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ZyroXZ2 said:
Shiken said:

The entire premise of a more notably  powerful Switch was based off of Nintendo copying what Sony and MS did with the Pro and One X.  But when you stop and consider that Nintendo doesn't follow the strategies of the the other two, it should be no suprise that the rumors turned out to be...rumors.

So really, it has more to do with thinking logically instead of relying on rumors and getting caught up it hype than it does being an "apologist".  Especially when Nintendo's most successful devices have always been behind in power anyway, as is the case with Switch as well.

Now I am not saying it is wrong to desire a more powerful Switch, but to call someone an "apologist" for not getting their hopes up from rumors and remembering what company we are talking about is a bit much.

 Accepting that Nintendo, the same people who brought us some of the most innovative games and hardware (I mean, come on, y'all know we owe controller vibration to the "Rumble Pak"), are not that Nintendo anymore should not be the "core" community.  That's... well, that's depressing, is it not?

I always chortle when people post an opinion as though it were fact.  Personally I find the hybrid design incredibly innovative and frankly game changing.  Now most of that is because I am a parent.  We have two docks in the house, so I can move throughout the house and continue playing depending on what my kids want to do.  This has increased my ability to play games significantly.  The portable function is also stellar with kids + long car rides.  The Switch design is brilliant and has personally changed my gaming habits.

On the flip side, many see the ps5 as innovative, as an owner I see it is a ps4 with more power.  There is zero innovation.  The haptic triggers are meh, in fact my wife thought the controller was broken when she first played the ps5.  The lack of loads times is nice, but hasn't changed gaming.

Now I'm not saying anybody has to agree with my personal views, just pointing out not everybody sees things the way you do.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED