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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Official Mod Notice regarding Hogwart's Legacy discussion & rules regarding transphobia.

Chrkeller said:

I don't want to get into the political details but that generic view you posted isn't accurate.  Most don't care what others do.   The big issue, at least in the States, is what is and isn't taught in schools.  Personally I don't care what people do in their life.  But I do take issue with schools seemingly pushing social assimilation over math/science.  Social, religious, etc positions is for families to decide.  

As a libertarian I do not care what an adult wants, is or does.  

As someone who lives in the states, this is completely wrong.

Most people do care about what others do. People tend to be judgy creatures, judging based on how others look, how others act, etc.

The people that tend to say they want government out of everyone's lives, for some reason tend to vote the most for government people that want to interfere with other people's lives. 

Ron DeSantis requested the information of trans students who sought care at Florida's public universities.

The government asking for medical records of trans students. That's really your government staying out of our lives and not caring what others do.

Many states have passed or proposed completely inaccurate laws about trans medical care. Deliberating telling lies about what trans people are, how trans people get care, what kind of care trans children are able to get (for example, trans children are not able to get surgery, despite the claim.)

There are practically more rules about trans athletes than there are trans athletes. 

"Republican lawmakers in both the House and Senate have combined to file 10 bills seeking to restrict the ability of transgender minors to play in youth sports.

In the 2021-2022 school year, only five transgender students were eligible to compete according to their gender identity, having gone through the Missouri State High School Activities Association process"

In Missouri, can you imagine your government basically proposing two laws for you as an individual? 

Small government in action, I am sure. 

>But I do take issue with schools seemingly pushing social assimilation over math/science

Maybe you should look into the science of transgender people. 

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the-pi-guy said:

>That said, there are 8 billion people on the world, and I am sure you found some that mock the boycott *because* they want to support Rowling.

I'm specifically taking about posts on this very forum. We are not taking action on some hypothetical, other random people saying these things. We made this thread because there has been one major Harry Potter thread on here where there several posts were made including the two that I gave examples from. 

>But I assure you, there are also people among the 8 billion that want to play Tears of the Kingdom to support Prince Salman. 

And again, the issue is not that these people exist. The issue is that people on this very forum are taking this opportunity to post attacks on people for being trans allies.

This isn't a hypothetical, this is a response to posts that have actually happened. 

OK, I take your word for it. I haven't seen the post inciting the mod-notice, so I wouldn't know. I saw the mod-notice, as it is pinned. To be clear: people can boycott or purchase whatever they want for whatever reasons, I really don't care. What got me the wrong way that people were attacked for not boycotting. But in the same way people shouldn't be attacked for boycotting.

Ryuu96 said:
Mnementh said:

I don't think the OP was that clear, otherwise not so many would've reacted the way they did. Thanks for clearing that up. But quite franky - for that purpose you didn't even needed a mod note. Because that is already clearly a bannable offense. You see how that may have worked to spread confusion.

Idk. I'm not sure how some have jumped to such extreme conclusions based on the OP but they have, so that's an unfortunate situation.

I wasn't even in Modchat for the discussion of this thread, I've not been in Modchat or being a Mod much in general, I did however understand what the OP was getting at but seeing the reactions to the thread and misinterpreting made me jump into Modchat to talk to the Mods but I didn't really need much clarification...Maybe it helps that it basically sums up my thoughts and I know Shadow.

This is the key statement that people should be focusing on "Any further mention of the controversy that has a dismissive or insulting tone towards those who disapprove of J.K. Rowling and the Harry Potter/Wizarding World IP over her transphobia will be met with appropriate moderation."

Some interpreted that as a full stop blanket ban of all discussions relating to the boycott but I for one can't really see where the OP said that but I've had to clarify it nevertheless so I digress, it is what it is.

To clarify once again; Discussion of the boycott isn't banned. Discussion of the game isn't banned. The only thing we're taking note of is if people are mocking those boycotting the title due to JK's transphobia which like them or not, does apply to a large portion of ResetEra, I also dislike shit flinging at other websites which some threads were becoming.

I'll state a few more things, the Admins have nothing to do with the Mod team and never have. It is the Mods stance that trans women are women, that means as a site respecting those who identify as either male or female and calling them as such which in the past has been ignored. I'd also say that this is a situation which hits close to home for some so try to be respectful of that.

I could see myself that some threads were steering discussion towards flinging shit at other sites or a blanket mocking of those boycotting the title with no clarification on which aspect of the boycott they were mocking, so this thread should just be seen as a reminder to be respectful before official forms of moderation come out.

Hopefully that is all cleared up now and the site can continue to discuss the game but just without throwing shit at other websites or blanket mocking of those taking part in the boycott.

Sum Up: Don't attack anyone for playing the title, I know some friends of mine are very pro-trans and are enjoying Hogwarts Legacy but also don't mock those if they choose to boycott a product due to certain situations, I.E. trans people or those with trans family/friends who have been hurt by JK's comments.

I also don't care if someone chooses to boycott Nintendo for the SA investment as an another example, it's their choice, they don't deserve everyone piling on them and mocking them, it's a choice that I respect even if I won't follow it. No they don't need to boycott absolutely everything, that is ridiculous, it would be almost impossible to boycott everything, some battles can be chosen still.

Just be considerate and respectful basically.

Thanks for the clarification.

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the-pi-guy said:
Chrkeller said:

I don't want to get into the political details but that generic view you posted isn't accurate.  Most don't care what others do.   The big issue, at least in the States, is what is and isn't taught in schools.  Personally I don't care what people do in their life.  But I do take issue with schools seemingly pushing social assimilation over math/science.  Social, religious, etc positions is for families to decide.  

As a libertarian I do not care what an adult wants, is or does.  

Deliberating telling lies about what trans people are, how trans people get care, what kind of care trans children are able to get (for example, trans children are not able to get surgery, despite the claim.)

False, unless it's your contention that cutting off healthy breast tissue is not surgery.

Machina said:
the-pi-guy said:

Deliberating telling lies about what trans people are, how trans people get care, what kind of care trans children are able to get (for example, trans children are not able to get surgery, despite the claim.)

False, unless it's your contention that cutting off healthy breast tissue is not surgery.

Sure 16 year olds can get breast tissue removed.

Generally after getting psychologically evaluated. 

Cis women also sometimes get mastectomies because they get back pain. 

Last edited by the-pi-guy - on 18 February 2023

Around the Network
the-pi-guy said:
Chrkeller said:

I don't want to get into the political details but that generic view you posted isn't accurate.  Most don't care what others do.   The big issue, at least in the States, is what is and isn't taught in schools.  Personally I don't care what people do in their life.  But I do take issue with schools seemingly pushing social assimilation over math/science.  Social, religious, etc positions is for families to decide.  

As a libertarian I do not care what an adult wants, is or does.  

As someone who lives in the states, this is completely wrong.

Most people do care about what others do. People tend to be judgy creatures, judging based on how others look, how others act, etc.

The people that tend to say they want government out of everyone's lives, for some reason tend to vote the most for government people that want to interfere with other people's lives. 

Ron DeSantis requested the information of trans students who sought care at Florida's public universities.

The government asking for medical records of trans students. That's really your government staying out of our lives and not caring what others do.

Many states have passed or proposed completely inaccurate laws about trans medical care. Deliberating telling lies about what trans people are, how trans people get care, what kind of care trans children are able to get (for example, trans children are not able to get surgery, despite the claim.)

There are practically more rules about trans athletes than there are trans athletes. 

"Republican lawmakers in both the House and Senate have combined to file 10 bills seeking to restrict the ability of transgender minors to play in youth sports.

In the 2021-2022 school year, only five transgender students were eligible to compete according to their gender identity, having gone through the Missouri State High School Activities Association process"

In Missouri, can you imagine your government basically proposing two laws for you as an individual? 

Small government in action, I am sure. 

>But I do take issue with schools seemingly pushing social assimilation over math/science

Maybe you should look into the science of transgender people. 

Most people don't care.  Some rogue morons pushing bills doesn't mean the entire party feels the same.  The bigger concern for most is what is being taught in school.

And I'm a scientist, so I wager I'm good.  And my kids learning the science of trans isn't going to pay their bills.   Learning chemistry and physics will.

I'm more than happy to respectfully agree to disagree.  I don't think political social issues belong in public schools.  

Last edited by Chrkeller - on 18 February 2023


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Chrkeller said:

Most people don't care.  Some rogue morons pushing bills doesn't mean the entire party feels the same.  The bigger concern for most is what is being taught in school.

How about we bring some actual facts into this discussion, instead of platitudes. 

85% of Republicans would want to require that trans athletes compete on teams that match the sex they were assigned to. Most do care in that regard.

Sure in most of the other cases, you're right, "most adults" don't care. But that most is a very slim majority, and most Republicans do care. 

Chrkeller said:

And I'm a scientist, so I wager I'm good.  And my kids learning the science of trans isn't going to pay their bills.   Learning chemistry and physics will.

Pretty sure learning psychology and biology does help some people with their bills. We still teach our kids history, English, consumer education. Plenty of stuff that doesn't directly help them pay their bills, but does help them live with modern life.

And learning those things isn't taking away from their ability to learn chemistry and physics.

Last edited by the-pi-guy - on 18 February 2023

ConservagameR said:

Who would eat here if there was no item separation?

What if there was just one long trough with everything mixed together?

There's plenty of room for a wide diversity of many things, but a little separation goes a long way.

For those that choose to mix everything together on their own plate, go right ahead, just don't force everyone else to.

Imagine comparing people living their own lives as they see fit, as some kind of buffet. 

Even in the best interpretation of your post, it is a gross comparison. In the worst, it's a somewhat insane comparison.

This is about respecting people's bodily autonomy. You're not being asked to eat or lick everyone else. You're not being asked to mix with others. 

You're just being asked to respect other people's freedom to make their own choices. I thought that was what conservatism was about. Conservatives certainly seemed bothered when they're actually asked to follow through with that.

S.Peelman said:

And isn't this OP supposed to help 'prevent' just that?

It doesn't particularly matter what the OP would have said.

Some people are going to be bothered by the implication that trans people should be respected, regardless of how that message were laid out. 

the-pi-guy said:
Chrkeller said:

And I'm a scientist, so I wager I'm good.  And my kids learning the science of trans isn't going to pay their bills.   Learning chemistry and physics will.

Pretty sure learning psychology and biology does help some people with their bills. We still teach our kids history, English, consumer education. Plenty of stuff that doesn't directly help them pay their bills, but does help them live with modern life.

And learning those things isn't taking away from their ability to learn chemistry and physics.

I'd have rather learnt about LGBT issues than Religious Education in my school, Lol. It was by far the lesson that everyone hated the most and made even worse by the fact that it heavily skewed towards Christianity whilst glossing over a lot of the horrible stuff to do with Christianity. Actually listened though, took notes, went into a lot of detail on the tests, and got an F, Lmao.

I still don't understand to this day how, I understand my other grades, my conspiracy theory is that since it was an Academy which is skewed towards Christianity I may have said something in the test too overtly negative towards Christianity. I do remember I made a lot of counterpoints, oh well. Rant over.

But yes, the trans subject does link into biology and psychology and in general I would say it teaches children to be simply more understanding and respectful of those who are different to them and I don't know how that is a bad thing, as you said, it helps them live in modern life and doesn't take anything away from their ability to learn chemistry/physics.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 18 February 2023

the-pi-guy said:
Chrkeller said:

Most people don't care.  Some rogue morons pushing bills doesn't mean the entire party feels the same.  The bigger concern for most is what is being taught in school.

How about we bring some actual facts into this discussion, instead of platitudes. 

85% of Republicans would want to require that trans athletes compete on teams that match the sex they were assigned to. Most do care in that regard.

Sure in most of the other cases, you're right, "most adults" don't care. But that most is a very slim majority, and most Republicans do care. 

Chrkeller said:

And I'm a scientist, so I wager I'm good.  And my kids learning the science of trans isn't going to pay their bills.   Learning chemistry and physics will.

Pretty sure learning psychology and biology does help some people with their bills. We still teach our kids history, English, consumer education. Plenty of stuff that doesn't directly help them pay their bills, but does help them live with modern life.

And learning those things isn't taking away from their ability to learn chemistry and physics.

Wanting fair and equal playing field for our kids' safety isn't anti trans.  This is a great example of what I was talking about via assimilation.  Anybody who doesn't see things 100% aligned with pre-assigned talking points is branded as anti.   Most topics have multiple fair positions.  And that is all I'm going to say on the topic.  

Quick side note:

Home schooling rates continue to increase....  there isn't a single reason for this, however people should start being concerned at the number of people who want nothing to do with public education.

Last edited by Chrkeller - on 18 February 2023


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

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