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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox OpenCritic Prediction League - 2023 Edition

NobleTeam360 said:
NobleTeam360 said:

Lowering Starfield to an 88.

You know what, Starfield is gonna be a banger. Upping Starfield to a 91. 

75 at best tbh


Around the Network

Changing my Starfield prediction from 88 to 92.

smroadkill15 said:

Age of Empires 2: 80
Goldeneye: 70
Minecraft Legends: 76
Forza Motorsport: 90
Redfall: 86
Starfield: 89
Ara: 81
Age of Empires 4: 78

Change Starfield to 91 and AoE4 to 80. 

Double Post

I realized I never posted my predictions lol. For the remainder of the year, I'm thinking

Age of Empires 4 - 82
Ara: History Untold - 85
Forza Motorsport - 88
Starfield - 93

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Around the Network

Lowering my AoE4 to 81 and Raising Starfield to 92


- charts have been updated to this point -

NobleTeam360 said:

You know what, Starfield is gonna be a banger. Upping Starfield to a 91. 

Lowering to an 87. 

Increasing Starfield to 89.

Dropping Starfield to 75.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

NobleTeam360 said:
NobleTeam360 said:

You know what, Starfield is gonna be a banger. Upping Starfield to a 91. 

Lowering to an 87. 

Raising to a 93