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Ryuu96 said:

For HD titles, the Group will aggressively pursue a multiplatform strategy that includes Nintendo platforms, PlayStation, Xbox, and PCs. Especially, in regards to major franchises and AAA titles including catalog titles, it will build an environment where more customers can enjoy our titles.


Exclusivity was a bad thing? I'm shocked.

I applaud them pursuing multiplat. The "quantity to quality" part irks me a little. Does that mean the end to small titles like Octopath or Bravely Default? Because I like these in difference to their "AAA"-offerings.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

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Mnementh said:
Ryuu96 said:

For HD titles, the Group will aggressively pursue a multiplatform strategy that includes Nintendo platforms, PlayStation, Xbox, and PCs. Especially, in regards to major franchises and AAA titles including catalog titles, it will build an environment where more customers can enjoy our titles.


Exclusivity was a bad thing? I'm shocked.

I applaud them pursuing multiplat. The "quantity to quality" part irks me a little. Does that mean the end to small titles like Octopath or Bravely Default? Because I like these in difference to their "AAA"-offerings.

IIRC it's basically what they said in a previous report, less smaller offerings, more focus on AAA.

Quality over quantity probably means the smaller stuff like TWEWY, Bravely Default, Valkyrie, etc... are gonna be dormant/dead franchises. Shame since those were some of their best games imo.

I can’t believe Xbox is making another company start to crumble, fucking Xbox.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

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Ryuu96 said:

We have confirmation from the FTC trial already that Microsoft.

A. Is starting to demand that Xbox Gaming reaches the same profit margins as other Microsoft divisions.
B. Is unwilling to subsidize the business any further.

Just because Satya didn't pop up in emails much, doesn't mean he does absolutely nothing, he's the frigging CEO of Microsoft but Satya also has people to relay his commands for him, Amy Hood the CFO of Microsoft, Tim Stuart the CFO of MS Gaming will report to her and Phil. Either Satya will enforce his decisions down himself or Amy will do it for him.

I mean Phil shares blame too but equally, Satya shares a lot of blame too, I'm not sure why you would try to absolve the CEO of Microsoft of any responsibility but also get call out those who are apparently doing the same with Phil and again, Phil does share the blame, but Satya will be the one to demand cuts, Phil will then decide on what is cut.

Satya has long had a reputation of being cut-throat, massive layoffs aren't something he has been shy about, shortly after taking over as MS CEO he ripped through Microsoft with layoffs, shutdown an entire division (later said he regretted it, Lol). He is known as being a ruthless businessman, far more than Steve Ballmer and maybe even Bill Gates, of course investors love him for that though.

Technically, Amy Hood would be Phil's boss too and Phil has mentioned multiple times about having strategy conversations with Amy and Satya. Phil even spoke about Amy Hood being a pretty tough boss during the FTC trial. Just cause they aren't permanently on email like Phil and Matt, it doesn't mean much at all, Sarah barely spoke in emails too, doesn't mean she does nothing.

And Satya's emails are probably the ones that MS lawyer wanted to protect the most.

Nothing you stated changes the fact that Phil made these decisions.  If anything, because there is no more leeway for Phil to continue to spend money and not be accountable for it that he needed to make these decisions.  Also, lawyers cannot just keep emails away from courts or protect them.  If Satya had any say so in the direction, purchase, Acquistion or input in MS gaming, all those correspondences are game.  

Satya has a reputation just like all CEOs and that include Phil as well.  The only difference is that Phil goes out and make these public feel-good statements while Satya does whatever CEO usually does and keep to himself.  There is a lot of pressure running a company the size of MS and the same is said for Phil when he got promoted.  Yeah, before that promotion he could be mister feel good.  Now he has to account for way more than just those feel-good statements and if he wants to make sure Xbox continue, he has to make some tough sometimes painful decisions.

Ryuu, there is no technicality here.  Phil only reports to Satya and no one else.  Amy may have some input, but she does not direct Phil.  Until we hear otherwise, I suggest you all stop giving Phil a bypass here and believe that he made these decisions not because he was forced but because his job demanded he make them or MS will find someone else who probably would be way more cutthroat.

Ryuu96 said:

Also "adults" gleefully speculating who Xbox will shutdown next, making jokes directly to studios about them being shutdown next, gleefully whipping out the "I told you so" card as a form of bragging about how they were right about evil Microsoft are disgusting pieces of shit and need to go touch some grass and get the fuck out of this hobby because they help give all gamers a bad name as pathetic basement dwelling trolls.

(Saw it mentioned on ResetEra Xbox OT that Obsidian was having their timeline spammed as the next closure).

Most of those people have short memories about all the companies Sony shut down.  Hell the only company that has not shut down a studio in the last 5 years or so I believe is Nintendo but then Nintendo is never top heavy like a lot of these publishers and OEMs.  Still today, Nintendo plays it much safer and do not overextend themselves.

Machiavellian said:
Ryuu96 said:

We have confirmation from the FTC trial already that Microsoft.

A. Is starting to demand that Xbox Gaming reaches the same profit margins as other Microsoft divisions.
B. Is unwilling to subsidize the business any further.

Just because Satya didn't pop up in emails much, doesn't mean he does absolutely nothing, he's the frigging CEO of Microsoft but Satya also has people to relay his commands for him, Amy Hood the CFO of Microsoft, Tim Stuart the CFO of MS Gaming will report to her and Phil. Either Satya will enforce his decisions down himself or Amy will do it for him.

I mean Phil shares blame too but equally, Satya shares a lot of blame too, I'm not sure why you would try to absolve the CEO of Microsoft of any responsibility but also get call out those who are apparently doing the same with Phil and again, Phil does share the blame, but Satya will be the one to demand cuts, Phil will then decide on what is cut.

Satya has long had a reputation of being cut-throat, massive layoffs aren't something he has been shy about, shortly after taking over as MS CEO he ripped through Microsoft with layoffs, shutdown an entire division (later said he regretted it, Lol). He is known as being a ruthless businessman, far more than Steve Ballmer and maybe even Bill Gates, of course investors love him for that though.

Technically, Amy Hood would be Phil's boss too and Phil has mentioned multiple times about having strategy conversations with Amy and Satya. Phil even spoke about Amy Hood being a pretty tough boss during the FTC trial. Just cause they aren't permanently on email like Phil and Matt, it doesn't mean much at all, Sarah barely spoke in emails too, doesn't mean she does nothing.

And Satya's emails are probably the ones that MS lawyer wanted to protect the most.

Nothing you stated changes the fact that Phil made these decisions.  If anything, because there is no more leeway for Phil to continue to spend money and not be accountable for it that he needed to make these decisions.  Also, lawyers cannot just keep emails away from courts or protect them.  If Satya had any say so in the direction, purchase, Acquistion or input in MS gaming, all those correspondences are game.  

Satya has a reputation just like all CEOs and that include Phil as well.  The only difference is that Phil goes out and make these public feel-good statements while Satya does whatever CEO usually does and keep to himself.  There is a lot of pressure running a company the size of MS and the same is said for Phil when he got promoted.  Yeah, before that promotion he could be mister feel good.  Now he has to account for way more than just those feel-good statements and if he wants to make sure Xbox continue, he has to make some tough sometimes painful decisions.

Ryuu, there is no technicality here.  Phil only reports to Satya and no one else.  Amy may have some input, but she does not direct Phil.  Until we hear otherwise, I suggest you all stop giving Phil a bypass here and believe that he made these decisions not because he was forced but because his job demanded he make them or MS will find someone else who probably would be way more cutthroat.

I didn't say Phil doesn't make decisions, I said Satya isn't blameless, you're acting like the CEO of Microsoft doesn't do a thing in his company.

Satya tells Phil that cuts have to be made, Phil/Booty/Zenimax Boss decide where the cuts will be made, I said that. You agreed with me: "There is no more leeway for Phil to continue to spend money and not be accountable for it" - Accountable to who? Satya! Which is what we're saying! So what are you even debating about? Lol.

Satya factually does have a say so in the direction, purchase, acquisition and input in gaming. Phil straight up referred the Activision acquisition to Satya, Phil literally told Bobby to talk directly to Satya, Lol. Satya factually almost closed the Xbox division once before and told Phil to come up with a plan. Yes, Satya has a reputation as a layoff happy CEO.

Phil does not only report to Satya, it's not a technicality, Phil has literally referred to Amy Hood as his boss before. She is the frigging CFO (Chief Financial Officer) of all of Microsoft! It's not "may have some input" it's she DOES have input - Microsoft CFO Amy Hood Paying Attention to Gaming, Phil Spencer Says

Former Xbox veterans are also saying that this is all being dictated from Satya Nadella and Amy Hood.

I did not give Phil a bypass, I said he shares blame multiple times, but you were trying to argue that Satya Nadella the CEO of Microsoft just sits there twiddling his thumbs while his divisions run wild spending $80bn. The leaders tell them that cuts have to be made, in this case, Amy Hood as she is in charge of Microsoft's financials for all divisions, then the divisions decide WHAT is cut.

Both Phil and Satya share blame, as I said.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 13 May 2024

Machiavellian said:

Nothing you stated changes the fact that Phil made these decisions.  If anything, because there is no more leeway for Phil to continue to spend money and not be accountable for it that he needed to make these decisions.  Also, lawyers cannot just keep emails away from courts or protect them.  If Satya had any say so in the direction, purchase, Acquistion or input in MS gaming, all those correspondences are game.  

Satya has a reputation just like all CEOs and that include Phil as well.  The only difference is that Phil goes out and make these public feel-good statements while Satya does whatever CEO usually does and keep to himself.  There is a lot of pressure running a company the size of MS and the same is said for Phil when he got promoted.  Yeah, before that promotion he could be mister feel good.  Now he has to account for way more than just those feel-good statements and if he wants to make sure Xbox continue, he has to make some tough sometimes painful decisions.

Ryuu, there is no technicality here.  Phil only reports to Satya and no one else.  Amy may have some input, but she does not direct Phil.  Until we hear otherwise, I suggest you all stop giving Phil a bypass here and believe that he made these decisions not because he was forced but because his job demanded he make them or MS will find someone else who probably would be way more cutthroat.

But these "feel-good statements" are just fine if you ask me. I'm not sure why people point those out as something that should prevent what happened to those studios or anything hypocritical (or flip-floping or whatever things people are coming up with). Just because he is giving those studios a lot of 'space' to innovate and try out things (and tweet about his desire to do so and so far nothing is proving the opposite; he seems to be doing that) does not mean that those studios do not have answers anymore and do not have targets to reach (and def. those targets are adjusted with GamePass in mind; no matter what some idiot on tweeter claim). 

People lost their jobs, it sucks, big time, but this is just normal in the current context (look all around the industry, and not only this year); but saying that Phil Spencer should not share his vision or stuff like that because he may have to make decisions that are not going to be popular is wrong. I mean, what do you want, him to say nothing? Because the "gaming community/media" is a bunch of crybabies who make a mountain out of nothing every time, something is not a rainbow? Nah, that's not what I want.

JRPGfan said:
Machiavellian said:

To be truthful, I always thought that Phil talked to much. Its really not common for a C level exec in his position to make so many interviews.  I think of other execs doing the same Musk and how that goes.  As a CEO, you never can put anything in stone unless you back yourself into a corner and then have to make a bunch of excuses.  This is where we are today.  At no time do I ever believe any person on Phil level is a nice guy or someone who isn't going to make the hard choices or even the unpopular ones.

As to your question on if Phil quote is a 180, probably so but then again it doesn't mean he hasn't tried to go that route but it's evident its not working.  Are games like Grounded, Hi Fi Rush, Pentiment, Redfall hell even starfield growing GP or gaining any traction to making GP the service of choice.  None of those games are driving sells to MS hardware or GP and while Phil may wish to be more like his PR statements in the end he definitely has to be realistic in the state of Xbox and its position in the industry.  What is going to drive GP, Xbox to those lofty 100 million subs.  It ain't Hi Fi Rush that is for sure or Hi Fi Rush 2.

The way I see it  MS need hits like Spiderman, GOD of War, Final Fantasy.  Games like this or on this level to drive GP and hardware sells for Xbox.  MS continue to miss out on such big hits and it shows in the number those smaller games are just not doing it and at MS current state, something needs to change now, not later.

Those games are hugely expensive to make, and take forever to make too.
Whats to stop people from subscribeing for 1 game (like a big title) and then dropping the subscription afterwards (like for just 1 month).
A person like that (which there will probably be many), would be a huge loss in terms of revenue vs a actual sale.

Then theres the people that are subbed always,.... while you might go, a big title like that is why they stay subbed.
Its not really won revenue, as they are likely just perma subscribbed. Its hard to attribute it to each game, or big ones. 
Which again, will have to be split to go to multiple devs/studios.  

People look at renvue for gamepass and think "wow thats a big number".
But realistically that big number, is money thats needed to pay off studios, for their losses compaired to normal game sales.

Call of Duty is a game like that. A big title, as you wanted.
We need to see how that does, if its day and date on gamepass.
Does its revenue (call of duty's) drop off? does gamepass revenue spike upwards? How long does the subscription spike last ect.

People have started doing the sub for a month, binge watch a tv series, unsub thingy more and more (as prices of subs have gone up).
Supposedly its playing havok on some of these subscription services.  If it grows bad enough, it might imact how much they want to spend on each project. Ei. Some tv shows, might be too expensive to make, in a subscription model (if they cant depend on people sticking around).

The same issue, is without a doubt, also a problem for something like gamepass.
Its one of the reasons, MS wants all its game multplayer online GaaS type games.
Gamepass might be affecting the types of games, xbox is willing to make, and how "big" titles (budgets) are.

Yes, big games are expensive to make and take a while to bring to market if you do not have enough heads.  The thing is, those big games is what have driven Sony PS5 to sell well above and beyond what the Xbox is selling and because MS did not have anything of significance during the first few years of release, they could not even come close to keeping up.  Now, most gamers default system to get is a PS5 because they still have all those bangers even if they do not have that much new coming while MS is still struggling to get anything of significance out the door.

Think about what you said, people sub for a month play their games then drop.  This pattern actually takes a lot of work and I highly doubt most users do this.  Instead, most users will continue a subscription as long as there is enough content to keep it but if you only have one big piece to hit the service every 6 months or better than why would anyone keep the service longer than it take to finish your one big game.  This is why subs work so well because even during down time, most users are not going to sub one month drop another month then resub again when there is something new.  While the real penny pinchers will do that, that is not a normal habit.

MS cannot take another miss on having enough content to one drive sales of their hardware and drive subs to their service.  Small stuff just is not doing it especially on the console level but on the console level its all about the hits.