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Forums - Sales Discussion - Famitsu Sales: Week 45, 2023 (Oct 30 - Nov 05)

curl-6 said:
Farsala said:

I am quite the pessimist and feel sony squandered their chance to sell a lot of ps5s in the past few weeks. This week I think around 84k is the amount for Ps5, and in the coming weeks the average will be around 60k.

The way I see it, those who missed out or held out for the last few weeks will still get one once stock comes back in, so those sales weren't lost but just postponed.

Yes week 40 was the last stable week at about 40k and then sales dropped, so the  84k + 60k average will steadily make up for it. But I feel sony would have had a holiday boost anyway. Basically the 84k only makes up for 1 week while I think if they kept stock they could have sold 40k per week. A net increase of about 120k sales by this point. So the 60k per week won't pay off for some time.

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Chicho said:

Here is the last 5 weeks. Each has an increased over the week before.

Week 41995
Week 421086
Week 432748
Week 443301
Week 454737

Not surprising given the unavailability of the PS5.

Definitely won't see an increase next week.

curl-6 said:
DonFerrari said:

What make you think they will support Series in Japan for another 5-6 years? They didn't support X1 for 8-9 years, and well even their last year or couple years of support the sales (WW) were quite low.

This gen will likely be longer than last due to the impacts of covid on its opening years, dev cycles growing longer, and games getting more expensive to make. MS (and Sony) will want to recoup their investment before moving on to the next system, and as long as Xbox Series is their main console, there's a decent chance they'll continue to ship to Japan.

I'm pretty sure this gen will be longer too.  In fact, I think it properly began this year.  We actually have several Gen 9 exclusive games this year like Spider-Man 2, Alan Wake 2, FF16, BG 3, Starfield, etc....  But in 2020-2022, the only new Gen 9 exclusive content was Ratchet and Clank and maybe some other smaller stuff.  If you count 2023 as year 1 then a 2028-2029 launch for new hardware would give a 6-7 year development cycle which is how long generations have lasted previously.

Kind of a special week when your previous console manages to outsell your current one even 3 years after it's official release.

Will be interesting to see how pent up the demand for the new model is, although I'm expecting the digital model and pricier to be shunned by most customers there.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

curl-6 said:
DonFerrari said:

Customers stopped buying X1 and its games long before they had even announced series, PS3/PS4 also had much shorter legs than PS2. Again customers will reduce their purchase at some point and that defines when the next gen will kick in not the wishes and projections of the manufacturers.

But that didn't make MS release the Xbox Series sooner. Companies have a planned timetable for these things years in advance, they don't watch weekly sales and go "okay we're losing sales, release the next one now." MS especially won't want to release much before the PS6 so that they don't get leapfrogged in technology.

So you don't think Nintendo antecipated their launch of Switch due to WiiU blunder or that MS and Sony would have delayed the release of PS4/PS5 X1/Series if the sales of the SW of the previous system was still as strong as in the peak?

Not sure your point of being leapfrogged makes much sense actually, X360 their most successful console owns a good portion of it to a 1 year earlier release (which also most likely rushed PS3 release), and X1 being weaker than PS4 wasn't the issue (as we can see that Series S outsell X and PS5 is weaker than X on paper but comfortably outsell it).

Companies do have timelines and expected plan, but they most certainly change based on sales of HW/SW, and not because of a one week sales but they certainly keep monitoring their quarterly results and will change plans if they get to out of forecast.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

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DonFerrari said:
curl-6 said:

But that didn't make MS release the Xbox Series sooner. Companies have a planned timetable for these things years in advance, they don't watch weekly sales and go "okay we're losing sales, release the next one now." MS especially won't want to release much before the PS6 so that they don't get leapfrogged in technology.

So you don't think Nintendo antecipated their launch of Switch due to WiiU blunder or that MS and Sony would have delayed the release of PS4/PS5 X1/Series if the sales of the SW of the previous system was still as strong as in the peak?

Not sure your point of being leapfrogged makes much sense actually, X360 their most successful console owns a good portion of it to a 1 year earlier release (which also most likely rushed PS3 release), and X1 being weaker than PS4 wasn't the issue (as we can see that Series S outsell X and PS5 is weaker than X on paper but comfortably outsell it).

Companies do have timelines and expected plan, but they most certainly change based on sales of HW/SW, and not because of a one week sales but they certainly keep monitoring their quarterly results and will change plans if they get to out of forecast.

If companies released their next systems when sales declined, Switch would have launched in 2013, Xbox Series in like 2017, Wii U in 2010, etc.

The 360 got lucky with Sony bungling the PS3, they can't rely on such luck again. Xbone being weaker than PS4 was absolutely one of the reasons it was beaten. PS5 and Series isn't the same as PS5 and X are almost a tie in power and the S despite being $200 cheaper hasn't stopped Series sales from crashing.

And theoretically, if next gen does come in 2027, so what? That still leaves us likely another 5 years of Xbox Series being produced, that's still enough for them to ship another 500k to Japan.