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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Switch OLED model just got announced.

burninmylight said:
tsogud said:

Some games already don't run well on it without a mid-gen upgrade... Nintendo published games to boot. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has performance problems and the resolution suffers, Age of Calamity is a mess both in performance and visual fidelity, even Bowser's Fury has frame rate dips (although it's very playable), Link's Awakening stutters and has frame rate dips as well as a lower resolution than expected. Some of these issues could just be issues of poor optimization but a lot are because of hardware limitations.

I primarily play portable only docked when playing Smash, Mario Kart, and Mario Party with family and friends so I don't care about 4K at all. I only want to be able to play Nintendo games at a stable performance and at least at a dynamic 720p but my original Switch can't even handle that. It's not an unreasonable request from Nintendo.

I don't expect a mid-gen hardware upgrade any time soon but judging by Nintendo's past with New 3ds, DSi and even GBA and GB it's highly likely it's going to happen and a lot of people, including me, will be glad to play Nintendo games at acceptable performances when/if it comes out.

I think that having the devs optimize the games on the consoles we already have is a better idea than forcing another hardware paywall onto us to get the same games, but just running somewhat better on remixed consoles.

Obviously optimization is a must and should happen anyways, but it hasn't for a lot of games and it's likely not going to as time goes on, especially with third parties. A lot of first party games, even BOTW, has performance issues that still plague it to this day. If Nintendo can't even optimize their games enough to fix it with the hardware they have there's an issue with hardware.

Also no one would be forcing you to buy a switch "pro." Just because you think of it as a paywall it doesn't mean it's fair to think that others who care about performance, and would pay for better running games, should not have that option. If you don't want that option fine don't buy it if it comes.


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Norion said:
curl-6 said:

Well, just personally, the reason I'm glad it's not a power upgrade is because I don't want devs having to optimize for more configurations or targeting the Pro model to mean that games are worse optimized for the base Switch I own, or just skip the base model altogether.

For exclusives I don't think that's something to be worried about too much since the New 3DS didn't get many exclusives though it is more of a concern than for the other two since they mandate that everything has to run on all versions. I could see a scenario where a more powerful model would get native ports of big games more often instead of a cloud version but games like that generally skip the Switch anyway due to how weak it is so it's not really a case of losing out. It's like how base 3DS owners weren't missing out when Minecraft wasn't playable on their 3DS version since it was too weak for it anyway.

For games potentially being worse optimized on the base Switch as a result I doubt that'd be a significant thing since the weaker models would make up the vast majority of Switch owners and I don't think late 8th gen games would've ran much better on the base PS4 and Xbox One if the Pro and X didn't exist.

In my view the benefits of it existing would outweigh any potential negatives like how the Pro and X existing was overall positive but I can understand wanting to avoid a feeling of being left out if there was no chance you'd buy a more powerful revision.

I still worry that with more different models to optimize for we'd see scenarios like Hyrule Warriors on 3DS which ran at 20fps on base models and was clearly made with the New model as the lead.

I also suspect if Switch Pro had been a thing in say, 2020, games like Doom Eternal may have skipped the base model as it would be a lot easier to have a higher baseline to work with. As it is, with only the original hardware, they had to put the effort in and I got to play it on my launch model Switch.

So while a midgen upgrade in power isn't something I want or would buy, I cannot help but have reservations that it would have a negative impact on me as base Switch owner.

Last edited by curl-6 - on 07 July 2021

mZuzek said:
ZyroXZ2 said:

Ohhhhh, you mean, like all console manufacturers, there will eventually be another, more powerful system?

Come on, man, you literally know that's not the point, here lol

In fact, let me change the frame of reference: the PS4 Slim released at the same price as the base PS4, the Xbox One S released at the same price as the base Xbox One.  If Nintendo was going to do a redesign/refresh, they could have simply replaced the normal Switch (or dropped the normal switch to $250 to slot this one at $300).

Instead, Nintendo fans have to defend this by saying, "well, it's got an OLED screen and it's for people who don't already own a Switch" in which a PSVita had an OLED 10 years ago so it's not "expensive" screen technology, it's 720p, and it's using hardware released in 2015.  The absolute MINIMUM logical choice was to price it as a replacement for the base Switch which would clearly follow in line with redesigns that have happened to other consoles as well.  You don't charge more if you aren't upgrading the core components that were already made in 2015 (two years prior to the release of the Switch itself), that's just pure greed and taking advantage of fan blind loyalty.

Why is it a matter of "defending" Nintendo? There is nothing to defend or attack here. They announced a new hardware revision that does not affect me or you or anyone. It has no effect. Wanna buy it, buy it. Don't want to, don't. I agree the price is too high but it does not matter to anyone because it doesn't change the price of the product that was already there.

Nintendo does a lot of anti-consumer shit, but this is absolutely not it.

Edit: what's funniest here to me is how your side of the argument, the "non-Nintendo apologists", is angry at the fact that Nintendo has not announced a product that'd make you give Nintendo money. Yet my side, who is apparently "Nintendo apologists", is happy that they've given me no reason to give them more money.

I think the problem here is, at least with me, is that most people are posting "hahah good I don't want a switch pro" "they shouldn't make a switch pro" "switch pro would just make games run like shit" when honestly none of that makes any sense if you're thinking about it logically. It just shits on people who would pay for a more premium product that gives existing games a good boost in performance.

I buy Nintendo games and hardware to have fun but if the existing hardware is dampening the experience I'm getting with Nintendo games, that are already fully optimized, I'm going to want better hardware to remedy this issue so I can get back to having fun. A "pro" variant of the current Switch doesn't take away anything from existing players but gives an option for ones that want it. So far the prevailing argument is that people are afraid of missing out, so they're shitting on other people's wants.When in reality you'd be missing out anyway if there isn't a "pro" variant because a lot of third parties would just skip the inferior hardware going forward or do a cloud version if you're into that. And also existing Nintendo first party games that have performance issues would still run bad forever. Everyone loses.


tsogud said:
burninmylight said:

I think that having the devs optimize the games on the consoles we already have is a better idea than forcing another hardware paywall onto us to get the same games, but just running somewhat better on remixed consoles.

Obviously optimization is a must and should happen anyways, but it hasn't for a lot of games and it's likely not going to as time goes on, especially with third parties. A lot of first party games, even BOTW, has performance issues that still plague it to this day. If Nintendo can't even optimize their games enough to fix it with the hardware they have there's an issue with hardware.

Also no one would be forcing you to buy a switch "pro." Just because you think of it as a paywall it doesn't mean it's fair to think that others who care about performance, and would pay for better running games, should not have that option. If you don't want that option fine don't buy it if it comes.

If Nintendo followed your logic, we would still be waiting on Ocarina of Time. A game that has bugs and performance issues in some areas, by the way.

If you want every game to be perfectly optimized and to run completely frame-drop free and to never do things like lower resolution, pop in assets, load textures late, or screen tear, all with decent load times, then we'd still be waiting on every game that isn't 2-D and sprite based.

And no one is forcing you to play Switch games. Because you have a tingle in your loins for mid-gen consoles that might run some games better, force devs to spend more time optimizing for more hardware profiles, and potentially fracture the market with exclusives, not to mention possibly give the base console version the short end of the stick, there are two consoles out there for you: the PS4 Pro and the Xbox One X. There's also this cool gaming device called a personal computer that I imagine would be up your alley. You'd love the modding community. Just because you can't accept that other console publishers do what Nintendon't, doesn't meant it's fair to expect Nintendo to do it too. If you don't like it, fine, don't play Switch games.

tsogud said:
mZuzek said:

Why is it a matter of "defending" Nintendo? There is nothing to defend or attack here. They announced a new hardware revision that does not affect me or you or anyone. It has no effect. Wanna buy it, buy it. Don't want to, don't. I agree the price is too high but it does not matter to anyone because it doesn't change the price of the product that was already there.

Nintendo does a lot of anti-consumer shit, but this is absolutely not it.

Edit: what's funniest here to me is how your side of the argument, the "non-Nintendo apologists", is angry at the fact that Nintendo has not announced a product that'd make you give Nintendo money. Yet my side, who is apparently "Nintendo apologists", is happy that they've given me no reason to give them more money.

I think the problem here is, at least with me, is that most people are posting "hahah good I don't want a switch pro" "they shouldn't make a switch pro" "switch pro would just make games run like shit" when honestly none of that makes any sense if you're thinking about it logically. It just shits on people who would pay for a more premium product that gives existing games a good boost in performance.

I buy Nintendo games and hardware to have fun but if the existing hardware is dampening the experience I'm getting with Nintendo games, that are already fully optimized, I'm going to want better hardware to remedy this issue so I can get back to having fun. A "pro" variant of the current Switch doesn't take away anything from existing players but gives an option for ones that want it. So far the prevailing argument is that people are afraid of missing out, so they're shitting on other people's wants.When in reality you'd be missing out anyway if there isn't a "pro" variant because a lot of third parties would just skip the inferior hardware going forward or do a cloud version if you're into that. And also existing Nintendo first party games that have performance issues would still run bad forever. Everyone loses.

I haven't lost at all. Less hardware profiles to optimize for means fewer badly optimized games on my base Switch, and no games locked away behind the 'Pro' model to try to pressure me into upgrading. I get to carry on enjoying my launch Switch without either worry, which is a win in my book.

Last edited by curl-6 - on 08 July 2021

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Kristof81 said:

It's a great upgrade if you predominantly play in a handheld and/or tabletop mode. Otherwise, the old Switch + the SD card and LAN adapter are better value. I'm pretty sure it will sell like hotcakes regardless. I'd most likely get one if my old Switch breaks beyond repair. That's if it's not going to be scalped to death by this time, of course.

Exactly what I've been saying. If I didn't have a Switch and was on the fence and eventually decided to get one, I'd go with the OLED model. As for lite owners, there will be plenty that will jump at the chance to upgrade to a larger screen and better audio.

It isn't for people who primarily play docked and I'm sure a spokesperson for Nintendo has already claimed as such.

A little lesser than what I expected.
I expected another upgrade in the chip, like makito, and it would improve the efficiency, battery life (and would be in any switch family member).
The OLED model would come with the larger screen, but at 1080p, and the new chip would allow the option to play in tv specs while on handheld (and you could switch on or off this option whenever you like, like battery vs performance modes).
And also 128 gb storage.

I think these mid-gen systems have just been some nasty attempts to get people to double dip, and provides the developers with the option of phoning in the ports for the base systems (Cyberpunk being the worst example, but many others suffer similarly). I am happy that Nintendo didn't go this route this time. Now 87 million won't be left with weaker experiences.

curl-6 said:
IcaroRibeiro said:

It was the standard modo operadis for Nintendo handhelds I think, they used to release an slightly updated version and then decreased the price of the more standard version. They did it even for DS in their peak and DS was selling over 30 million a year even more than Switch 

But this time my impression is they want to sell OLED as a premium version, you don't sell a perceveid more "premium" product with a standard price. They can still decrease Switch price anywhere in future anyways and make OLED 300 USD when they think it's the right time 

Edit: I think I also misunderstood Nintendo's strategy. I was sure they were going for a very long console lifestyle, 7 to 8 years and they were willing to make early adopters to purchase another version, of you sell a cheaper product you can keep new model sales high for years. But maybe Switch life won't be that big and they are satisfied with people buying only one copy, after all the true money is on software and people won't buy the same software twice just because they got a new Switch 

Yeah I think Nintendo is treating the Switch somewhat differently from their past handhelds, as evidenced by them launching it at console price point. If people are still more than happy to buy 350-400k base Switches a week at $300 a pop more than four years after launch, Nintendo apparently figures a version with several improvements can do well at $50 more.

We'll see; maybe even once the OLED is out most people will still opt for the base model, just like most people still choose the base model over the Lite in spite of the latter being $100 cheaper.

I think Nintendo is possibly trying here, what a possible price cut might do. If people buy mostly OLED version despite being $50 more, it is obvious that a pricedrop wouldn't do much. If on the other hand the sales are split or OG is selling better than OLED, than Nintendo might consider a pricedrop, as the $50 difference seem to make a major difference. We'll see how the market react.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

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ZyroXZ2 said:
Shiken said:

The entire premise of a more notably  powerful Switch was based off of Nintendo copying what Sony and MS did with the Pro and One X.  But when you stop and consider that Nintendo doesn't follow the strategies of the the other two, it should be no suprise that the rumors turned out to be...rumors.

So really, it has more to do with thinking logically instead of relying on rumors and getting caught up it hype than it does being an "apologist".  Especially when Nintendo's most successful devices have always been behind in power anyway, as is the case with Switch as well.

Now I am not saying it is wrong to desire a more powerful Switch, but to call someone an "apologist" for not getting their hopes up from rumors and remembering what company we are talking about is a bit much.

 Accepting that Nintendo, the same people who brought us some of the most innovative games and hardware (I mean, come on, y'all know we owe controller vibration to the "Rumble Pak"), are not that Nintendo anymore should not be the "core" community.  That's... well, that's depressing, is it not?

I always chortle when people post an opinion as though it were fact.  Personally I find the hybrid design incredibly innovative and frankly game changing.  Now most of that is because I am a parent.  We have two docks in the house, so I can move throughout the house and continue playing depending on what my kids want to do.  This has increased my ability to play games significantly.  The portable function is also stellar with kids + long car rides.  The Switch design is brilliant and has personally changed my gaming habits.

On the flip side, many see the ps5 as innovative, as an owner I see it is a ps4 with more power.  There is zero innovation.  The haptic triggers are meh, in fact my wife thought the controller was broken when she first played the ps5.  The lack of loads times is nice, but hasn't changed gaming.

Now I'm not saying anybody has to agree with my personal views, just pointing out not everybody sees things the way you do.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED