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You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

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So would you say going Steam and buying the games you want to play there is your best option to keep your conscience intact, your soul sober and your hobby alive?

I have to think with the current events at Xbox about Stadia and it's downfall. The day before Google pulled the plug on Stadia, their team still made deals with indies to come to the service (they still came, for the short period until shutdown). And the technical team worked on features unique to game streaming. The decision seems to have been made completely separate from the gaming division itself. And they had pretty crazy ideas, I remember something about one Google exec talking about having a billion subscribers as goal, which is entirely idiotic. Google had good streaming tech and would've been able to be competing on this still growing field, if the execs had any idea about gaming. Seems the execs at MS don't play games and the Xbox division had now their time to run on their own and the non gaming execs now intervene.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Ryuu doesn’t have a soul, he buys Ubisoft games day 1 at full price.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Around the Network
Bizwas said:

So would you say going Steam and buying the games you want to play there is your best option to keep your conscience intact, your soul sober and your hobby alive?

I wouldn't go that extreme, nobody should feel bad for still sticking with Xbox, Lol.

It's just a delivery method for our games from our favourite developers.

I love games and studios most of all. Halo, Fable, and Elder Scrolls were major releases that got me into Xbox all those years ago, and I've been a huge fan of Age of Empires for well over 20 years now. I'm also huge fans of Obsidian, inXile, Double Fine, and pretty much all Bethesda studios outside of Zenimax Online Studios. So I'll continue supporting the games and studios that have meant so much to me.

I can't worry about things that are outside of my control. Supporting the developers is all I'm focusing on.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Bizwas said:

I mean if you now sell your xbox and cancel your gamepass subscription, and let's say enough people do that so it's measurable, would that really change something? Less revenue for XBOX/ Microsoft, surely then they'll spend it on the small, niche, creative stuidios, right? No, they would just go even more in the "focus on what's bringing in the big bucks" route.

it won't have the effect I want for sure. I want MS to give Xbox the leeway it needs to complete their vision.

MS, has pretty much all the industry, as lost faith in the video game market to bring the ROI they expect. If Xbox consumer start boycotting their products, it won't have any positive outcome here, just make MS lost of faith and subsequently taken actions become self fulfilling prophecies that'll make them force even more drastic action against Xbox.

I think it's better in this case to target other MS product like dropping subs to office 365 and give has reasons their hostile action with their gaming studios.

Bizwas said:

That brings me to an honest question: what should you now do as an individual consumer who has invested in the XBOX ecosystem but 100% disapproves what just has happened and the direction that takes XBOX in?

Close your eyes, cover your ears and pretend nothing can hurt you inside your bubble. Buy the games from the studios you like, and the hardware to play them on. Nothing you do can change the direction of Xbox. The Xbox brand isn’t going anywhere. 

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

How about 1 million handwritten letters to Redmond, Washington? We should be able to find 1 million Nerds who can spare som paper and a stamp?