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Texas speaker of the house suspected of being drunk while presiding over a legislative session.

Please Watch/Share this video so it gets shown in Hollywood.

As disgusting as this guy is, Paxton calling on anybody to resign is rich. Paxton needs to resign himself and answer the charges against him. "Law and order" is a fucking joke when your state's top law enforcement officer has such a tenuous relationship with either.

"The pause is gone within 60 days of this being signed," McCarthy said on Fox News, though the legislation, as with existing plans to sunset the pause, actually stipulates a timeline of 60 days after June 30. "So that is another victory because that brings in $5 billion each month to the American public." 

the-pi-guy said:

"The pause is gone within 60 days of this being signed," McCarthy said on Fox News, though the legislation, as with existing plans to sunset the pause, actually stipulates a timeline of 60 days after June 30. "So that is another victory because that brings in $5 billion each month to the American public.

This MF.  How much did the taxes for the rich that you guys cut bring in every month?

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression. 

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Debt ceiling bill turned out pretty fine all things considered. The concessions are definitely there, but they aren't as damaging as I feared. I think the fact that Defense spending is going up so much and Republicans are still complaining that it isn't more shows that they've never been serious about cutting spending (surprise surprise) but I'm fine with this.

So after Paxton threatens the Speaker of the Texas House, they vote to impeach him 121-23. Texas has a Republican majority in both houses of the legislature. I'm glad they're finally impeaching him, but it should have happened years ago. The guy is rotten to the core.

His impeachment trial in front of the Texas Senate is in August. One of the Senators who will be voting on his removal from office will be his wife, Angela Paxton. 21 votes are needed to remove him from office. The Texas Senate is split 19-12 in favor of Republicans.

CNN ousts CEO Chris Licht after a brief, tumultuous tenure.

"CNN ousted chief executive Chris Licht after a tumultuous year leading the struggling news network that culminated in a damning magazine profile and the realization that he’d lost the confidence of the network’s journalists."

Hopefully CNN will take the hint and stop trying to turn themselves into Fox News, though if he was just taking marching orders from the same guy as his replacement, perhaps not much will change in that regard.

Indictment #2 for Trump. Let's go for 3!

Last edited by TallSilhouette - on 08 June 2023

TallSilhouette said:

Indictment #2 for Trump. Let's go for 3!

Out of all of the indictments, this is probably the worse one for Trump.  I always thought it was dumb when the special prosecutor was put on the case that in typical Trump fashion he attack this man and his family probably making it personal.  I know his lawyers were like damn man, we may need to negotiate with him do not make it hard.  The charges are huge because one they care jail time but worse, you cannot hold any public office if you are convicted.  I always thought this was the case that Trump should have been way more open to settle but in again typical Trump fashion is to double down which was never the smart move in this situation.  If any of the info we have heard concerning this case is true.  Its seems like he is going to burn for something that was truly his own damn stupid fault.