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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Super Mario Bros Wonder announced; all new 2D Mario (Update: Out now!)

h2ohno said:

I've played the first level. Don't have a lot of time for more today. It was strange to not be able to jump with the A button in a Mario game, but it otherwise made a great first impression and looks gorgeous on the OLED's screen.

Pretty sure that can be switched in the control options.

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We've played the first couple levels so far. Works great in couch co-op on tv, finally! (After trying for 3 hours to get into BG3 together, terrible in split-screen) Looks great, controls great, fun game. The perfect distraction for a crappy rainy day. And it cheered my wife up from feeling rage to singing Disney songs, the power of Nintendo :)

I beat Bowser, now just need to wrap it all up by earning the medals on my save file. Medals are the same thing as the stars on the save file for the NSMB games. They'll have pretty much the same requirements, that can be safely assumed. One for beating the game, one for collecting all the 10-coins, one for finding all hidden exits, one for collecting all wonder seeds and so on.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

Just picked it up after work. Really excited to play this later tonight.

So happy that this game feels great to play in single player. NSMBWii and NSMBU just didnt feel right. So zoomed out and empty kinda.

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It's really nice to have so many new enemy types alongside the classics, and the introduction of so many new mechanics and ideas reminds me a lot of the games like Galaxy 1/2, 3D World, and Odyssey. It all makes the experience just so much more fresh and varied than the NSMB games.

The new look is great too, the use of colour and attention to detail is a big step up.

Just picked it up, will soon play it togheter with my kids and wife.

So currently I have no verdict on the game

Played it with the family for a bit and it’s really enjoyable.

But holy shit the wife and kids need to ”git gud”! They truly suck.

Spindel said:

Played it with the family for a bit and it’s really enjoyable.

But holy shit the wife and kids need to ”git gud”! They truly suck.

If they never play these kind of games, it's understandable. They'll get better eventually. Especially your kid probably.

Anywoo, I have the game but sadly I had tennis that evening so I couldn't play a second of it 🥺

After my job end's early today, I'll be ready !!

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

I completed the game 100% this afternoon.

The good:
It's a REAL Mario game.

The bad:
Too few boss battles. I don't know why they dialed back so much on them. Seriously perplexing.
The final level feels like it was designed by Ubisoft's Rayman team. The majority is all about memorizing everything, so it doesn't feel satisfying when you finally beat it.

The ugly: Too much dialogue.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.