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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - How will be Switch 2 performance wise?


Your expectations on performance...

Ridiculously below this g... 1 3.13%
Way below this gen: Some ... 8 25.00%
Slightly below this gen: ... 16 50.00%
On pair with this gen: AA... 7 21.88%

We already have the rumors, the theories, the components available at the time and almost everything that could be discussed about this.

So it is now time to place your bet. You don't need to be an expert on hardware capabilities, you can just use your intuition on where do you think the next generation Nintendo console performance on multiplat games will fall. Just for fun, to see how are people expectations and how much we will get close when it's all said and done.

Bonus question: Wich Nintendo franchises will make a return and how much their new entries can advance (visually and mechanically) with the hardware jump?

Last edited by 160rmf - on 13 February 2024



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Base PS4 with Pro performance with DLSS.

I also suspect it will be able to replicate the Wii U dual-screen capability. Taking the system out of the dock and playing handheld, it can wireless transmit a signal to the TV for split screen games. One person plays on TV while the other plays handheld natively.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

DF just did a video and that's what I expect.

Digital Foundry recently did a rough test of how it would perform based on rumors. It’s like PS4 to PS4 Pro level I think along with DLSS and ray tracing. For me it will be plenty good for the games Nintendo make so I don’t terribly care.

Better than PS4, but not as good as Series S. In other words it should be just powerful enough to run any third party game if a publisher wants it to happen. And yet weak enough that a publisher can make excuses about it being too weak if they don't want a port to happen.

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The_Liquid_Laser said:

Better than PS4, but not as good as Series S. In other words it should be just powerful enough to run any third party game if a publisher wants it to happen. And yet weak enough that a publisher can make excuses about it being too weak if they don't want a port to happen.

Lol that sounds pretty accurate

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Hopefully above PS4 pro 

I won't be surprised if it's behind base PS4 though 

PS4 Pro performance docked, with paper stats a bit above base PS4.

Leynos said:

Base PS4 with Pro performance with DLSS.

I also suspect it will be able to replicate the Wii U dual-screen capability. Taking the system out of the dock and playing handheld, it can wireless transmit a signal to the TV for split screen games. One person plays on TV while the other plays handheld natively.

First sentence above: yeah thats basically exactly what I expect. Specs around PS4/XB1 level, but with DLSS it should be able to output something around PS4 Pro level I would think.

Second part is interesting. Hadn't thought about that before. If they do that (and for future gens as well) that could be a way to put DS and 3DS games on NSO. And of course as you say that could be useful for multiplayer as well. I could totally be down for that being the new thing Nintendo adds next gen so I could try out DS and 3DS games.

I'm expecting basically the power of the Steam Deck in a smaller device. So PS4 at best, and that's good enough for me.

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