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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Persona 5 does it deserve it's metacritic?

TruckOSaurus said:

I never finished it. The combat and dungeons were really fun but managing your daily activities was kind of a drag and I always worried about not making the optimal choice. I've been thinking about buying the Switch version and playing the day sections with a walkthrough.

Depends on what you're trying to achieve. If you want to max out all social stats and all confidants then yeah you should use a guide or at least read up on some tips to increase efficiency. Also make sure you don't end up in my situation where the only confidants I had left were only available during the same time of day...

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derpysquirtle64 said:
Kyuu said:

The consensus for this one is in line with the critical reception, one of the best RPG's of all time! But personally, I thought of it as one of the more overrated games I played, an 8.5/10 at best. I remember really enjoying the first half, but the final 3rd of the game (minus a certain twist I guess) got boring that I found myself rolling my eyes over and over again and just wanted the game to end at some points lol. To each their own but it's how I felt unfortunately...

The game doesn't innovate much over the more innovative Persona 3 (having played and finished P3P, and only watched the P4 anime). The cast of characters in P3 was endearingly realistic with no cringe moments. And it had not one, not two, but THREE heartbreakers that are unforgettable, and a great ending. No power of friendship/love entirely saving the day bullshit, or cringey sympathy towards an asshole. I hope Persona 6 inherents some of what made P3 a special game.

In the end though, it's just my unpopular opinion.

Even though Persona 5 is my favorite out of 3,4,5, your points about 3 are exactly what makes me love this game so much despite its awful game design. I’ll say that in terms of story and characters 3 is the best one for sure. But if we rate overall package, I’ll say 5>3>>>4. But P5 only edges out if we take Royal version because the new dungeon story arc is the best part of the game.

As for the thread topic itself, I’ll answer simply - yes

Never played or watched anything for Royal. Maybe I should have skipped the original and waited for the inevitable Royal. I think I would've liked P5 a lot more if I hadn't played P3P years before it.

Short answer: Yes.

Longer answer: Of the two games you mentioned in comparison, I've only played XBC3. And I've put less than 10 hours into it. I have played Xenoblade Chronicles all the way through on Wii and Switch, and I have played Xenoblade Chronicles 2 + Torna on Switch. I actually dig that Persona is turn-based and I actually really love the social dynamic. Xenoblade games don't quite reach Persona 4 and 5, but they are must-plays.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 48 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

Barozi said:

8.5/10 for me.

Overall a great game but held back by its awful pacing. Every palace took me roughly 3 hours plus a little Mementos here and there so in the end the game is made up of about 25% combat and 75% talking. It's even worse when you've already maxed your social stats before the summer break is over and all you're left with is meeting with confidants between palaces.
Morgana is pissing me off when he decides that I can't go out anymore or worse that I have to sleep immediately. Just ask me if I want to save (which happens a few times during the final) and then skip either straight to Joker lying in bed or to the next morning.
Choices in this game are absolutely pointless or rather nonexistent. They probably only exist so your controller doesn't disconnect due to not being used for 15 minutes.

As far as recent JRPGs go, I had more fun with Yakuza Like a Dragon and Dragon Quest XI S

Yup, that's a big problem. It's more visual novel than RPG. I'd rate it an 8 at most, but more likely a 7.5 because Dragon Quest XI S was more coherent and therefore a bit better. Both P5R and DQ XI S suffer from the same problem that they overstay their welcome and the game just goes on when you wanted it to end already. It's also a problem of Tales of Vesperia where the developers decided to add one more story arc instead of leaving it be at the closure of the main story that the game is all about. All these games are long enough already, so it's not a pleasant surprise to get another ~20 hours tacked on.

Persona 5 should have had different pacing where dungeons contain multiple parts and can possibly only be played on weekends. That way the time limits of one month would have had some back and forth between RPG gameplay and dialogues instead of the awful "play the dungeon for ~3 hours, then do ~7 hours of talking until the next main objective unlocks." There's also too much talk that keeps wasting time, namely the vast majority of messages you get on your phone in the game.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

Persona 5 seems amazing, but I am hesitant to play it, I hear it is a huge time suck. Too many other games I want to play.


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this track is in the game, nuff said


RolStoppable said:
Barozi said:

8.5/10 for me.

Overall a great game but held back by its awful pacing. Every palace took me roughly 3 hours plus a little Mementos here and there so in the end the game is made up of about 25% combat and 75% talking. It's even worse when you've already maxed your social stats before the summer break is over and all you're left with is meeting with confidants between palaces.
Morgana is pissing me off when he decides that I can't go out anymore or worse that I have to sleep immediately. Just ask me if I want to save (which happens a few times during the final) and then skip either straight to Joker lying in bed or to the next morning.
Choices in this game are absolutely pointless or rather nonexistent. They probably only exist so your controller doesn't disconnect due to not being used for 15 minutes.

As far as recent JRPGs go, I had more fun with Yakuza Like a Dragon and Dragon Quest XI S

Yup, that's a big problem. It's more visual novel than RPG. I'd rate it an 8 at most, but more likely a 7.5 because Dragon Quest XI S was more coherent and therefore a bit better. Both P5R and DQ XI S suffer from the same problem that they overstay their welcome and the game just goes on when you wanted it to end already. It's also a problem of Tales of Vesperia where the developers decided to add one more story arc instead of leaving it be at the closure of the main story that the game is all about. All these games are long enough already, so it's not a pleasant surprise to get another ~20 hours tacked on.

Persona 5 should have had different pacing where dungeons contain multiple parts and can possibly only be played on weekends. That way the time limits of one month would have had some back and forth between RPG gameplay and dialogues instead of the awful "play the dungeon for ~3 hours, then do ~7 hours of talking until the next main objective unlocks." There's also too much talk that keeps wasting time, namely the vast majority of messages you get on your phone in the game.

Bolded, Dragon Quest 11 S better than Persona 5 royal. Mighty Rolstoppable has spoken. I think I should play Dragon Quest 11 S Enix still making amazing games ^^ I wonder if Eniz better than Square right now? though both are same umbrella What you think Rol ^^

SegaHeart said:

Bolded, Dragon Quest 11 S better than Persona 5 royal. Mighty Rolstoppable has spoken. I think I should play Dragon Quest 11 S Enix still making amazing games ^^ I wonder if Eniz better than Square right now? though both are same umbrella What you think Rol ^^

As you said, they are the same company. And they have been since about 20 years, so there aren't exactly two branches anymore as it has all grown together over the years.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

RolStoppable said:
SegaHeart said:

Bolded, Dragon Quest 11 S better than Persona 5 royal. Mighty Rolstoppable has spoken. I think I should play Dragon Quest 11 S Enix still making amazing games ^^ I wonder if Eniz better than Square right now? though both are same umbrella What you think Rol ^^

As you said, they are the same company. And they have been since about 20 years, so there aren't exactly two branches anymore as it has all grown together over the years.

Still, it definitely seems like the Enix "half" of the company thrived while the Square half deteriorated. Which honestly makes sense. The "merger" was more correctly Enix, which was larger pre-merger, buying Square. 

SanAndreasX said:

Still, it definitely seems like the Enix "half" of the company thrived while the Square half deteriorated. Which honestly makes sense. The "merger" was more correctly Enix, which was larger pre-merger, buying Square. 

I have a hard time remembering what Enix has done beyond Dragon Quest and all its remakes and spinoffs when it comes to IPs that are still active, but nevertheless, there's no doubt that Squaresoft has gone south. Although I'd say that their decline hasn't been as severe as many say, but that's because I don't hold their output from the 1990s in high regard.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.