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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Metroid Prime Remastered out on Switch... today (Digital, physical 22nd of Feb)

I will wait for physical.......

.....when its released as a trilogy on Switch 2 at this rate lol

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Wow that's more of a graphical upgrade than I was expecting. I thought they would just take the GCN ROM, run it at 720p and call it a day. The graphics have been improved all throughout the game, the lighting is improved a ton too and models a lot of the models look redone too. 

Slownenberg said:
mZuzek said:

It's to be expected, I suppose. Switch games just don't look good.

huh??? Switch games don't look good? That's news to me lol. Switch games look great.

Honestly, I envy you. I used to think Switch graphics were fine up until 2019 or so, but after that it's just been grating. Doesn't help that most games run poorly on top of having subpar graphics. At least this Prime remaster looks to be running as smoothly as the original did, so that's great. I recognize that the graphics are much better on a technical level. When the trailer started I was impressed, but the more I looked at it, the more uncanny it felt. There's just a certain "fakeness" to it that wasn't there in the original, and I think it's there in most Switch games.

On another note, I'm a little sad that they didn't update the scan visor to work like it does in Prime 2 and 3. Having to look for the little orange squares is so much worse than just being able to scan the object you're looking at. If there was one thing that could've been improved in Prime 1, it was that. But oh well. The game kicks ass anyway.

mZuzek said:
Slownenberg said:

huh??? Switch games don't look good? That's news to me lol. Switch games look great.

Honestly, I envy you. I used to think Switch graphics were fine up until 2019 or so, but after that it's just been grating. Doesn't help that most games run poorly on top of having subpar graphics. At least this Prime remaster looks to be running as smoothly as the original did, so that's great. I recognize that the graphics are much better on a technical level. When the trailer started I was impressed, but the more I looked at it, the more uncanny it felt. There's just a certain "fakeness" to it that wasn't there in the original, and I think it's there in most Switch games.

I can't say I agree. 

The Switch version looks significantly better. I mean I get graphics can be subjective but if someone actually prefers the GCN/Wii version for looks, I think they're borderline blind. Start at 6:44 into the video to see very clearly the two versions side by side, if anyone is choosing the Wii version ... man  that's a heckuva take. 

The lighting in the Switch version is way, way better, the Wii/GCN game is so flat by comparison. 

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Yeah the game just finished downloading and I'm playing now and honestly it looks incredible. Whatever graphical updates they did, they did a great job. This is exactly what you want out of a remaster - a big graphical upgrade, new controls schemes, and some extras.

This ain't just a resolution bump up to modern standards. The models, textures, lighting, environments...everything has been dramatically improved. The original looked great but the remaster completely puts the original game to shame. Honestly it just looks like a modern game. It may just be a remaster and not the  remake that was rumored, but it looks like a remake. I would expect MP4 to only look a little bit better than this.

Now I get why they are selling this individually instead of giving us the trilogy together. They put a bunch of work into this. I'm actually surprised it's only selling for $40. Most other old games they put this kind of work or even much less work into they sell for $60 on Switch.

Wow after watching that comparison video, they updated more than I even thought. it's just night and day between the original and the remaster. They didn't even just update 3D models, they straight up built a lot of the 3D models from the ground up to modern standards. And yeah the lightning is way more advanced, the GC version now looks flat and dark and washed out and terrible in comparison. They could have called this Remake instead of Remaster and nobody would have known the difference.

Last edited by Slownenberg - on 08 February 2023

Nice, I'll get it digitally sometime down the line. Hopefully 2 and 3 will get same treatment.

h2ohno said:

The stealth drop was a big surprise. Does anyone know if the 'other control options' they mentioned will include gyro aiming?

Gyro aiming is supported.

Played through the intro bit and so far I didn't feel much of that uncanniness I saw in the trailer, it does look great in motion. It definitely looked like a big upgrade in the trailer, I said as much, but with a weird side to it, I'm not feeling that weird side much. What's more, it really feels like it was made with love for the original, it's a super faithful remake not unlike the Crash Trilogy we got a few years ago, basically the exact same game but looking way better and with extras sprinkled on top so everyone can appreciate the art that goes into making a game like this.

Also, I only see Nintendo and Retro Studios mentioned so far, so does that mean this remake was handled by Retro themselves? I assumed it would've been a different studio, kinda crazy to think they've been working on this alongside Prime 4. If that's the case, we should probably expect Prime 4 to look similar.

And hopefully Echoes and Corruption get this treatment too.

Edit: also really nice to see so many control options, though I've had a hard time trying to find the right one. Nothing felt quite as good as the Wii version. I'm sticking with the original GameCube controls for now, it almost makes me wanna get a GC adapter for this, never mind Smash

I looked at the video that compared both editions graphics and oh boy ! The difference is quite astonishing.

Honestly if this was release back in the beginning of the 2010's people would call this game a remake more so than a remaster really. Truly something I can look forward too in the future once I have more time to play the game in the future

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