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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which should I buy first (Read OP for details)? The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom or Final Fantasy XVI

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I have $35 worth of Gift Certs for Best Buy thanks to my PS5 purchase, which game should I get?

Final Fantasy XVI (PS5) 9 24.32%
The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom (NS) 28 75.68%

Honestly, if you’re putting your certificate to good use, buy zelda. FF will go on sale within months after release, and if you’re only planning to buy those two games this year, the best value will be zelda. Wait til F is like 40 and you’ll essentially have bought both for the price of one new. Conversely if you choose FF first, you’ll be paying 140 for both since zelda will have a good few years before you even see a $10 discount.

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FF hasn't been great since FFIX. It will be reduced in price anyway within a couple of months. TotK will get a $4 off sale in 7 years.

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Go for Zelda. It will at most be discounted by $20, from $70 down to $50, and even that discount will take like 4 years probably. On the other hand FF16 will be down from $70 at launch to $25-30 by Black Friday most likely.

Ordinarily I would suggest Zelda because as others have pointed out as a Nintendo game it most certainly won't go on sale in any reasonable timeframe.

However I am suggesting FFXVI for the following reasons.

1) You would play it right away. After playing through BOTW a 2nd time you might feel Zelda burnout. I like to have a bit of a palette cleanser between games especially if they are in the same franchise/genre.

2) The Steelbook case for FFXVI is likely limited edition. It might even go up in price if you don't secure it early. The Zelda art print seems meh.

Just my 2 cents.

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I would get the one you are the most afraid of having spoiled for you.

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Well, both games will have a showcase today so unless you're the type that likes to go in blind like me, I'd suggest watching them both and deciding after.

Personally I have a lot more faith in Zelda to deliver, but that's me.

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Signalstar said:

as a Nintendo game it most certainly won't go on sale in any reasonable timeframe.

The "reasonable time frame" being until the extinction of humankind indeed

But yeah, I would go with Zelda

FF will go on sale after a couple months, Zelda possibly not in it's lifetime. So I'd rather buy Zelda first and then save a buck or two with FF later down the road.

KLXVER said:

I would get the one you are the most afraid of having spoiled for you.

I'm not afraid of getting spoiled at all.

@ everyone else - thanks for the feedback!

TOK releases first, so thats the one.
You can get FFXVI later, around... June 22.