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Forums - Sales Discussion - LoD is coming to PS Plus Premium!!


2023's GOTY?

LoD 19 100.00%
the-pi-guy said:

LoD seems to have a trophy list.

And maybe if enough people buy it, Sony will consider making another one.

Is this a real list?

That 7k gold trophy is hilarious, there are items that cost 10k XD

Very basic trophies, not a single one related to additions, and the stardust one just goes up to 30 when there are 50? No Faust? No trophies related to past dragoons but there are for dragon spirits?

Oh well, it does have a platinum trophy and that's all that matters!

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Rob5VGC said:
BraLoD said:

The space I'm renting in your head must not be cheap.

I've already answered you on the article but I'll do it here too.

Whatever you are going through, it's time to get away from the internet, go out and have some fresh air.

If you have a pet, it's likely going to be pretty happy to have you play with it a bit more, so go on and have a nice time.

You can apply the example above to other situations that suit you better and soon enough you'll not even remember this place anymore.

I'm pretty sure there's statistical & historical evidence that proves that racist individuals are in fact remembered. In fact, I believe there's a month dedicated to an entire group of people due to the racial hardships that they endured. What month was that again? I'm pretty sure thats one of the offending things included in "cancel culture" as well. So, yeah. Racism isn't "cheap".

I've already answered you on the article, but I'll do it here too.

Good to know that you haven't gotten smarter in 5 years. I didn't call you by name. You chose to reply to me and exposed yourself in the process. It shows that you remember what you did. Still as unaccountable as ever and deflecting, but thats expected of a racist to double down on their actions without seeing their wrongdoing. As a consequence of showing no improvement (as expected) even after the mod said that they were going to talk to you (but clearly that had no effect if they did), I'll leave your racist post here (Btw, I still have the PM's with you, and the mod that shows the entire convo in which they disagreed with your actions, so this would be a good time for your brain cells to actually develop):

Yeah, you can post that if you like, your overreaction to nothing was sad back then and still pretty depressing now.

I remember making clear that was just a misunderstading from your part before, but for you to be so blindly holding to it to this day, damn.

I'm not explaining the very same thing to you again, it meant nothing like what you wanted it to, and that was also made clear back then.

Also, you are commenting on my thread and on my article post and somehow pretend to not be talking to me... dude, seriously, this is just pathetic.

Take a bit of time to reflect before calling someone racist multiple times, tho, that is actually something pretty bad.

You really need some time away from the internet.

This is one of my favorite PS1 RPGs. I don't understand why the critics were a bit harsh on this game.

BraLoD said:
Rob5VGC said:

Yeah, you can post that if you like, your overreaction to nothing was sad back then and still pretty depressing now.I remember making clear that was just a misunderstading from your part before, but for you to be so blindly holding to it to this day, damn.I'm not explaining the very same thing to you again, it meant nothing like what you wanted it to, and that was also made clear back then.Also, you are commenting on my thread and on my article post and somehow pretend to not be talking to me... dude, seriously, this is just pathetic.Take a bit of time to reflect before calling someone racist multiple times, tho, that is actually something pretty bad.You really need some time away from the internet.

Keikaku doori. You let an entire weekend go by and came back to proceed when no one is forcing you, downplay racism ("overreaction to nothing...."), and deflect in good old BraLoD fashion. There's no misunderstandings with the use of racist terms. After you say the racist term, you have two options after being called out on it: 1. Double down on the racism because you did it intentionally. 2. If you did not do it intentionally (due to ignorance), resolve the situation in an apologetic manner and acknowledge your wrongdoing. You don't need to explain anything. You said enough and remain the same today. It's very clear what option you chose.

Unfortunately, BraLoD's 2 racist posts were deleted in the thread by the mod (as expected), but that doesn't matter since I copied what they said in the PM when they replied to me after being called out. Also, you can read the following posts after me that show another user defending BraLoD and that same user got banned for racism later on (while others have got away with it):

Let's not forget the most important thing that I said from the start that has been ignored. VGC is a sales website. Any sales info that you do not know (God of War Japan sales) can be SEARCHED BEFORE making a (racist) post.

Part 1:

Part 2: Because the mod downplayed racism and said "Let's forget the racial stuff and move on. Thanks :)" then BraLoD replied to me after the mods post (response in the img), I had to go to PM to not derail the thread any further....

PM replies go from bottom (1st) to top (reply):

Last half.

1st half.

Notice how BraLoD acts the same way now as they did back then: playing victim, downplaying racism, deflecting to me, and lying. Didn't even read that last reply until just now because I had gotten what I needed. lol

Part 3: Next, even the same mod that originally downplayed racism agreed with me after I showed them what BraLoD said. Not sure why they thought they had a better chance of changing BraLoD when I explained and educated them on what was wrong/correct and pointed out their flaws. But the results are clear since notable issues still exists.

Lastly, VGC is a sales website. Any sales info that you do not know can be SEARCHED BEFORE making a (racist) post. In regards to LoD, I will always tell the facts of this series as shown in this thread as long as a certain hypocrite supports it. In case other users are reading this... Don't worry, I know some of you support racist individuals as I've seen it here for years. You won't surprise me with what you do after this.

I mean his name is Bra (short for Brazil) LoD, so he made the mistake of applying that to Japan without being aware of the negative connotations (like countless others also aren't). It's pretty fucking obvious that he isn't racist against the Japanese when you look at his favorite games and publishers. He's generally a fan.

Perhaps he's allergic to intolerant judgemental jerks and the morality police, and he took you as one. But "racist" he isn't... come on.

Last edited by Kyuu - on 21 February 2023

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Rob5VGC said:
BraLoD said:

Yeah, you can post that if you like, your overreaction to nothing was sad back then and still pretty depressing now.I remember making clear that was just a misunderstading from your part before, but for you to be so blindly holding to it to this day, damn.I'm not explaining the very same thing to you again, it meant nothing like what you wanted it to, and that was also made clear back then.Also, you are commenting on my thread and on my article post and somehow pretend to not be talking to me... dude, seriously, this is just pathetic.Take a bit of time to reflect before calling someone racist multiple times, tho, that is actually something pretty bad.You really need some time away from the internet.

Keikaku doori. You let an entire weekend go by and came back to proceed when no one is forcing you, downplay racism ("overreaction to nothing...."), and deflect in good old BraLoD fashion. There's no misunderstandings with the use of racist terms. After you say the racist term, you have two options after being called out on it: 1. Double down on the racism because you did it intentionally. 2. If you did not do it intentionally (due to ignorance), resolve the situation in an apologetic manner and acknowledge your wrongdoing. You don't need to explain anything. You said enough and remain the same today. It's very clear what option you chose.

Unfortunately, BraLoD's 2 racist posts were deleted in the thread by the mod (as expected), but that doesn't matter since I copied what they said in the PM when they replied to me after being called out. Also, you can read the following posts after me that show another user defending BraLoD and that same user got banned for racism later on (while others have got away with it):

Let's not forget the most important thing that I said from the start that has been ignored. VGC is a sales website. Any sales info that you do not know (God of War Japan sales) can be SEARCHED BEFORE making a (racist) post.

Part 1:

Part 2: Because the mod downplayed racism and said "Let's forget the racial stuff and move on. Thanks :)" then BraLoD replied to me after the mods post (response in the img), I had to go to PM to not derail the thread any further....

PM replies go from bottom (1st) to top (reply):

Last half.

1st half.

Notice how BraLoD acts the same way now as they did back then: playing victim, downplaying racism, deflecting to me, and lying. Didn't even read that last reply until just now because I had gotten what I needed. lol

Part 3: Next, even the same mod that originally downplayed racism agreed with me after I showed them what BraLoD said. Not sure why they thought they had a better chance of changing BraLoD when I explained and educated them on what was wrong/correct and pointed out their flaws. But the results are clear since notable issues still exists.

Lastly, VGC is a sales website. Any sales info that you do not know can be SEARCHED BEFORE making a (racist) post. In regards to LoD, I will always tell the facts of this series as shown in this thread as long as a certain hypocrite supports it. In case other users are reading this... Don't worry, I know some of you support racist individuals as I've seen it here for years. You won't surprise me with what you do after this.

>Unfortunately, BraLoD's 2 racist posts were deleted in the thread by the mod (as expected)

Uh if you're talking about the fact that Bralod's posts are just no longer in the thread, that has nothing to do with the mod team. In case you were uninformed. Someone had gained access to the site 4 months ago and deleted the entire post history of around 30 or 40 users. 

If that's what you're talking about, you yourself should get informed before accusing people of wrong doing. Again, what you're seeing in that thread right now has nothing to do with anyone on the mod team. The mod team doesn't even have the ability to selectively delete posts.

We don't have the habit of doing anything with posts that are over a year old, let alone 5 years. 

Did BraLod say something racist in this very thread, that I missed? Or are you choosing to attack him because of some posts 5 years in the past? If it's the latter, I'm going to ask you to drop the conversation. This is the thread for Legend of Dragoon, it is not the thread for BraLoD's post history. 

If it is the former then report it, we will do something about it, unlike 5 or even 14 year old posts. 

Never played it but I hope to soon. I'm planning on going a bit of a retro binge after I finish my current playthrough of Skyrim. Earthbound is first on the agenda.

Rob5VGC said:

How can something be King and GOTY when its not even a top 50 best selling game on its own original platform? Its just a lowly 1 million seller that current Sony would be disappointed with (hence no more Japan Studio). Its lowly position is deserved due to a certain someone who supports this game yet uses racial slurs at the countrymen who made this game while not caring for said wrongdoing, which is hypocritical in itself. As long as no new game happens, justice is served.

You should probably leave, heathen. 

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So I own both LoD and Wild Arms 2 as PS1 classics bought through the PS3 store from years ago. (Same with Wild Arms 1) I was able to download LoD at no extra charge because I had bought it before. The same scenario happened with Wild Arms 1 when that was put on the new PSN, able to download it with no problem with no extra charge.

For some reason though the same does not apply for Wild Arms 2 for me. It's trying to charge me $13.49 CAD for it. I booted up the ol PS3 and PS Vita and tested Wild Arms 2 there and it plays fine. So I guess it's a no go on that one for me, unless it's a bug. It wouldn't have anything to do with me not being on Premium since both Wild Arms 1 and LoD are both listed in the same tier and downloaded fine for me with no fees.
Anyone else give these two a try? (If you've previously purchased them)

Blood_Tears said:

So I own both LoD and Wild Arms 2 as PS1 classics bought through the PS3 store from years ago. (Same with Wild Arms 1) I was able to download LoD at no extra charge because I had bought it before. The same scenario happened with Wild Arms 1 when that was put on the new PSN, able to download it with no problem with no extra charge.

For some reason though the same does not apply for Wild Arms 2 for me. It's trying to charge me $13.49 CAD for it. I booted up the ol PS3 and PS Vita and tested Wild Arms 2 there and it plays fine. So I guess it's a no go on that one for me, unless it's a bug. It wouldn't have anything to do with me not being on Premium since both Wild Arms 1 and LoD are both listed in the same tier and downloaded fine for me with no fees.
Anyone else give these two a try? (If you've previously purchased them)

I think they usually honor PS3 purchases but it's on a case-by-case basis. Sony seems to have done it with their games (Syphon Filter and LoD) but some third party companies seem not to, like Capcom with RE1 and Namco with Tekken 2.

I own at least 20-ish PS1 games on PS3 and I figure some of them won't be re-released. Final Fantasy VII for example since Square already released a port for PS4. I also wonder about Castlevania SOTN since it was released in a collection alongside Rondo of Blood.

Anyway! On topic, I'm so glad to finally have it on my PS5! Plus the trophies are a good enough reason to give it another playtrough :D