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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which should I buy first (Read OP for details)? The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom or Final Fantasy XVI

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I have $35 worth of Gift Certs for Best Buy thanks to my PS5 purchase, which game should I get?

Final Fantasy XVI (PS5) 9 24.32%
The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom (NS) 28 75.68%
PotentHerbs said:

I'll say Final Fantasy 16.

It has a lot more to offer in terms of performance options (does ToTK have a 60FPS mode?), it leverages the hardware of the PlayStation 5, and most importantly you have a chocobo PFP lol.

What if I have a chocobo with Link's green tunic...would that make a difference ;p

Edit: searching up zelda and chocobo got me this I feel like modding my copy of Wind Waker and playing it like this lmao

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So after careful consideration, watching the two events yesterday, reading all the feedback I got from this site and other places and looking into which game is a better investment with the credits I have - I'm going to go with Zelda ToTK.

Like I said I'm going to play BotW first before ToTK - so more than likely I'll be ending up playing both FFXVI and Zelda ToTK in the holidays.

So the main reasons why I'm going this route is...

-Zelda ToTK will likely get a sale reduction sometime at the earliest a year and half after its been released (going by BotW's sales history for the Switch ver - stores like Amazon and BB put it on sale almost exactly a year after it was released - and even then the price reduction will likely be minimal - at the most at $60 or $55 since its $10 higher than other games now.

- Final Fantasy XVI will likely get a quicker sale cut. FFXV got a sale cut a month after - I remember this because I bought the Day One Edition for $40 instead of $60 a month after its release.

So going by that, the price is the main reason. $35 for Zelda and whatever price FFXVI will be by Black Friday/Holiday sales time (maybe if I'm lucky earlier than that like FFXV lol).

Gameplay wise and presentation wise - both games are gonna be tied to my GOTY 2023 list no doubt and I'm likely gonna start playing them both more than likely during the holidays.

I got enough on my plate to play right now and what I plan to play while I wait for both (Kingdom Hearts entire series on playstation 5  - starting BBS soon to finish up 1.5+2.5 , then to play 2.8 and then 3) and I still got a bit more Pokemon Sword (about to finish Isle of Armor) and will be starting on BotW.

Thank you for all the feedback, comments, etc - may you all enjoy two of the best games of 2023 along with me in the future!

Zelda naturally why not for the GOTY

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

Probably Zelda.
Although I’m going for FF1-6 Pixel Remaster, myself. That collection comes out in a few days. Then Zelda will probably come eventually. And I don’t have a PS5, so I’ll be skipping FF16.

First, I’m going to play an FF1-X marathon… not a true marathon, which is playing the games with only short breaks between. This’ll be spaced out over months, but I’ll be playing them in order and I won’t be playing any other RPG or adventure games in the meantime.. I’ve played FF7, 8, and X in the past couple of years, and FF6 on the classic mini just a few months ago; but, I like those four so much I’ll play them again; they’re my top tier, my tetrarchy, so to speak: and you can add in FF Tactics, even though it’s a separate series. This time, all 10 games on Switch. All on one Nintendo console with handheld and home console capability. Fucking finally! :D

It’s not that I think Tears of the Kingdom will be a bad game. In fact, I’m sure (minus any kind of disaster) it’ll be at least the second best 3D Zelda game ever made—after Breath of the Wild. That’s why I think you should get it. The reason I’m not getting it right away is that I have zero excitement for it. I’m a big RPG fan, I also had a lot of fun playing a SaGa marathon on Switch, last year.

Speaking of RPGs from Squaresoft; they released Tactics Ogre but not FF Tactics? What’s up with that?

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Jumpin said:

Probably Zelda.
Although I’m going for FF1-6 Pixel Remaster, myself. That collection comes out in a few days. Then Zelda will probably come eventually. And I don’t have a PS5, so I’ll be skipping FF16.

First, I’m going to play an FF1-X marathon… not a true marathon, which is playing the games with only short breaks between. This’ll be spaced out over months, but I’ll be playing them in order and I won’t be playing any other RPG or adventure games in the meantime.. I’ve played FF7, 8, and X in the past couple of years, and FF6 on the classic mini just a few months ago; but, I like those four so much I’ll play them again; they’re my top tier, my tetrarchy, so to speak: and you can add in FF Tactics, even though it’s a separate series. This time, all 10 games on Switch. All on one Nintendo console with handheld and home console capability. Fucking finally! :D

It’s not that I think Tears of the Kingdom will be a bad game. In fact, I’m sure (minus any kind of disaster) it’ll be at least the second best 3D Zelda game ever made—after Breath of the Wild. That’s why I think you should get it. The reason I’m not getting it right away is that I have zero excitement for it. I’m a big RPG fan, I also had a lot of fun playing a SaGa marathon on Switch, last year.

Speaking of RPGs from Squaresoft; they released Tactics Ogre but not FF Tactics? What’s up with that?

I got the 1-6 pixel remasters on PC - I'll get them on Playstation and Switch eventually in the future when they go on sale.

Hope you enjoy your marathon - its a great set of games and you wont get tired of it because its a different experience between each game.

FFTactics is expected to be announced soon. One rumor states its gonna be a collection of the original, Advanced and A2 and another rumor (original rumor) states its a remake of the original.