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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Dear PlayStation Fans: Trickle-Down Economics Isn't Real!

I'm noticing it, and maybe you are, too: PlayStation is showing increasingly greedy signs. But the one I continue to take issue with is the $10 increase in their game prices. Acting happy to pay that extra isn't the flex PS fans think it is.

No written version, but because I'm avoiding it, but because this is more of PSA video.  It's a good thing there's such a tiny Sony fandom presence on the forum... ... lol

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I am not that against the 70 euro price for a game if it's a very high budget game. Square Enix does it pretty well I think. Lower budget titles as diofield chronicles are around 50 euro (disc), while games like Forspoken and probably Final Fantasy 16 will be more expensive.

Which is better than 5he route Sony takes that everything is top dollar including TLOU p1 and to an extent Returnal. On the bright side PS games decrease in price over time. The 10 euro upgrade between versions is more stinging if you ask me.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

padib said:

It took for him to attack Sony for mods to react? Make up your minds and be more platform neutral.

Does the Steam Deck REALLY Destroy the Switch?

We haven't taken any actual action thus far.
Nor are we all Pro-Sony, you should know better than that with the amount of PC gamers on the team like myself.

Chrizum received the warning because it was an open attack on another individual, nothing to do with the platform itself, nor is this even the appropriate avenue to have a whinge.

Qwark said:

I am not that against the 70 euro price for a game if it's a very high budget game. Square Enix does it pretty well I think. Lower budget titles as diofield chronicles are around 50 euro (disc), while games like Forspoken and probably Final Fantasy 16 will be more expensive.

Which is better than 5he route Sony takes that everything is top dollar including TLOU p1 and to an extent Returnal. On the bright side PS games decrease in price over time. The 10 euro upgrade between versions is more stinging if you ask me.

Actually if games stayed at a static $60 US indefinitely, games would actually be getting cheaper over time due to inflation.

Yeah, higher prices suck. Yeah. It's not Pro-Consumer. Those are all relevant... I would prefer prices stayed the same or gotten cheaper, that benefits us the consumer... And the only way that will happen is with constructive criticism.

There has been a ton of examples in the past where console manufacturers have done something absurd, only for the community to create an uproar, which in return has meant the reversal of a policy.
Sadly that hasn't happened with these price increases.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

I don't enjoy the price increases but Playstation games get price degrees over time. I observe this is more of a concern no early adopters, because they will absolutely need to pay full price for anything

But if you adopt a bit later (3-4 years after launch) the odds is that you will get the same games less expensive than they were at launch. I've found Returnal and Demon Souls for 200 BRL (~40 USD) which is 43% off compared to when they launched. I'm sure is more few years they will be 150 BRL then 100 BRL. Indeed you can literally buy half a dozen of PS4 first party for 60 BRL (~12 BRL). Sony and Ubisoft are the AAA publishers who have the least expensive games in long term

Is Sony's succes our greatest enemy?


Vengeance 32 gb

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IcaroRibeiro said:

I don't enjoy the price increases but Playstation games get price degrees over time. I observe this is more of a concern no early adopters, because they will absolutely need to pay full price for anything

But if you adopt a bit later (3-4 years after launch) the odds is that you will get the same games less expensive than they were at launch.

3 - 4 years? Unsually the price drops are much much sooner.

I got R&C Rift Apart just five weeks after release for ~€50:

Conina said:
IcaroRibeiro said:

I don't enjoy the price increases but Playstation games get price degrees over time. I observe this is more of a concern no early adopters, because they will absolutely need to pay full price for anything

But if you adopt a bit later (3-4 years after launch) the odds is that you will get the same games less expensive than they were at launch.

3 - 4 years? Unsually the price drops are much much sooner.

I got R&C Rift Apart just five weeks after release for ~€50:

Yup, as I state I got demon souls for 200 BRL (launch price was 350), and the game isn't even 2 years old yet. I meant 3 to 4 years because it's already enough time to have a decently sized host of games costing less than 70 USD

I believe after 4 years every Sony first party will be already down to 30 USD

Chrkeller said:

Is Sony's succes our greatest enemy?

Does the PS5 REALLY destroy the Switch? 

OT: Sony is reacting to the rising price of game development. $70 sucks, but if you are patient, they will have pretty good deals down the road. 

You want to talk predatory, there is nothing more predatory than paid gachapon and loot boxes. They are basically casinos targeted in part towarda children. Only casinos pay out cash instead of collections of polygons. EA, Activision, Rockstar, Epic, Tencent, NetEase, and Hoyoverse make billions off of whales. Sony tried to pull some shady stuff with GT7, but backed off over public outcry. Meanwhile Activision is having an “I told you so” moment as people pump millions of dollars into Diablo Immortal.

Last edited by SanAndreasX - on 10 September 2022

Mar1217 said:

Greed for greed's sake isn't something I'd want to encourage with the "oh, it doesn't affect me so it's fine" or " just wait for the sales, they're cheaper that way" crowd.

I mean... I prefer optional DLCs and MTX followed by stiff price discounts to the second option: Keeping the 60 USD price forever (Hello Ninty)

It's simply much cheaper that way

The simple fact this is even up for debate is a bit concerning, because shows how some customers completely lack self-control and are prone to impulse-buying thus spending more money than they need to. While gaming company's exploitation does indeed sucks, this shows the problem is deeper and rooted and bad consuming habits, but I guess this is a much broader discussion and I have no basis or knowledge background to explain why the heck people pay 70 USD for games that they don't even hate time to play due to big gaming backlogs, why not just waiting?

RolStoppable said:
Chrkeller said:

Is Sony's succes our greatest enemy?

Not really. This video focuses on an actual issue ($10 price increase for games) and brings up at least one good reason why games don't need to cost more at launch: That the market is much bigger than in the past and therefore individual games sell more copies than they used to.

Other reasons why games don't need to cost more are the rising number of DLCs and MTXs which provide developers with much more income than the price tag for the base game.

It's a pretty tame video in comparison with the stuff he makes about Nintendo. Of course, this video is still pretty bad, because it spends more than half of its runtime on addressing strawman arguments or things that only a tiny fraction of PlayStation's internet fanbase would say. Can't get by without a good dose of bait, I guess.

Companies don't set prices based on need, but based on what consumers will pay.  If people will pay $70 a game, I don't blame Sony.  Just like I don't blame Nintendo for not lowering the price of the switch.  Why intentionally make less money?


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED