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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo may soon be joining the rest of the industry by pricing at $70 according to Zelda eShop listing

Maybe this is the first example as to why Nin is raising their employee base salary?

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It was bound to happen.

I'll wait when the game is on sale at least $15 off the MSRP price.

If this ends up happening it'll be them testing out the impact now to assess what they should do for the Switch 2.

If true, it means since the PS1 era, I've witnessed games go up from $39.99 to $69.99. Crazy.

While I'm not happy about the price increase, I understand it. The price of eggs, gasoline, bread, and just about everything else has gone up, so why would video games be immune to that. I just hope that Nintendo gives the $70 price tag to games that actually deserve to cost that much, like TotK, and not to games like Super Strikers which should've been $50 max.

Last edited by Poliwrathlord - on 08 February 2023

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What are we paying 70 dollars for? 720p? Lmfaoo, what a joke. The real question for me though, will Pikmin 4 be the same? 

Just looking at Amazon, advance wars is unavailable, metroid prime 4 is unavailable, and of course zelda. Looks inevitable at this point.

A higher price hopefully means games like Pokemon become higher quality in that case.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

After Breath of the Wild has already been €70, it was pretty much a given that its sequel will cost that much too. Zelda, along with Super Smash Bros., has been an outlier though (everything else was €60 or lower, except Ring Fit Adventure due to its accessories). There's no good reason to conclude that Switch first party games will release with $70 price tags from now on. Americans are merely getting the European treatment now.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

Kslost said:

Just looking at Amazon, advance wars is unavailable, metroid prime 4 is unavailable, and of course zelda. Looks inevitable at this point.

Yep, $60 pre-orders for several upcoming Nintendo games have now been removed on Amazon and some other sites from what I am seeing on Twitter. Pretty clear the price increase is being announced tomorrow.