category, announce that while the winner is walking up to the stage so it gives time to put another award in the show

As long as I remember they've done the spit balling "lesser" awards. It's always annoyed me lol.

Leynos said:
Xxain said:

For the love of fuck Leynos, WHO CARES!!!!. When the game series first came out; When "I" first played it, it was Jet GRIND Radio. I didn't play the sequel because I never owned an XBOX. Grind or Set who gives a shit. 

One is the name. The other is not. Simple as that.If someone is named Dave. Not going to call them John.

Jet Grind Radio is a name it had. Like people that take on a new name after marriage or because they legally change, so can games:

"Jet Set Radio[a] (originally released in North America as Jet Grind Radio)"

That is from Wikipedia. I guess Sega later on homogenized the names in different regions.

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Dulfite said:
axumblade said:

I’ve seen a lot of people commenting about the award show not having enough focus. There has got to be a better balance than what they put on for this year’s presentation. The fact that they were spit balling constant awards, instead of actually presenting them to the people that get them takes away from those developers. If anything, they should do what some other awards shows and if a game won another category, announce that while the winner is walking up to the stage so it gives time to put another award in the show

As long as I remember they've done the spit balling "lesser" awards. It's always annoyed me lol.

Also they sometimes do give these "lesser" awards actual time on stage for a speech but it seems arbitrary to which category will make it there or not. 

They basically do not actually respects these creators and teams of artists in anyway aside from a few glorified representatives on stage + Hollywood celebrities which baffles each time we see one of them on stage. 

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

Kind of sad that this was shown basically with each speech, especially when Larian the bigger winner were talking about their co worker who passed away.

but lukcy for Geoff his friend Kojima got 10 minutes sjeez.

konnichiwa said:

Kind of sad that this was shown basically with each speech, especially when Larian the bigger winner were talking about their co worker who passed away.

but lukcy for Geoff his friend Kojima got 10 minutes sjeez.

I blame this on Christopher Judge from last year. Huge fan of his work, especially with Stargate, but the dude had one of the longest, cringest speeches ever made and Geoff had to come down strict this year because of it.