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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Runoff, 2002, Game of the Year


2002, Game of the Year Runoff

Kingdom Hearts 9 16.07%
The Wind Waker 14 25.00%
Metroid Prime 22 39.29%
Battlefield 1942 3 5.36%
Eternal Darkness 4 7.14%
Resident Evil (REmake) 4 7.14%

The Wind Waker was the easy choice for me. But I do love Eternal Darkness, Super Mario Sunshine, Star Fox Adventures, those two Resident Evil games etc. Great year for the Gamecube.

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Pajderman said:

This is a difficult year that saddens me a lot. The game I played the most from games released this year is by far Warcraft 3. The campaign is awesome but the mods and community created content is what elevated this game to legendary status. So many spin off genres started or got popularized in the Warcraft 3 motor. But then Blizzard in a spiteful mode for loosing the Dota name effectively killed the mods in the update released with the train-wreck Warcraft 3 reforged. Any mods would automatically be Blizzard owned going forward. Old maps and mods disappeared. It is still possible to play on private servers using one of the older patches of the game I've heard, something I have yet to try out.
If it was not for the fact that I try to judge games based on my enjoyment of playing them today in their current state Warcraft 3 would be a top 10 game ever for me.

The thing about that is though that Blizzard has technically always owned all custom maps according to the games eula, but it's seemingly not enforcable in practice. DotA 2 isn't the only case of a W3 custom map turning into a full game and afaik they've never (successfully) claimed the rights to any of them.

Also the majority of older custom maps (maybe ~90 %) still work in Reforged, almost all of the high profile ones do. It's still kind of a shit show compared to the original, patches usually break as much as they fix, but it's certainly better than the launch state. Definitely playable for melee/campaign and most custom maps and there are still some solid new ones being made.

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2025 OpenCritic Prediction Leagues

Eternal Darkness is my vote. It’s unfair that Dyack’s Kickstarters didn’t make it when so many other projects did.

Warcraft III, Mafia and Wind Waker is also good stuff.

Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos gets my vote. This was peak Blizzard IMO and the game that I’ve probably put the most hours of my gaming life into.

Jet Set Radio Future is my honorable mention for the year. Timeless soundtrack and gameplay that we sorely miss these days.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

At first I wasn't sure what to vote for, but then I saw Soul Calibur II in the secondary list, and that made this quite easy. One of the best fighting games ever, and since I never played the previous games in the series, also served as my introduction to it and made me a huge fan.

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Morrowind because it gave so much freedom and life to the D&D genre

I'll admit that I have a clear bias in favor of Super Mario Sunshine because it was the first 3D Mario I played. I still love it to this day, so it's my pick.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 40 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million. then 48 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

These last two years have been slow, huh.

Surprisingly many games I've played.
There are many in some way special, like in Mafia I didn't enjoy gameplay but it has one of greatest stories in any game I know.
Medal of Honor: Frontline was mentioned but not MoH: Allied Assault? The first game in which I ever shot another player online.

Without a clear personal favorite, I'll just give it to one I've put most hours in: vote for the original Battlefield 1942

Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem. One of my favorite games of all time. Just a masterpiece.