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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

SanAndreasX said:
KratosLives said:

Part of me feels that biden wants all this to be happening. He had already thought through the long list of sanctions weeks ago, he spoke about there will be a catastrophic disater of civillian death rate thanks to putin. A crippled russia is exactly what he wants. Was it worth not trying to negotiate with putin, even if not 100%favorable? is it worth the deaths thousands, possible hundreds of thousands if nuclar warfare is used, and half the population fleeing the country , over policies?

The whole point of a government is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of civillians, foremost. And when that all goes to shit, then you have to ask, did they do everything they can. Did the ukraninan govern,ent/president think putin was bluffing? find that hard to believe. Some one please tell me how what is happening now and what will happen, is not worse that trying to come to terms with putin. Of all people , putin is the last person to test patience with. This is all baffling. Which takes me back to, not one of them in power truly care about the people or civillian loss. Biden will be fine with russian taking over and trying to fight ukraine , hoping to get depleted and drainined economically, weakened. Though biden may be right in the end, the death toll will be huge, and all for power.

Putin's idea of negotiating is, "If you obey me, I might not kill you." That's not negotiation, that's extortion. 

What did putin want?

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KratosLives said:
SanAndreasX said:

Putin's idea of negotiating is, "If you obey me, I might not kill you." That's not negotiation, that's extortion. 

What did putin want?

He wants the subjugation of Ukraine. He wants an obedient puppet government installed in Kyiv, similar to the one in Belarus, whose president is a willing participant in Putin's crimes. The Ukrainians do not want to be a vassal state of Russia. And since he didn't get what he wanted, he's now throwing a tantrum. This war is entirely on him.

Frankly, I couldn't care less what Putin wants. The only thing Putin needs is to be killed. 

When you bow down before terrorists, it only emboldens them.

SecondWar said:
SecondWar said:

I'm curious how some sports like tennis, where players compete as individuals rather than nations, handle the bans.

There's a big tournament in Indian Wells next week. The full draw isn't out yet but the seeds are. The men's draw has 4 Russian players. The Women's has 2 Russian and 2 Belarusian, but also 1 Ukrainian. Could well be contentious if the Ukrainian player is drawn to play any of the Russians or Belarusians.

With the football ban, unsurprisingly Russia are whinging about the ban being unfair and are going to challenge it, as expected. But given such bans have been applied to South Africa and Yugoslavia in the past I can't see them overturning it. And they can go whistle as far as I'm concerned.

Formula 1 have just annouced that Russian driver Nikita Mazepin is permitted to complete in this year’s championship albeit not under the Russian flag (so if he gets on the podium in any race it will be under to FIA flag). I can understand them drawing a distinction between a Russian person and Russian national teams here - and this might be reflected in other sports like tennis

The UK Motorsport body has just banned Russian drivers from competing in the UK. So Nikita Mazepin can't compete in the British Grand Prix despite being in the F1 Championship.

KratosLives said:
Pemalite said:

It would embolden China to take Taiwan if it knows the west is only going to bark.

where will russia keep getting it's money to fight a long war. Russia will have to fight the people , and possibly neighbouring countries. Could china survive the same sanctions russia is getting ?

You can print money and Russia can build their own stuff.
China could survive sanctions as well, was doing fine on their own for many centuries.

And some still try to tell us it's Ukraine's own fault, ask if they couldn't do more to prevent it, that the West is to blame and so on... man, why would anyone be such a inhuman person if it's not Putin or some of his close friends who could profit from this war if Russia succeeds?

This whole blaming of the defenders is just so unbelievable stupid. Going as far as to tell us that Ukraine was aligning their weapons in Russia's direction and threatening Russia. Like, yes, you obviously have your weapons directed at your foe and not your allies but that doesn't mean that you will use them nor that you have to be annihilated. Otherwise half the planet would have attacked Russia already because Russia does obviously the same.

But Russia is the country really killing people now in an invasion. Not the Ukraine, not the EU or whatever.

So please just shut up if you really are that crazy to defend Russia's plan even if you aren't saying it directly.

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SvennoJ said:
KratosLives said:

where will russia keep getting it's money to fight a long war. Russia will have to fight the people , and possibly neighbouring countries. Could china survive the same sanctions russia is getting ?

You can print money and Russia can build their own stuff.
China could survive sanctions as well, was doing fine on their own for many centuries.

Printing money is literally pointless in this context. Ask Germany after ww2, people were burning cash just to start fires. China alone cannot sustain Russia, and if they tried, they'd be hurt economically by it both in the short and long run.

Also, it took decades for China to adjust to the global market. And that was when their population was a LOT less. If they were to tie themselves to the sinking stone that is Putin then the sanctions they get wouldn't take decades to impact their economy, but rather weeks and months. Decades of slowly getting where they are on the global stage would be (not entirely, but significantly) undone within weeks/months, and they have a MUCH larger population to provide for now than they did half a century ago. 

We will see how far loyalty to authoritarian, scary governments lasts when 100 million+ in Russia and 1 billion+ in China are living in increasingly worse economics situations all because of their governments stupidity. The larger a rebellion grows, the less likely you as an individual will have to fear by joining it. 

If China is smart, they will let Putin take this fall and act like they had nothing to do with it, retract from their Taiwan threat, and live to fight another day after a couple decades of everyone pacifying before attempting to do it again. If they are dumb, they will support Russia, and their own uncontrollably large population will rise against them.

I'm actually starting to hope that a lot of civilians leave.

While it's admirable they wish to defend their country against this dreadful invasion, they simply don't stand a chance. A reported 2000 civilians have died already in this senseless war. Russia doesn't seem like they will stop and are starting to get even more careless with their strikes.

Ryuu96 said:

You know you're doing something right when the extreme left and the extreme right vote against it.

ClassicGamingWizzz said:

They should not tell open what they are giving them, make it a surprise.

Probably more important at this point to boost Ukrainian morale and deter Russian aggression than to bait an attack even if you think you would be equipped for it. The last thing Ukraine needs is more violence.

Ryuu96 said:

The phrase 'bite me' comes to mind.

Ryuu96 said:

Kinda goes without saying. It's currently Russia most obvious weak link. I have no military experience and it would be the first thign I'd tell them to target.