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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Metroid Prime Remastered out on Switch... today (Digital, physical 22nd of Feb)

Slownenberg said:

Lol love the couple people trying to downplay how good this game looks, or still trying to lamely say Switch games don't look good, but then comparing Switch (a handheld system) to 2 year old consoles. Obviously a 7 year old handheld doesn't have as good graphics as 2 year old consoles lol. But nothing about that fact doesn't mean Switch games don't look great. Ultimate face palm.

Switch games look great and Retro completely redid the graphics for this game and it looks outstanding. They kept the art direction the same but completely overhauled everything from the 3D models to textures to lighting to particle effects. Basically it just looks like how the original looked when it came out: gorgeous!! In comparison videos you can really see that they graphically rebuilt everything to be up to high modern standards.

No one's complaining that Switch games don't look better than the ones on 2 year old consoles. They don't look better than those on 9 year old consoles either but again, not the point. The problem I feel personally, is that because the technology used to create games is now so far ahead of what the Switch can do, that developers struggle to make games look any decent on the console - as in, most games look cheaper on the Switch now, than on earlier consoles of similar specs (PS3, 360, Wii U).

I've been playing the Prime Remaster and honestly I think they did a great job on it. For the most part it looks way better than the original and it's easily one of the best looking games on the Switch, probably the best at 1080p 60fps. The stream footage didn't do it justice, to be honest. But while they certainly tried to keep the same art style, there is a different feel to it. And some little things I think they just straight up got wrong - most notably the doors, some effects like the morph ball bombs or enemy shockwaves, and the scan icons (which I still wish had been entirely replaced by the improved scan visor of the sequels). Overall things just look a little shinier and more "Unreal Engine 4" than the original's grittier feel. Still, it was visibly done by people who cared about the original and wanted to deliver an improved version of it, for the most part they succeeded.

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I never played the Prime games, so I want to give this one a try at some point.
Good to hear it has the option for normal controls, even if the wii mote aiming worked better, it's not something I like to do for extended periods of time.

RolStoppable said:

A nice filler for March, but I am not buying inferior versions of games that I already have.

When you wanna talk trash but you get the month wrong

Calling it inferior seems harsh, but while it's nice to have it available I'm also not fully won over by it. It does look better than I would have expected from a "remaster", but to get only the first game feels a bit underwhelming when both Wii and Wii U had the whole trilogy (digitally on the latter). Visually it looks more like a remake than a remaster, but that also just makes me wish that it was a full remake and not a faithful recreation of the same game.

I would almost say I prefer "recreations" of games to either be the equivalent of enhanced ports where they shine up what they already have or full on remakes like the RE ones that are essentially whole new games, because the inbetween stuff just feels like a ton of work went into creating something we already have in a nicer packaging.

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Soundwave said:

Leave it to Nintendo to basically remake one of the most critically acclaimed games in their history and then barely mention how much of an impressive remake it is, lol.

Like jeezus, this is a full blown remake almost, not a port-dump remastered ROM running at higher resolution. The lighting, physics engine is completely new, the graphics in every area including geometry models are redone, etc. etc.

Yeah it's kinda hilarious how they threw this out there mid-direct like it was nothing, and even priced it at $40, when it's an absolutely stellar remake of one of the best games of all time.

They absolutely could've gotten away with just putting the Gamecube graphics in 1080p and called it a day, they didn't have to go this hard, yet they did... and then they act like its no big deal haha

Last edited by curl-6 - on 09 February 2023

curl-6 said:
Soundwave said:

Leave it to Nintendo to basically remake one of the most critically acclaimed games in their history and then barely mention how much of an impressive remake it is, lol.

Like jeezus, this is a full blown remake almost, not a port-dump remastered ROM running at higher resolution. The lighting, physics engine is completely new, the graphics in every area including geometry models are redone, etc. etc.

Yeah it's kinda hilarious how they threw this out there mid-direct like it was nothing, and even priced it at $40, when its an absolutely stellar remake of one of the best games of all time.

They absolutely could've gotten away with just putting the Gamecube graphics in 1080p and called it a day, there didn't have to go this hard, yet they did... and then they act like its no big deal haha

Yeah when I saw the trailer, I was like "wow the Game Cube graphics hold up pretty well actually" before seeing the comparison videos.

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mZuzek said:
Slownenberg said:

Lol love the couple people trying to downplay how good this game looks, or still trying to lamely say Switch games don't look good, but then comparing Switch (a handheld system) to 2 year old consoles. Obviously a 7 year old handheld doesn't have as good graphics as 2 year old consoles lol. But nothing about that fact doesn't mean Switch games don't look great. Ultimate face palm.

Switch games look great and Retro completely redid the graphics for this game and it looks outstanding. They kept the art direction the same but completely overhauled everything from the 3D models to textures to lighting to particle effects. Basically it just looks like how the original looked when it came out: gorgeous!! In comparison videos you can really see that they graphically rebuilt everything to be up to high modern standards.

No one's complaining that Switch games don't look better than the ones on 2 year old consoles. They don't look better than those on 9 year old consoles either but again, not the point. The problem I feel personally, is that because the technology used to create games is now so far ahead of what the Switch can do, that developers struggle to make games look any decent on the console - as in, most games look cheaper on the Switch now, than on earlier consoles of similar specs (PS3, 360, Wii U).

I've been playing the Prime Remaster and honestly I think they did a great job on it. For the most part it looks way better than the original and it's easily one of the best looking games on the Switch, probably the best at 1080p 60fps. The stream footage didn't do it justice, to be honest. But while they certainly tried to keep the same art style, there is a different feel to it. And some little things I think they just straight up got wrong - most notably the doors, some effects like the morph ball bombs or enemy shockwaves, and the scan icons (which I still wish had been entirely replaced by the improved scan visor of the sequels). Overall things just look a little shinier and more "Unreal Engine 4" than the original's grittier feel. Still, it was visibly done by people who cared about the original and wanted to deliver an improved version of it, for the most part they succeeded.

I just don't get the hatred for Switch graphics. Switch games look great. All modern games that go for nice graphics these days look great, except when the developer just simply does a poor job. Tons and tons of Switch games look absolutely stellar, Prime remaster is one of them. Anyone could name loads of great looking Switch games. What would you do...just pretend like none of them look good? lol

They only look "bad" in a purely relative sense if you compare them to new consoles or consoles that came out shortly before Switch, because obviously a handheld is not gonna be as powerful as those systems. The only developer I can think of that puts out underwhelming graphics on Switch is GameFreak and that's just because they pump those games out like crazy and seem to have little desire to polish the graphics.

Just say you like consoles more than handhelds because they are more powerful and you prefer to play games that are on the cutting edge graphically, boom, that's a perfectly reasonable statement. There's no reason to do this weird thing where you pretend like Switch games look bad and nobody knows how to make good graphics for anything other than the latest console, while in reality plenty of games push the Switch and are gorgeous games. It's just very weird to do all that pretending just to make the obvious point you're trying to make that consoles are more powerful than handhelds. Everybody knows Switch's specs are below PS4/XB1 and above PS3/XB360/WiiU, so most people don't get bent out of shape just because Switch games don't look as good as more powerful consoles.

I mean alright if you don't like certain individual graphical choices of the Prime remaster. That's just down to opinion. I don't really care to nitpick individual effects when the remaster is just lightyears ahead of the original. The remaster makes the original game look like a dog turd in comparison. I mean of course it is going to we're talking about Switch compared to GC, but I mean GC graphics still hold up pretty well other than the low standard resolution of the day, and Retro was just like nah we're not just upping the resolution we're making this game look gorgeous for a modern game, the way Prime looked gorgeous for a GC game. Yes the graphics would have been more cutting edge on a console, but that doesn't mean it doesn't look incredible on the Switch.

Anyway, I don't care enough to do this whole "graphic whore" argument thing beyond this. I got over that phase in college a long time ago. I appreciate great looking games no matter what system they are on, and I appreciate any sort of graphical style, whether retro or cartoony or blocky or realistic or whatever as long as its done well, so Switch has plenty of lookers to enjoy.


According to the credits, the remake was developed in-house by Retro themselves, though as is usual for modern games, development was also supported by some outside studios, including Iron Galaxy, who previously handled the Switch ports of Skyrim, Diablo 3, Overwatch, and Dauntless:

The fact that this was shadow dropped makes me believe Metroid Prime 4 is releasing soon, otherwise I feel like they would have given it a proper marketing campaign.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

curl-6 said:

According to the credits, the remake was developed in-house by Retro themselves, though as is usual for modern games, development was also supported by some outside studios, including Iron Galaxy, who previously handled the Switch ports of Skyrim, Diablo 3, Overwatch, and Dauntless:

It feels almost surreal to think Retro Studios have actually released a game.

And for all the doubts and questions over their current status, they've maintained their standard intact with another quality release. Granted, it's not a new game, but has to be up there with some of the best remasters ever (despite my many nitpicks over the course of this thread, I'm very impressed overall). Not everyone takes an old game and makes it a strong contender for best-looking game on a newer platform.